Handful of Light
letter on humility, the Ramban zt"l,
sent to his son in Catalonia, commanding him to read it once a week and
know it by heart. He also told him to share it with others, that they
may learn from their early youth to hold Hashem in awe. Moreover, he
told him, on the day he reads this letter, Heaven will answer his every
prayer. Certainly then, one who says it constantly, will be saved from
all troubles, and earn his world-to-come. (From the book,
Me’ulephes Sapirim)
instruct a person ‘to turn the teachings of the Torah over
over, to review them repeatedly; for everything is hidden within the
Torah’s precious words. If he will search, he will find. And
will he find? His every hope and dream. For any thing, that any person
may desire, already exists in the Torah.
it over, turn it over, read it again and again. When a person repeats
Torah ideas many times, they cut deep grooves in his personality. They
penetrate the deepest folds of his conscience. This is the
Torah’s intent when it commands, ‘...and you shall
it to your heart.’
reading the words of Torah over and over, slowly, deliberately, a
person understands anew her truths. By reviewing them continuously, he
impresses her wisdom into his heart. As he enwraps himself in her
ideas, so he enters a world of Torah thoughts - so he moves into a
sanctuary where holy fires burn, a chamber alight with flames that
ignite his imagination, and awaken his soul.
Ramban requests that the reader read his letter once a week. One of his
intentions is surely, that he familiarizes himself with the letter to
such a degree, that the letter’s suggestions become a part of
world, that they enter his mental and emotional framework. A second
reason must be that through continuous study, a person begins to
uncover some of the letter’s secrets - the wisdom the Ramban
hides within its lines. Thus the person widens his knowledge and
further corrects his attitudes and attributes.
the path the Ramban directs a person to follow, is a lofty one, truly a
road for tzaddikim; still, with constant review, he may approach it. He
may come so close to the Ramban’s intentions, that his heart
aches to fulfill them. He may cry with such a sincerity, that Hashem,
in His mercy, grants him this desire - He infuses him with a motivation
and strength to reach this heaven.
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