prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
Previous daf
Berachos 63
(a) What do we learn from the Pesukim in Nechemyah
1. "Kumu Borchu es Hashem Elokeichem min ha'Olam ve'Ad ha'Olam".
2. "vi'Yevarchu Shem Kevodecha" etc.
3. "u'Meromam Al Kol Berachah u'Sehilah".
(b) Having cited Boaz, who instituted greeting using the Name of Hashem,
why does the Mishnah need to quote the Pasuk in Shoftim "Hashem Imcha,
Gibor he'Chayil"?
(c) Then why does the Mishnah need to bring a third Pasuk (in Mishlei):
"ve'Al Tavuz, Ki Zaknah Imecha"?
(d) The Pasuk in Tehilim writes "Es La'asos la'Hashem, Heferu Torasecha".
What is the difference whether we Darshen the two phrases of the Pasuk in
the order that they are written, or whether we invert them?
(a) Hillel said 'be'Sha'as ha'Machnisin, Pazer, be'Sha'as ha'Mefazrin,
What does this mean?
(b) What did he Darshan (in this regard) ...
1. ... from the Pasuk in Mishlei "Yesh Mefazer ve'Nosaf Od"?
2. ... from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Es La'asos la'Hashem, Heferu Torasecha"?
(c) What did he mean by 'Zalas Kevotz, Kene Minah'?
(d) Hillel also said that here where there is no man, you be a man! Why
did Abaye need to teach us the inference, that there where there is a man,
withdraw! Is this not obvious - that one may not issue rulings in the place
of his Rebbe?
(a) Which Pasuk is Bar Kapara referring to, when he speaks about a small
Parshah on which all the main parts of Torah depend?
(b) What does Rava add to that?
(c) A man should teach his son a *clean* and *easy* profession. What do
these terms mean?
(d) What example does the Gemara give for this?
(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Mishlei "Ish Re'im Lehisro'ei'a"?
(b) From whom does the Gemara learn the harmful repercussions of appointing
a manager over one's estate?
(c) Why does the Torah place Parshas Nazir next to that of Sotah?
(d) And for which reasons does the Torah place the Parshah of Sotah next to
that of Terumos and Ma'asros?
(e) What does "Ish Asher Yiten la'Kohen, Lo Yihye" mean?
(a) What does it mean to be 'Meshatef Shem Shamayim be'Tza'aro'?
(b) What reward is due to someone who does so?
(c) What happens to someone who becomes lax in his Torah-study?
(d) How do others interpret the word "Hisrapisa"(Mishlei) - the source of
the previous statement?
(a) Why did they send two Talmidei-Chachamim down to the Golah to Chananya,
Rebbi Yehoshua's nephew?
(b) What did the two Talmidei-Chachamim mean when they said to him 'You
have already built, you cannot now demolish!'
(c) Why was it is acceptable for *Rebbi Akiva* to fix leap years and Rosh
Chodesh outside Chutz la'Aretz (i.e. outside Yerushalayim)?
(d) And what did they tell Chananya, when he thought that, like with Rebbi
Akiva, there was nobody in Eretz Yisrael who could compare with him?
Answers to questions
(a) In what context did the two Talmidei Chachamim tell Chananya 've'Im Lo,
Ya'alu la'Har; Achiyah Yivneh Mizbei'ach, Chananya Yenagen be'Chinor'?
(b) What is the significance of 'Chananya Yenagen be'Chinor'?
(c) What was the people's response to the warning?
(d) What is the source of the Din that the leap-years and the months must
be fixed in Eretz Yisrael (in fact, this means 'in Yerushalayim')?
In view of the fact that once a Chacham has issued a stringent ruling, it
is forbidden for another Chacham to countermand it with a more lenient one,
what right did the two Chachamim have to declare Tahor what Chananya had
already declared Tamei (and Mutar what he had declared Asur)?
(a) Why is the Sanhedrin referred to as '*Kerem* be'Yavneh'?
(b) Which Tana enjoyed the distinguished title of 'Rosh ha'Medabrim be'Chol
(c) What Kal va'Chomer does Rebbi Yehudah learn regarding a Talmid-Chacham
from the Aron?
(d) How does the Gemara explain the Pasuk in Shemos "ve'Diber Hashem El
Moshe Panim El Panim" (two explanations)?
(a) What did Hashem say to Moshe, when, following the incident of the
Golden Calf, he took the Tent, and moved it outside the camp?
(b) What threat did Hashem issue Moshe with?
(c) Did the threat materialize?
(d) How does Rebbi Yehudah interpret the Pasuk in Devarim "Haskes u'Shema
Yisrael, *ha'Yom ha'Zeh* Niheyesa le'Am"? Was the Torah given then? Surely
it had been given forty years earlier?
(e) How does the Gemara prove that, from a Talmid-Chacham who failed to say
the Shema?
The Gemara explains the Pasuk "Haskes u'Shema Yisrael" in three different
1. From the Lashon of 'Asu Kitos, Kitos'.
2. From the Lashon of 'Kates' (meaning 'to cut').
3. 'Has' first, and then 'Kates'.
What does each of these mean, and what is the connection between 2. and the
Pasuk in Bamidbar "Zos ha'Torah, Adam Ki Yamus be'Ohel".
(a) What must a person do to merit the 'butter of Torah'?
(b) What will a Talmid merit if he accepts the rebuke of his Rebbe in
silence - once?
(c) And what will he merit if he does so *twice*?
(d) What does Rebbi Yishmael say about Dinei Mamonos?
What do we learn from the Pasuk in Mishlei:
1. "Im Navalta be'Hisnase"?
2. "ve'Im Zamosa, Yad le'Peh"?
(a) What Kal va'Chomer does Rebbi Nechemya learn from King Shaul's request
to the Keini (Yisro's descendants) to move away from Amalek, before he
destroyed the latter?
(b) What kindness did Yisro perform with Yisrael? (See Maharsha)
(c) Which Kal va'Chomer does Rebbi Yossi learn from the Torah's command not
reject an Egyptian?
(d) Which Kal va'Chomer does Rebbi Eliezer son of Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili
learn from the Hashem's blessing to Oved Edom ha'Giti?
(e) What was that blessing?