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Nedarim 56
NEDARIM 56 - This daf has been dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Esther Chaya Rayzel
(Friedman) bas Gershon Eliezer, mother of Jeri Turkel, Marcia Weinblatt and
Moshe Smulevitz, after the completion of the Shiv'a (Yahrzeit: 1 Elul). She
was a woman of valor who was devoted to her family and gave of herself
unstintingly, inspiring all those around her.
1) [line 4] "B'VEIS" - "[When you come to the land of Kena'an, which I give
to you for a possession, and I put the disease of Tzara'as] in a house [of
the land of your possession;]" (Vayikra 14:34)
2) [line 4] YATZI'A - (a) (O.F. apentiz) a construction at the rear of or
alongside a house with a low sloping roof; a lean-to; (b) an extension or a
wing of a building; (c) According to the Girsa *TZAVU'A* - a house that is
painted with colors other than plaster-white (RAN, citing RAV MOSHE BAR
3) [line 16] ME'ULAH SHE'BA'BATIM - the best part of the house
4) [line 18] DARGASH - a bed or couch consisting of a leather mattress tied
to a frame
5) [line 21] ARSA D'GADA - a bed or couch set up for the "spiritual
counterparts" of the house, on which no one sits (RABEINU CHANANEL, ARUCH)
6) [line 22] MAVRIN - others provide the mourners with refreshments or a
meal outside, on their way home from the funeral
7) [line 29] ZOKFO - one stands it up
8) [line 4] KARBITAV - its straps, thongs
9) [line 8] SHUKA D'TZAL'EI - the marketplace of the tanners
10) [line 9] ARSA D'TZALA - a bed or couch consisting of a leather mattress
tied to a frame
11) [line 11] MESARGIN OSAH AL GABAH - the ropes are tied onto and around
the frame
12) [line 11] MESARGIN OSAH MI'GUFO - the ropes are tied through holes in
the frame itself
13) [line 13] ARISAH - (O.F. brez) a cradle
14) [line 13] MISHE'YESHUFEM - from when a person rubs onto them
15) [line 16] BAZINEI - notches
16) [line 17] AVKASA - loops; leather rings attached to the bed frame for
the reception of ropes
17) [line 18] NAKLITEHA - its Naklitei ha'Mitah, a framework of poles made
by putting two vertical poles at the center of the head and foot of a bed,
while a third horizontal pole rests on top of them. A sheet hung on the
horizontal pole forms two sloping walls that are joined at the top
18) [line 21] IBURAH - the city limits, 70 2/3 Amos from the last temporary
or permanent dwelling of the city
19) [line 22] AGAF - the part of the floor covered by a closed door
20) [line 31] V'YASGIR (TZARA'AS BATIM - Tzara'as that infects houses)
(a) The marks of Tzara'as for houses consist of intense green or intense red
streaks or spots that are at least the size of two Gerisin (a Gris is a
Cilician bean, approximately the size of a dime) (Nega'im 12:3). If Tzara'as
is found on the walls of a house, it is put into quarantine (Hesger) by a
Kohen for a week. As part of the process of Hesger, the Kohen must stand
outside of the house and close its door. Before the Kohen puts the house
into quarantine, he commands that the house be emptied of its contents to
prevent its utensils from becoming Tamei.
(b) The Torah states (Vayikra 14:39) "v'*Shav* ha'Kohen," to prescribe that
the Kohen *return* six days later to check the house. If the Tzara'as has
spread, one must remove (Choletz) the stones with Tzara'as from the house,
scrape off the surrounding plaster, insert new stones and re-plaster the
entire house. The house is then put into quarantine for another week. If the
Tzara'as returns to the house during the following week, the owner must
dismantle (Notetz) the entire house (Vayikra 14:45). The stones from the
house must be taken out of the city, and they remain Asur b'Hana'ah forever.
(c) On the other hand, if the Tzara'as did not change after the first week,
the Kohen leaves it as is and returns again six days later. The verse states
(Vayikra 14:44) "u'*Va* Ha'kohen," which means "if, when the Kohen *comes*
back to the house to inspect it a second time, he finds that the spot of
Tzara'as has spread, the house is Tamei." Chazal teach that this verse is
referring to a spot of Tzara'as that does *not* spread during its first
week. The Kohen "comes back to the house" after a second week to see whether
the spot has spread, remains, or has disappeared. If the Tzara'as has
*either* spread *or* remained, one must remove (Choletz) the stones with
Tzara'as from the house, scrape off the surrounding plaster, insert new
stones and re-plaster the entire house. The house is then put into
quarantine for another week (Vayikra 14:40). If the Tzara'as returns to the
house during the following week, the owner must dismantle (Notetz) the
entire house (Vayikra 14:45). The stones from the house must be taken out of
the city, and they remain Asur b'Hana'ah forever.
(d) Even though the words "v'Shav" and "u'Va" are not identical, they are
referring to the same action; namely, the Kohen entering the house to
inspect it. This relates the two verses to each other with a Gezerah Shavah.
Just as the house is not dismantled if the Tzara'as spreads during the first
week -- unless the stones are scraped and the Tzara'as returned to the house
after a week of quarantine -- so, too, the house is not dismantled if the
Tzara'as spread during the second week unless it returns to the house after
the quarantine period that follows the scraping.
(e) If during one of the inspections at the end of the first or second week
the Kohen finds that the Tzara'as has disappeared or diminished in intensity
such that it can no longer be classified as a Nega, the location of the spot
alone is scraped and the house is declared Tahor after the owner follows the
procedure for being Metaher houses (see Background to Sukah 13:11:IV).
(RAMBAM Hilchos Tum'as Tzara'as 15:2)
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