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Moed Katan 8

1) [line 25] MELAKET (LIKUT ATZAMOS - disentombing and relocation of bones) The practice in the time of the Mishnah and Gemara was to first bury the dead in a moist deep place in order for the flesh to decompose quickly. After the body decomposed the bones were gathered and buried in a coffin in an honorable, dignified place, usually in the family burial cave (RASHI). It was permitted to move the bones because they were buried with the intention to move them later. The bones would only be moved after a year had passed. (ROSH 1:10, based on the YERUSHALMI 1:5 and MASECHES SEMACHOS, i.e. EVEL RABATI Chapter 12)

2) [line 27] LO YE'ORER - a person may not arouse mourning [by hiring a eulogizer to go to the relatives of the deceased (who died at an earlier date) and call them to cry and mourn with him]

3) [line 27] LO YASPIDENU - he may not hire anyone to eulogize a person who just died
4) [line 31] TZERURIN - bound


5a) [line 3] KUCHIN - niches in the wall of a burial cave where the coffins were placed
b) [line 3] KEVAROS - mausoleums
6) [line 4] MECHANCHIN - it is permitted to finish, to adjust to the right size
7) [line 5] NIVRECHES - (a) a pool of water used for washing clothes (RASHI, TOSFOS); (b) a pool of water used for washing the dead and his shrouds (TOSFOS); (c) a grave dug in the ground (RA'AVAD cited by the TIF'ERES YISRAEL)

8) [line 6] NESARIM - boards
9) [line 16] GIHA U'VAR GIHA - (a) a large pool that collects the water of the courtyard and a small pool that collects the runoff from the large pool (RASHI); (b) an open area in a courtyard where clothes are beaten to clean them and a clothes-cleaner's stone, upon which clothes are beaten (ARUCH)

10) [line 19] MENASRIN HA'MENUSARIN ME'EREV YOM TOV - it is permissible to saw boards that were made before Yom Tov

11) [line 23] MEYABMIN (YIBUM)
(a) If a married man dies childless, his widow must undergo Yibum (the marriage of a dead man's brother with his wife), as it states in Devarim 25:5-10. Chazal learn from the verses that there is a preference for the oldest brother to perform Yibum.
(b) If the brother chooses not to marry her, he must perform Chalitzah (a procedure in Beis Din that absolves her of the Mitzvah of Yibum - ibid.). He appears before a Beis Din of three and states, "I do not want to marry her," after which his sister-in-law approaches him before the elders, takes off his right sandal and spits in front of him. She then declares, "This is what shall be done to the man who will not build up a family for his brother," and she is then free to marry whomever she wants.

12) [line 26] LO SASUD - she may not smear a paste of lime or plaster on her body to remove the hair

13) [line 26] NIVUL - disgrace, ugliness (since the paste defaces her and is a cause of sorrow)

14) [line 27] MACHLIV - to make stitches resembling dog teeth (two Amora'im on Daf 10a argue as to the exact arrangement of the stitches)

15a) [line 27] MESARGIN - it is permitted to lay ropes across a bed frame to the length and width of the bed
b) [line 28] MEMATCHIN - The Gemara (Daf 10a) brings two opinions to explain this word: (a) it is permitted to lay ropes across a bed frame only along the length of the bed; (b) it is permitted to tighten the loose ropes of a bed frame

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