Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Zevachim 21
ZEVACHIM 21-23 - Sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor.
Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and
prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.
(a) Answer #2 (R. Chiya b'Rebbi Yosef): Those who will engage
in the Parah Adumah (red heifer) Mekadesh in a Kli Shares
in the Mikdash, then go outside;
1. (R. Yochanan): They may Mekadesh outside, even in a
Chulin vessel, even of earthenware.
2. Even though we Metamei the one who will burn the
Parah Adumah, he does not need a second Kidush!
i. (Mishnah): They would Metamei the Kohen who
will burn the Parah Adumah, then he would
immerse, to disprove the Tzedukim, who said
that a Tevul Yom is Pasul for the Parah Adumah.
(b) Answer: The Parah Adumah is different - since a Tevul Yom
is Kosher for its Avodah, Tum'ah does not Posel Kidush.
(c) Question: If so, why must he Mekadesh at all?
(d) Answer: It must resemble Avodah.
(a) Question: May a Kohen Mekadesh *in* the Kiyor?
1. The Torah said that he washes "Mimenu (from it)" -
not 'Besocho (in it)';
2. Or, does this include even in it?
(b) Answer (Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak - Beraisa): If he
immersed his hands in water in a cave, he is Mechalel
1. Inference: If he immersed his hands in the Kiyor,
his Avodah is Kosher!
(c) Rejection: No, the Beraisa taught about a cave, for it is
a bigger Chidush - one might have thought, since he can
immerse his entire body in it, all the more so he can
Mekadesh his hands and feet in it!
(a) (R. Chiya bar Yosef): If a Kohen will offer Matirim
(things that permit other things, e.g. Zerikah permits
the meat), if water was in the Kiyor at the time (on the
previous day) that those Matirim become Pasul (e.g. for
Zerikah, sundown), he may not Mekadesh from that water;
1. If he will burn Eimurim, he may not Mekadesh from
water that was in the Kiyor at the last time (on the
previous day) to burn Eimurim (i.e. dawn).
(b) (Rav Chisda): Even if he will offer Matirim, the water is
Pasul only if it was in the Kiyor at dawn.
(c) (R. Yochanan): If the Kiyor was submerged, we do not lift
it (until morning).
(d) Question: May we infer that the water is Pasul even for
Avodah of the night?!
1. Contradiction (Rav Asi citing R. Yochanan citing
Ilfa): If the Kiyor was not submerged when night
came, its water may be used to Mekadesh at night,
one does not Mekadesh in the morning;
(e) Answer #1: 'We do not lift it' means, we do not lift it
to Mekadesh for Avodah that is only done by day.
(f) Question: This implies that the water is Kosher for
Avodah of the night;
1. If so, R. Yochanan agrees with R. Chiya bar Yosef!
(g) Answer: They argue about whether or not Chachamim decreed
about submerging (Tosfos (Mai) - the Kiyor must be
submerged all night; lest people think that it was
submerged before sundown in order that one may Mekadesh
from it even to offer Matirim (like Rav Chisda holds);
Tosfos (Hagahah) - if it was not submerged, R. Yochanan
says that the water is Pasul mid'Rabanan, R. Chiya bar
Yosef is Posel mid'Oraisa; Rashi - not to lift the Kiyor
at night, lest it will not be submerged again before
dawn, and then the water will become Pasul (R. Yochanan
really holds like Rav Chisda)).
(h) Question: But R. Yochanan taught that if a Kohen was
Mekadesh to do Terumas ha'Deshen, he need not Mekadesh
again after dawn, because Terumas ha'Deshen is the
beginning of the Avodah of the coming day!
1. This is not difficult for Rava, who said that this
is according to R. Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon - here, R.
Yochanan discusses (submerging the Kiyor) according
to Rebbi (some say that R. Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon
says that Linah is never Posel water)!
2. But Abaye said that R. Yochanan's teaching about
Terumas ha'Deshen is like Rebbi - if so, Rebbi
contradicts himself;
i. Here, he decrees that the Kiyor must be
submerged; there, he does not decree (after
Terumas ha'Deshen)!
(i) Answer: Indeed, also there the Kiyor must be submerged
after Terumas ha'Deshen.
(j) Question: If so, why did R. Yochanan say that one does
not Mekadesh in the morning?
(k) Answer: He meant, there is no need to Mekadesh in the
(l) Question: If so, R. Yochanan agrees with Rav Chisda!
(m) Answer: They argue about when the Kiyor must be
submerged. (R. Yochanan says, it should be submerged at
night, so they will remember to submerge it after Terumas
ha'Deshen; Rav Chisda says, it suffices to submerge it
after Terumas ha'Deshen).
(n) Question (against this understanding of Rav Chisda -
Mishnah): The other Kohanim would not see (the Kohen
doing Terumas ha'Deshen, it was before dawn), nor would
they hear him until they would hear the wood of the
pulley Ben Katin made for the Kiyor;
1. They would say 'The time has come to Mekadesh from
the Kiyor!'
2. Suggestion: They heard him lifting the Kiyor from
the pit!
(o) Answer: No, they heard him lowering it into the pit.
(p) Question: The pulley is not needed for that!
(q) Answer: He would lower it with the pulley in order to
make noise to arouse the other Kohanim.
(r) Question: There was a man (Gevini) who would cry out to
arouse the Kohanim!
(s) Answer: It is better to arouse them twice, perhaps they
will hear one and not the other.
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