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1) [line 1] POL HA'MITZRI -(a) (O.F. feisol) the haricot bean (RASHI Rosh Hashanah 13b); (b) the Egyptian bean (colocasia)
2) [line 7] KOL D'MIDGAN - any food that is heaped into a pile 4) [line 22] ALALTA D'NEHAR PANYA - the produce of Bar Mar Shmuel's possessions along Nehar Panya, a canal in Bavel
5) [line 28] SECHAR BATIM - rent money 11) [line 35] LO TESIV -- A'KAR'ICH! - Do not sit down, [but rather stand] on your feet! (TOSFOS Nazir 24b DH Amar) 12) [line 36] "...U'MIMIDBAR MATANAH." - "...and from the wilderness they went to [a place called] Matanah." (Bamidbar 21:18) 13) [line 37] K'MIDBAR SHE'HU MUFKAR LA'KOL - like a wilderness that is Hefker for all passersby, i.e. he teaches his Torah-learning to all, without asking for compensation
14) [line 38] NACHALO KEL - he becomes Hash-m's inheritance
16) [line 3] OREZ - (a) (O.F. mil) millet (RASHI Berachos 37a); (b) rice (TOSFOS ibid.)
17) [line 3] CHILKA - wheat kernels that are split in two in a mortar 20) [line 8] KEMEHIN U'PITRIYOS - types of boletes, such as mushrooms, morels and truffles 21) [line 11] ZAMIS - (a) (O.F. salmuire) brine (RAN, ROSH and MEFARESH, RASHI to Berachos 36a); (b) soup (ARUCH); (c) the foam that collects at the top of a pot of cooked food (RAV HAI GAON); (d) salt water (TUR) 22) [line 13] MIRVA RAVU ME'AR'A; MEINAK ME'AVIRA YANKEI - they grow out of the ground, but unlike plants that absorb nutrients dissolved in water in the soil, a mushroom or fungus finds its own food from its immediate environment. Enzymes that the fungi excrete dissolve the food, and the nutrients are then absorbed directly through the thin cell walls. Chazal use the term "me'Avira Yankei" (lit. they get their nourishment from the air) to refer to plants that do not take their nourishment from the ground, as is apparent from the Gemara Eruvin 28b. Since fungi grow on rocks and dead wood, they also fall into this category.
23) [line 17] CHAMILAH - a thick, coarse blanket 26) [line 20] TA'AN V'HIZI'A - if he loaded upon himself wool or linen and started to sweat
27) [line 25] PUNDA - a hollow belt used for holding money
29) [line 25] SEKORTIYA - a leather cloak or apron 31) [line 26] ANPILYA - (a) (O.F. hoses) leather boots or moccasins (MEFARESH); (b) (O.F. chalcon) woolen socks (TOSFOS) 32) [line 26] PELINYA - (a) (O.F. porceint) a leather apron (MEFARESH); (b) knee breeches (ARUCH, RASHI to Nidah 13b) 33) [line 27] KITUNA D'TZALA - a leather cloak worn over the garments of a tanner (RAN) or that is used as a raincoat (TOSFOS) 34) [line 28] SAGOS - (a) a thick sack-like cloth (MEFARESH); (b) a shaggy woolen bedspread (ARUCH, RAMBAM PEEIRUSH HA'MISHNAYOS to Nega'im 11:11)