prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
Previous daf
Berachos 62
(a) Which three things did Rebbi Akiva learn from Rebbi Yehoshua, when he
followed him into the bathroom?
(b) How did first Rebbi Akiva, and then Ben Azai, justify such an action?
(c) What did Rav Kahana find strange about Rav's behavior during Tashmish?
The Gemara gives four reasons why one should use the right hand, and not
the left, to clean oneself in the bathroom.
(d) What are they?
(a) From which three dangers is someone who behaves modestly in the
bathroom spared?
(b) Which fourth thing do others add?
(c) What is the reason for all this?
(d) Which is the second quality one should display in a bathroom?
(a) How should one accept Yisurin?
(b) Abaye's nurse (his mother died as he was born) trained a lamb to
accompany him to the bathroom for protection against snakes and demons.
Why not a goat, which responds better than a lamb?
(c) What did Rava's wife do to protect her husband ...
1. ...*before* he became Rosh Yeshivah?
2. ...*after he became Rosh Yeshivah?
(a) According to Ula, one may relieve oneself directly behind a fence, and
in an open field, as long as others are unable to hear his winds. What
does Isi ben Yehudah hold in this regard?
(b) How will Isi explain the Mishnah in Taharos, which permits workers to
relieve themselves directly behind the fence which is outside the
(c) What are the Halachic ramifications of this concession?
(d) The Mishnah there also permits the children of the workers to relieve
themselves within sight of the owner, in which case they remain Tahor -
also because they were lenient regarding Taharos. How does Rav Ashi
explain Isi ben Yehudah, to reconcile his statement with both of the above
sections of the Mishnah, without having to say that Taharos are different?
(a) What was Rav Nachman's objection to that eulogizer, who praised a
certain Niftar for his modesty?
(b) Why did Rav Nachman find it necessary to object - Why could he just be
(a) Does one need to go at night to the same location (away from town) as
one does by day, in order to relieve oneself?
(b) Then what does the Beraisa mean when it says 'Eizehu Tzanu'a, Zeh
ha'Nifneh ba'Laylah be'Makom she'Nifneh ba'Yom'?
(c) How does Rav Ashi explain the Beraisa without changing its original
(a) What is the meaning of ...
1. ... 'Hashkem ve'Tze, Ha'arev ve'Tze'?
2. ... 'Mashmesh ve'Shev, ve'Al Teshev u'Temashmesh'.
(b) Who needs to say 'Lo Li, Lo li, Lo Tachim' etc.?
(c) Where should one not ...
1. ... lie?
2. ... sit?
(d) Which two things are good for the body like steel is to iron - if done
at dawn?
Answers to questions
Bar Kapara was selling his sayings at a Dinar a piece:
(a) When should one ...
1. ... eat and drink?
2. ... relieve oneself?
3. ... sell one's father's figs, even though his father is not there?
(b) What advice did Abaye give to worker's passing through the paths of
Mechuza early in the morning on their way to work in the fields?
When Rebbi Aba coughed outside the bathroom which was currently being used
by Rav Safra, Rav Safra said 'Come in!'
(c) What did Rebbi Aba comment on that?
(d) How did Rav Safra justify himself?
(a) In what regard did Rebbi Elazar quote the Pasuk in Yeshayah "va'Eten
Adam Tachtecha"?
(b) After declining to kill King Shaul in the cave, though he had him at
his mercy, David ha'Melech said "ve'Amar Lehorgecha va'Techas Alecha".
Surely, it would have been more grammatically correct to say "*ve'Amarti*
Lehorgecha, *ve'Chasti* Alecha". What did David mean by what he said?
(c) What sort of modest behavior was he referring to?
(d) Why did clothes no longer keep David warm at the end of his life?
(a) David ha'Melech accused Hashem of inciting Shaul against him. What
was Hashem's response?
(b) How long did the plague last? (two answers)
(c) The plague stopped when Hashem saw one of four things. Which four
(d) Why does the Gemara prefer the fourth explanation - namely, that Hashem
saw the Beis-Hamikdash?
(e) Hashem instructed the Angel of Death to take the greatest among them.
Whom did he choose?
(a) What is a Kapendarya, and what is its acronym?
(b) Under which conditions is it permitted to make a short cut through a
(c) From where do we initially learn that one may spit in a Shul?
(d) Why do we not rather learn from a short cut, which is forbidden in a
Shul, too?
(a) Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Yehudah learns the prohibition of spitting in the
Beis Hamikdash from a Pasuk in Megilas Esther. Which Pasuk?
(b) What objection does the Gemara raise with the Limud in 11c?
(c) From where then do we finally learn that one may spit in Shul?