Empower yourself, enjoy life!
PiCK-ME-UPs: Empower yourself, enjoy life!Not just another book, but a series of lessons to change our lives, turning darkness to light, misery to joy, shame into dignity; giving us a sense of direction, that we may move through our days with enthusiasm and passion, turning each moment into a jewel, a treasure, and a source of great pleasure and enjoyment.

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Review from ...
hamodia newspaper
“Pick-Me-Ups” – Empower Yourself
to Enjoy Life
by Sheindal Weinbach

Most people begin the day with a cup of coffee (anyone out there still drink tea in the morning?). Well, how about a spiritual pick-up to give tone and direction to the day?

It takes a very positive person to think of that, and Avraham Tzvi Schwartz, who describes himself as “part student, part teacher, part reader and part writer”, has been despatching positive pithy pick-ups for the past period [of ten years] by email post and publishing them for general distribution. [No pickled peppers for him!]

After a “Handful of Light”, “The Need to Be Great”, “Keep Smiling” and four others, he has come out with “Pick-Me-Ups.”

With over 800 enthusiastic subscribers to his short daily positive message, he has found a donor to subsidize free distribution of this latest softcover book. You Pick it Up and you Put it Down, Pick it Up and Put it Down. Not to be read in one sitting, which would defeat the purpose. Like three cups of coffee. (Too much sugar, besides.)

And now for some excerpts to pick you up and make you pick up the phone to order.

LIFE: Life is a gift. We must live and share it with others. We must enjoy and love it. We must learn and understand it. We must stay on top of it and conquer it. And, we must say “thank you”. [S.W. A brachah acharonah on that cup of spiritual coffee…]

HIGHER PLEASURES: Really, we were made for pleasure. So, why do we suffer? Our hidden potential demands that we become greater people – people who can appreciate and enjoy the higher, heavenly pleasures that await us. To become such people we must pay a price – in exertion, stress and pain.

In his chapter on SMILING

NO RESPONSE: Not to return a greeting – to ignore the one who says hello – is a form of theft (Brochos 6b). Seemingly, then, when we greet others, we lay an obstacle before them. For if they don’t return our greeting, they steal.

One solution is… smile. This way, they may treat it as our greeting or not. Our smile can simply be a sign of the pleasure we take from seeing them.

FAVORS OR ORDERS: What is better, asking for a favor or giving orders? Asking for a favor every time. For the other person, it preserves his dignity. For us, it produces superior results.

HIS NEXT SUCCESS: To tell a pauper that he is a king is to make fun of him. but to show a pauper, with our words and actions, that he is the best pauper we know, is to point him towards his next success.

INSTEAD OF WAITING: Instead of waiting for wonderful things to happen to us, we need to focus on being wonderful people – then wonderful things will happen to us.. 

Too much coffee for one sitting…

  Review from ...
Review from Jewish Press, The Book Shelf, Title: Pick Me Ups, by Rosally Saltsman
Ever hear something really thought provoking and say, “Hey, yeah, that’s so true. I need to write that down!”? Well, this is a book full of those kinds of axioms. Pick me Ups is the tenth book in prolific author Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz’s series of books to uplift and inspire. Part self-help, part self-actualization, Pick Me Ups is a collection of short pithy sayings perfectly attuned to a world in which people are short in time and attention yet big on goals and aspirations. Focusing on self-improvement from the inside out, the book is divided into sections, among them: Happiness, love, wealth and self-improvement, the areas in our lives which are our top priorities but which we seldom devote enough time and energy to.

These sayings are no clichés but powerful meditations which when focused on will enrich the reader’s inner life and by extension, outer world, taking those in his path along with him. Stemming from a daily newsletter that spans the globe, these transformational thoughts with the illumination of Torah and the lexicon of the self-improvement savvy, provide an oasis of introspection in a busy day that will nurture your mind, body and soul. These thought-provoking truths are both a level that we need to adopt and aspire to and reminders of what we can achieve in life. Succinct tidbits of inspiration which you can “pick-up” at any moment of the day when you need a bit of encouragement and motivation. 

An Excerpt:  “We all admire the person with a quick tongue and sharp sense of humor. However, the ability to radiate warmth, love and affection towards the people in our lives is many times more valuable.”
Rabbi Schwartz radiates hope and positive energy through the deceptively simple yet deeply spiritual observations in his book.

Amazon -- Most Helpful Customer Reviews (click to view at Amazon

 5 stars Inspiring , Powerful and Life Changing, April 13, 2008  By Mr. Grant Jackson (London England) - (REAL NAME)
This is a powerful, and beautiful book, written by an inspiring author Avraham Schwartz packed with, life changing words, that will elevate and inspire you to a greater perception of life at a personal level and beyond. Use the sentences as a form of meditation they will move you on to higher levels of focus, energy, happiness, and success and to enjoy life at all levels , and enable you to have a greater perspective and love of your fellow man and the universe around us.
This is the tenth book that I have read by this author, and his writings only gets better, and more inspiring, he really is a rare diamond in this universe.

 5 stars Read a bit every day, April 13, 2008  By Chava (Jerusalem, Israel)
This is not a book to sit down and read in one sitting (although sometimes I find it hard to stop reading.) It's more a book to pick up before breakfast and read a paragraph or two or three. It may make you smile. It may seem unimportant. But I find what I read popping up in my mind throughout the day. Sometimes it helps me in a difficult situation. Sometimes I just recognize the truth and reality in what I read. And sometimes (and this is the best) it makes me stop and think and see all the good in the world and in my life, or in my life as I could make it be. Give this book to someone you care about as a way of caring.

5 stars Every meditation a spiritual (and physical) "Prozac", May 2, 2008 By     Alan Silver (NY USA)
This is a book of Rabbi Schwartz's original meditations drawn from the breadth and depth of almost all areas of traditional Jewish literature - from both the revealed and mystical teachings. Each meditation is usually only two or three sentences - but power-packed! They are grouped into many different sections - each section dealing with an area of life that usually presents most people with deep challenges and struggles on the one hand and deep rewards, pleasure and holiness on the other. Each meditation is designed to target one aspect of each of these areas of life to help heal and strengthen that aspect of life. All of the meditations together can help us become more well-rounded people. I find each meditation to be extremely potent and effective. And I always feel more pure-hearted, broad-minded and stronger after being involved with Rabbi Schwartz's meditations.

   Readers' Comments

The “PiCK-ME-UPs”…have inspired, helped and/or simply made me smile. Amazingly, the “PiCK-ME-UPs” always seem to correspond to the situation that I am in at that particular moment. 

Luciana Ceross, Sevenoaks, Kent, U.K.

I love your work. Succinct and power-packed thoughts that can last a lifetime!                       
Ivan Sacks, Dallas TX

If you are having a rough moment or you feel empty inside, stop everything you are doing, sit quietly and read a few excerpts of “PiCK-ME-UPs”. Your spirit will be lifted and you will feel as if you were being fed fresh manna from heaven.
You will not only be enlightened by his work, but you will feel his love and kindness in your heart when you need it most.                
Victoria Johnson, Caribbean Islands

A window to a better life…
Denis Nelson, San Jose, Costa Rica

…a wonderful and fresh perspective…regardless of how the world around me seems to crumble…
Rivka Zahava Berger Reed, Raleigh-Durham NC

 Your explanation is so simple, yet on a high level.
Bernard Rosenberg, Brewster NY

…many times I just can’t wait to share them with other people, mostly, my mother and sister. You put things in a light that you can see life in a simple way and learn to smile at yourself…   
Andrea Levy, Buenos Aires

The “PiCK-ME-UPs” do that for me…I look forward to reading them on a daily basis.
Rhoda Schnarch, Toronto

I see how the world needs people like you; when it’s dark, you bring the light.
Alina Demidova, Moscow

…highly inspiring…on the power of prayer helped me particularly well as I am recuperating from developing pulmonary emboli.  I decided to walk round our little garden ten times.  After the fifth time round, I felt I couldn’t continue and then thought of the power you had reminded us of.  I happily finished the ten rounds… 
Edna Freinkel, Johannesburg


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