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Empower yourself, enjoy life! Not
just another book, but a series of lessons - each one geared to change
our lives, turning darkness to light, misery to joy, shame into
dignity; to give us a sense of direction, that we may advance through
life with enthusiasm, passion, that every day become a jewel, a
treasure, a source of great pleasure and enjoyment. 91 pages

Handful of Light - The Ramban wrote a famous letter to his
son. In this short work he sets out a path that leads to the highest of
human achieve- ments -- acquiring lofty attributes and attitudes. This
commentary interprets this letter, throwing light on its teachings that
the reader may explore his ideas in a deeper, more effective way. 287

Happy and Succeed - Common sense, and the Torah itself,
obligates us to be happy. Happiness after all, is a great highway that
leads to every success. The problem is however, that the formula for
happiness is not simple. "Keep Smiling" first addressed this issue. "Be
Happy and Succeed" takes these teachings a step forward, that we may
learn to be happier, more successful people. 244 pages

a King Press your finger on the Happiness Button. Watch the
button light up. See your life – your world –
change color, glow with light, with joy. Now press the button again.
Keep pressing that button during the day. For inside it there's a
spring and it won't stay down by itself. We need to keep pushing it
throughout our day. 240 pages.

Ways - We speak to ourselves all day, every day. Some of what
we tell ourselves inspires us, fills us with joy. Other things only
pull us down. Arranged according to 176 topics, Heavenly Ways gives us
a Torah-based point of view, affirmations to use, that we accelerate
our journey along healthful, heavenly ways. 174 pages