This site
enables you to contact Rabbi Forsythe for a purpose other than asking a shaalah
examples of some which have been received: Plony Almony, Lady X, Mr. Torah, etc.)
All sincere communications are warmly
encouraged. Please do not write the same letter twice (some people have been sending the
same communication to both "Ask Your Question" and "Contact"). ONLY
WRITE ONCE and use the one choice ("Ask" OR "Contact") that is MOST
APPROPRIATELY SUITED to the nature of your communication. This CONTACT feature is for engaging Rabbi
Forsythe's professional services. Please keep your writing concise, practical and to-the-point. Fill out all of
the information on the form and make sure your email address is precise and
verified. Other purposes are not acceptable (e.g. sending poetry,
advertisements or jokes; any attempt at debating or scholarly discourse; asking for your
basherte, etc).
Do not ever send attachments.
Make sure that you give a VALID AND VERIFIED email address. When an incorrect email
address is furnished, reply to you is not possible. Your email address for reply from
either "Ask" or "Contact" must be precise for you to receive a
This can possibly include to:
* speak (shul, school, institutional
function, shabatone, outreach, adult education series, etc.),
* arrange private counseling,
* do writing for publication,
* request the advance permission required
to publish writings contained on this site,
* send Rabbi Forsythe constructive
suggestions about this site,
* you may briefly describe a situation,
interest or need and request tape program recommendations,
* answer a more delicate or urgent question
which is not appropriate for the more public "Ask Rabbi Forsythe Your Question"
feature of this site,
* etc.
Rabbi Forsythe plans to give all sincere
questions serious, timely and respectful consideration; as circumstances permit.
All questions must have your name and other
requested information in order to be accepted. We ask that you please do not ever send
attachments with your e-mail nor ever send anonymous communications.
Questions will be rejected if there is an
attachment, if the question is not suitable to Rabbi Forsythe, if the English or the
purpose is unclear, etc. Acceptance is solely subject to Rabbi Forsythe's
discretion. No academic nor comparative religion questions will be accepted. Only
practical material, derived from or consistent with Jewish instruction, will be accepted.
Sincere, respectful and relevant communications are warmly encouraged. However,
please keep to the basic purpose of the site. The ASK YOUR QUESTION feature of Rabbi
Forsythe's website is for people to ask questions to improve their lives, marriages,
families, relationships, mate-seeking efforts, inner growth and handling of inner
struggles; through Rabbi Forsythe's Torah and psychological research, knowledge, insight
and experience. The CONTACT RABBI FORSYTHE feature is to enable people to communicate with
Rabbi Forsythe to spread Torah or to help improve people's lives on a large scale through
his professional work and expertise, such as private counseling, public speaking and
workshops, acquiring his tapes or to write for publication. Please understand that
communications for involvement in your personal projects (such as making a shiduch, asking
Rabbi Forsythe to volunteer to design your school curriculum, receiving your resume or
request to help get you a job, or to get you in to a school or kollel) can not be
Answering of questions might be delayed
e.g. if Rabbi Forsythe is out of town (e.g. lecturing) or if his workload at the time is
extremely heavy.
Please write clearly the purpose for your
contact and tell Rabbi Forsythe how to reach you. Supply:
* first name,
* last name,
* title if any, e.g. rabbi, principal, etc,
* full address,
* e-mail address,
* (for speaking engagements) location and
type of congregation or institution, audience, type and goal of program,
* (for publishing writing) describe
publication, philosophy, readership, assignment (guidelines, scope and goal).
It is most important that your text clearly
communicate your essential purpose in writing and what is unique and relevant to your
Please do NOT send email on Fridays after
mid-morning, Saturdays, all major Jewish holidays, Chol HoMoed - the intermediate days of
Passover and Sukkos, Purim, Tisha B'Av nor on the two days before Passover and before
Sukkos. Thank you.
Rabbi Forsythe |