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Moed Katan 9

1) [line 8] HE'CHAG - the celebration of the completion of the Beis ha'Mikdash (that was completed seven days before Sukos) (RADAK to Melachim I:8:65)

2a) [line 8] L'VO CHAMAS - (a) the Chamas Highway (RABBI ARYEH KAPLAN); (b) the area from where people come to Chamas (METZUDAS DAVID). Chamas is a city in Syria some 50 miles from the Mediterranean; the modern-day Hamah. (Some sources say that Chamas is near Antioch -- TARGUM YERUSAHLMI and RASHI to Bamidbar 34:8)
b) [line 9] NACHAL MITZRAYIM - Wadi El Arish, some 80 miles west of the Dead Sea, in the middle of the Sinai Peninsula (RABBI ARYEH KAPLAN)

3) [line 13] AMAH KALYA OREV - (a) the "Amah Kalya Orev" consisted of devices for preventing ravens from landing ("Kalya Orev" - lit. "eliminate ravens"). Plates of metal that measured one square Amah into which one-Amah-long nails were inserted were built onto the roof of the Heichal. (RASHI to Erchin 6a); (a) the roof of the Heichal was sloped such that its peak was only one Amah wide ("Amah Kalya" - lit. "ended in one Amah"). Bits of metal and nails were affixed there to prevent ravens from landing. (RASHI)

4) [line 18] MAI DARUSH? - from where did they learn that it was permissible? How did they interpret the verses when they learned that it was permissible? (See Insights)

5) [line 19] KORBAN YACHID - the Korban of Elishama ben Amihud, leader of the tribe of Efrayim (as is clear from Shabbos 87b), that was brought on Shabbos at the time of the dedication of the Mishkan in the desert

6a) [line 21] TZORECH GAVO'AH - (lit. the needs of Heaven) Korbanos
b) [line 21] TZORECH HEDYOT - (lit. the needs of people) the food and drink for the feast of the dedication of the Beis ha'Mikdash

*7*) [line 24] "B'YOM ASHTEI ASAR YOM" - "on the day of the eleventh day" -- the word Yom (day) is repeated

8) [line 30] D'ACHIL LEHU - that the Creator forgave them for eating on Yom ha'Kipurim
9) [line 33] SHE'NEHENU MI'ZIV HA'SHECHINAH - that they benefited from the splendor of the Shechinah

10) [line 38] RENANOS - words that refer to prayer. In King Shlomo's prayers at the dedication of the Beis ha'Mikdash in Melachim I 8:22-60, there are fourteen expressions related to the word "Tefilah," nine related to the word "Techinah" and one "Rinah"

11) [line 38] "SE'U SHE'ARIM ..." - "Raise up your heads, O gates, and be uplifted, you everlasting entrances, so that the King of Glory may enter!" (Tehilim 24:7)

12) [line 39] "AL TASHEV PENEI MESHICHECHA, ZACHRAH L'CHASDEI DAVID AVDECHA." - "HaSh-m, do not turn away the face of Your anointed one; remember the Chasadim (acts of lovingkindness) of David, Your servant." (Divrei ha'Yamim II 6:42)

13) [line 41] K'SHULEI KEDEIRAH - (black) like the bottom of a pot
14) [line 42] IFTUR MINEI - they took leave of him [by asking for permission to leave]
15) [line 43] B'URSA - at night
16) [line 43] L'TZAFRA - in the morning 17) [line 49] "PALES MA'GAL RAGLECHA..." - "Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be firm." (Mishlei 4:26)


18) [line 2] "YEKARAH HI MI'PENINIM; V'CHOL CHAFATZECHA LO YISHVU VAH" - "She is more precious than pearls; and all the things you can desire are not to be compared to her." (Mishlei 3:15)

19) [line 9] YEHEI RA'AVA - May it be the Desire of Heaven
20) [line 9] D'SIZRA V'LO SECHETZAD - that you plant and not harvest
21) [line 10] TE'AYEL V'LO SEIFUK - that you bring in and not take out (it seemed to the son of Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai that this meant that he should purchase merchandise but not be able to sell it)

22) [line 11] LEICHARUV BEISEICH V'LEISUV USHPIZEICH - that your house be destroyed and your inn be established

23) [line 11] L'VALBEL PESORECH - that your table should be confounded
24) [line 12] V'LO SECHEZEI SHATA CHADTA - and that you should not see the new year
25) [line 17] KALASA - daughters-in-law
26) [line 21] "KIRBAM BATEIMO L'OLAM" - "Their inward thought is that their houses shall continue for ever" (Tehilim 49:12) - By reading the word Kirbam (their houses) as Kivram (their graves), Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai proved that his students blessed his son by saying that his son's gravesite (his eventual "house") should be desolate and that his life in this world (the "inn") should last a very long time.

27) [line 29] KOCHELES - she may paints her eyelids with a blue or tinted powder
28) [line 30] POKESES - (a) she may part her hair with a comb or her hands;
(b) she may color her face red by applying mud or rouge to her face (see TOSFOS DH Pokeses and RASHI to Shabbos 64b DH v'Lo Sifkos)

29) [line 30] MA'AVIRAH SERAK AL PANEHA - put rouge on her face
30) [line 34] L'KAL TAVLA RAHATA - (lit. runs to the sound of a bell) runs to music at a celebration

31) [line 36] L'KAFLO - to peel it off
32) [line 36] SHE'TOFALTO - that she may paste it on her skin
33) [line 38] NIFRA'IN MEHEN - it is permissible to collect debts from Nochrim on their festivals (because it will cause them sorrow, unlike repaying a debt *to* them, which is prohibited within three days of their festivals, because it will cause them to give thanks to their idols -- Avoda Zarah 2a)

34) [line 41] SHE'HIGI'U L'FIRKAN V'LO HIGI'U L'SHANIM - (a) they have at least two pubic hairs but are not yet twelve years old (and they want to remove their hairs) (RASHI); (b) according to the Girsa SHE'HIGI'U L'FIRKAN V'LO HIGI'U (without the word *L'SHANIM*) (lit. they have reached the age to be married but have not reached it) they are *nearing* the age to be married but have not yet found a husband (and they want to beautify themselves through depilatory methods) (TOSFOS Shabbos 80b DH she'Higi'u); (c) they are twelve years old but do not yet have signs of maturity (and they want to cause them to appear - the opposite of Rashi) (RABEINU CHANANEL Shabbos ibid.)

35) [line 42] TOFLOS OSAN - paste on them (on their skin)
36) [line 42] SID - lime (plaster)
37) [line 42] SOLES - fine flour
38) [line 42] SHEMEN HA'MOR - myrrh oil
39) [line 44] SATKAS - oil prepared with spices (myrrh oil)
40) [line 45] ANPEKINON - a type of oil that is mentioned regarding Menachos. The Mishnah (Menachos 85b) states that l'Chatchilah it may not be used for Menachos

41) [line 45] MESHIR ES HA'SEI'AR - it makes hair fall out
42) [line 46] ME'ADEN ES HA'BASAR - rejuvenates the flesh
43) [line 46] EVER EVER - limb by limb
44) [line 46] SHAKAL BAH ARBA ME'AH ZUZEI - (a) the bridegroom paid Rav Bibi four hundred Zuz for the privilege to marry her; (b) the bridegroom wrote her a Kesuvah in which he specified double the usual amount (two hundred Zuz)

45) [line 47] B'SHIVEVUSEI - in his neighborhood
46) [last line] BA'AYAN BENASEI TEFALA - his daughters need paste for their skin

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