prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Berachos 61
(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Koheles "Al Tevahel Al Picha,
ve'Libcha Al Yemaher Lehotzi Davar Lifnei ha'Elokim etc."?
(b) Why can we not explain the two 'Yudin' in "va'Yitzer Hashem Elokim es
ha'Adam" (Bereishis), to mean that Hashem created man with two Yetzarim, a
Yetzer ha'Tov and a Yetzer ha'Ra?
(c) So what do we learn from the two 'Yudin'?
(d) Rav and Shmuel argue over the Pasuk in Bereishis "va'Yiven Hashem
Elokim es ha'Tzela" - whether Hashem created Adam with two faces, or with a
tail. The former conforms with the literal translation of the Pasuk in
Tehilim "Achor va'Kedem Tzartani". How does those who learn a Tail
interpret the Pasuk "Achor ve'Kedem Tzartani"?
(e) The snake's punishment preceded that of Chavah and of Adam. Then
what does Rebbi Ami mean when he says 'Achor le'Ma'aseh Bereishis *ve'Kedem
(a) According to the opinion which holds 'Zanav', how do we resolve the
discrepancy between the two Pesukim in Bereishis: "Zachar u'Nekeivah
Bera'am" and "Ki be'Tzelem Elokim Asa es ha'Adam"?
(b) How do those who learn that Hashem made Chavah out of a tail explain
the Pasuk there "va'Yisgor Basar Tachtenah"?
(c) And what do we learn from the Pasuk "va'Yevi'eha El ha'Adam"?
(a) According to those who learn 'Pirtzuf', which face led the way, and how
do we know that?
(b) It is not correct to walk behind one's own wife. But what do Chazal
say about someone who regularly (see Tosfos d.h. 've'Chol') walks behind
other women in a river?
(c) What do they say about someone who counts money into the hands of a
woman, in order to gaze at her?
(d) And what title do they confer upon someone who walks behind his wife?
(a) When the Pasuk refers to Mano'ach, Elkanah following their wives, and
Elisha going after the woman, what does it mean?
(b) From whom in the Chumash do we learn that it is the woman who should
walk behind the man, and not vice-versa?
(c) What is the significance of the order of the following:
A lion, a woman, idolatry and a Shul?
(d) What does Rav learn from the Pasuk in KohZeles "*Zevuvei* Maves
Yav'ish" etc., and Shmuel from "la'Pesach *Chatas* Rovetz"?
Answers to questions
(a) What does the Gemara say about the two kidneys?
(b) The heart weighs up the advice of the kidneys, the tongue cuts up the
speech into its various parts, the lips emit the speech. The esophagus
takes in the food and emits it, and the wind-pipe produces the voice.
What is the function of ...
1. ... the lungs?
2. ... the liver?
3. ... the gall?
4. ... the spleen and the stomach of a chicken?
(c) What are the opposing functions of the stomach and the nose, and what
happens if they switch roles?
(a) What do we learn from the three Pesukim in Tehilim ... "ve'Libi Chalal
Bekirbi"; "Ne'um Pesha la'Rasha, Bekerev Libi" etc.; "... La'amod li'Yemin
Evyon" Lehoshi'a mi'Shoftei Nafsho"?
(b) Why did Abaye protest when Raba called himself a Beinoni?
(c) In what connection does the Gemara cite as examples, Rebbi Chanina ben
Dosa and Ach'av ben Omri?
(a) According to Rebbi Eliezer, why does the Torah need to write (in the
first paragraph of the Shema) both "Bechol Nafshecha" and "Be'Chol
Me'odecha" ?
(b) What does Rebbi Akiva say about that?
(c) Papus ben Yehudah asked Rebbi Akiva why he taught Torah in public, in
spite of the Romans' firm decree gainst doing so. What (briefly) did
Rebbi Akiva reply?
(d) How did Papus later express regret at this dig at Rebbi Akiva?
(a) And what did Rebbi Akiva reply to his disciples, who expressed
amazement at their Rebbe's reactions to his tortures? What was he doing at
the time that he was being tortured ?
(b) What was the gist of the Bas Kol that was heard immediately following
Rebbi Akiva's death?
(c) What did the angels ask Hashem?
(d) What did He answer them?
(a) Our Mishnah forbids Kalus Rosh in front of the Eastern Gate. Under
which circumstances is this forbidden?
(b) The Tana Kama forbids one to relieve oneself in an East-West position
in Yehudah, and in a North-South position in the Northern past of Eretz
What does Rebbi Yossi hold in this regard?
(c) After quoting Rebbi Yossi, the Beraisa continues "va'Chachamim Osrim".
How do the Chachamim differ from the Tana Kama?
(d) Rebbi Yehudah restricts the prohibition to the times of the Beis
'Rebbi Akiva Oser be'Chol Makom'. Why was Raba upset, when he found the
stones that he had placed East and West, changed to North and South?