The Strength of Israel:
Inspiring True Stories from Israel
A collection of 28 previously published articles about the wondrous
people, places and daily life of Israel and the constant Divine
Providence evidenced there.
as an e-book
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http://www.amazon.com/ and type in The Strength of Israel (every
country has a different link)
Money Book:
an ebook
A wealth of information to make you richer and happier.
an excerpt
The Beauty of the Story: stories to touch the Jewish heart ...
Nachman Seltzer ... Sarah Shapiro ... Rabbi Yaakov Salomon ... Sara Yoheved Rigler ... Rebbetzin Sheindel Weinbach ...
authors and rising stars come together in this one-of-a-kind story
collection, featuring first person true accounts of Divine Providence,
kindness, heroism and tradition — a symphony of
Jewish voices that will uplift you and touch your soul. Judaica
Look inside Order
A Portion of Kindness:
Each Torah portion offers insights into doing chesed, acts of kindness.
Acts of kindness are one of the three pillars on which the world
stands. Doing kindness is one of the ways in which we emulate God. A
Portion of Kindness, provides examples of ways to learn from the chesed
of the patriarchs, matriarchs, leaders and progenitors of the Jewish
Nation in every sphere of life. Melech Publications
With approbations by Rav Zev Leff and Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn.
Journey: This heartwarming and thought-provoking novel takes you on the
spiritual travels of a soul reincarnated through five periods of Jewish
history from the birth of the Jewish nation to the present. As it
refines itself, the soul attains loftier levels as it strives to
achieve perfection and find its way back "Home" With an approbation by
Rabbi Zev Leff. Melech Publications.
"So marvelous, so poignant, so well-written" Sheindel Weinbach
"This novel has a lot of merit as a literary work." Miriam Zakon
by the Book: A Weekly Portion of Chinuch Banim. The best parenting book
is the oldest - the Torah. What better role models for lessons in
parenting than the Matriarchs, Patriarchs and leaders of the Jewish
people? The weekly Torah portion provides major insights into the
complex and essential role and rewarding calling of the Jewish parent.
With approbations by Rabbi Zev Leff, Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D.
& Dr. Miriam Adahan. Targum Press

the Right Words: A Weekly Portion of Shemiras HaLashon. One of the
distinctive characteristics of man is his ability to speak. One of the
distinguishing qualities of the Jewish People is their pure and refined
speech. Lessons in keeping your speech free from gossip, slander and
negativity can be found in every portion of the Torah which teaches us
how to use our unique gift of speech to serve God and respect one
With a foreword by Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn and an approbation by Rabbi
Zev Leff. Targum Press
From Stolin to Tel-Aviv: By Nachum Alovitch. Translated by Rosally Saltsman; with illustrations by Ruti Houpt.
From the lively Jewish town of Stolin, to the bustling Tel-Aviv of the
30s and 40s, this delightful tale tells the true story of Avraham
Aharon Alovich, his fortitude, integrity and love of his fellow man. A
story of old world charm about eternal values. Melech Publications
"The story is charming, inspiring and educationally valid,"
Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz