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Bava Metzia 24

1) [line 1] USHPIZA - a host, i.e. he may answer that he did not enjoy his lodgings, even though he did, so that the host is not plagued by unwanted guests

2) [line 5] MAR ZUTRA CHASIDA, IGNIV LEI KASA D'CHASPA ME'USHPIZA - a silver goblet was stolen from the host of Mar Zutra Chasida

3a) [line 7] D'MASHI YADEI - who washed his hands
b) [line 7] V'NAGIV YADEI B'GELIMA D'CHAVREI - and wiped his hands on someone else's cloak

4) [line 8] HAINU HAI! - This is he (i.e. the thief)!
5) [line 12] BADEI MACHATIN V'TZINORIYOS - twigs of peddlers used like pincushions for needles and pins (alt. small curved hooks)

6) [line 13] MACHROZOS SHEL KARDOMOS - axes strung together
7) [line 16] SHUCHEI - [small] branches

8a) [line 18] KI HA'HU (D'TENAN) [D'AMRINAN] HASAM - like that which we say there (Sukah 44b) (the Vilna Ga'on changes the Girsa since this is not a Mishnah, but rather a statement of the Gemara)

b) [line 18] ALEH ECHAD B'VAD ECHAD - one leaf on one twig [of willow is sufficient for fulfill the requirement for the Aravah (willow branch) used in the Beis ha'Mikdash on Sukos] (ARAVAH)
(a) On the first six days of Sukos (except Shabbos), very long willow branches were cut in Motza, near Yerushalayim, and brought to the Beis ha'Mikdash. RASHI (Sukah 44b DH Aleh) states that there was no minimal requirement for the size of the branch or branches, but it became the custom to take large branches to beautify the Mitzvah. These branches were placed standing alongside the Mizbe'ach, with their tops leaning over the Mizbe'ach. The Kohanim circled the Mizbe'ach once, reciting certain prayers. (According to one opinion (Sukah 43b), they circled the Mizbe'ach carrying these branches.)
(b) On Hoshana Rabah, the seventh day of Sukos, the Kohanim circled the Mizbe'ach seven times, amidst extensive prayers for spiritual growth, salvation and bountiful crops. If Hoshana Rabah fell on Shabbos, the willow branches that were used in the ceremony were cut before Shabbos (Sukah 45a, RAMBAM Hilchos Lulav 7:20-21).

9a) [line 20] ARI - a lion
b) [line 20] DOV - a bear
c) [line 20] NAMER - a leopard
d) [line 20] BARDELAS - (a) (O.F. puteis) a polecat; a small dark brown flesh-eating animal similar to a weasel; (b) a ferret; a small, half-tamed, flesh-eating animal similar to a weasel; (c) a striped hyena; a striped wild animal of the genus felis leopard (for which the modern-day equivalent is Tzavu'a); (d) a marten (Tosfos Sanhedrin 15b DH veha'Bardelas)]

10) [line 21] ZUTO SHEL YAM - the edge of the sea that is covered with water in high tide

11) [line 21] SHELULISO SHEL NAHAR - the edge of a river that is flooded when the river swells

12) [line 22] SERATYA - a wide street
13) [line 22] PELATYA - a wide, open plaza in a city where people gather for business

14a) [line 37] MEFUZARIN - scattered
b) [line 39] TZERURIN - tied together [in a money pouch] (alt. *TZEVURIN* - piled together)

15a) [line 47] B'AHSPAH SHE'EINAH ASUYAH L'FANOS - regarding a garbage heap that normally is not collected [immediately, but rather at infrequent intervals]
b) [line 47] V'NIMLACH ALEHA L'FANOSAH - and the person changed his mind about it and had it collected [immediately]


(a) Wine that was poured as an idolatrous libation is Asur b'Hana'ah. This is derived from the verse, "Asher Chelev Zevacheimo Yochelu, Yishtu *Yein Nesicham*" - "Those who ate the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings" (Devarim 32:38), which compares the wine of libations to an animal sacrificed for idolatrous purposes.
(b) The Chachamim prohibited the wine of a Nochri that was *not* poured as a libation (Stam Yeinam) out of fear that drinking wine together would lead to intermarriage. In order to avoid confusion between Yayin Nesech and Stam Yeinam, the Chachamim instituted that Stam Yeinam is also Asur b'Hana'ah. Although this is only an Isur mid'Rabanan, it is a very severe prohibition (see Chochmas Adam 75:1).

17) [line 14] L'KANKANAH - for its container (that is permitted to be used)
18) [line 15] NEHAR BIRAN - a canal in Bavel
19) [line 17] KEIVAN D'MISKIL - since it contains obstacles, i.e. barriers and dams that serve as walls for fish ponds

20) [line 20] SACHRU - dammed
21) [line 20] KARU - dug
22) [line 23] SHUKA D'BEI DAISA - the market of [ground grains that are used in making] porridge

23) [line 26] TARTEI?! - [Has Mar Shmuel issued] two [seemingly contradictory rulings]?!

24) [line 27] LIFNIM MI'SHURAS HA'DIN - (lit. further inside from the line of the law) beyond what the law requires

25) [line 30] SHUKA D'GILDA'EI - the marketplace of the leather workers
26) [line 34] DAYO - a kite, a bird of prey (Milvus milvus or Milvus migrans)

27) [line 35] TZINYASA D'VEI BAR MERYON - the palms of the house of Bar Meryon

Meat that was not constantly watched from the time that the animal was slaughtered is called Basar she'Nisalem Min ha'Ayin (lit. meat that has disappeared from the eye's view). There are those who maintain that we suspect that the meat was somehow exchanged with the meat of a Nevelah.

29) [line 45] PERAGIYOS - (O.F. perdriz) partridges 30) [line 48] KIBURA D'AZLEI BEI AZLUYEI - a coil of spun thread that trappers use to make nets and traps

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