prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Berachos 60
(a) In the first Lashon, Rav Huna holds that someone who buys an article of
which he already has one, does not recite the Berachah of 'Shehechiyanu'.
What does Rebbi Yochanan say to that, and what does the Gemara deduce from
his opinion.
(b) In the second Lashon, they argue over someone who bought back the
article that he had once owned, but they agree that if one bought a second
article of which he already had one, a Berachah *is* required. What is the
difficulty with Rebbi Yochanan from the Beraisa in which Rebbi Meir and
Rebbi Yehudah argue when he bought a second article, where Rebbi Meir holds
that no Berachah is required, and Rebbi Yehudah holds that it *is*?
(c) What does Rebbi Yochanan answer to that?
(d) Why does the Beraisa not rather present the Machlokes by the case when
one bought the same vessel back?
(a) What does the Mishnah mean when it writes ... 'Mevarech Al ha'Ra'ah
Me'ein Al ha'Tovah'?
(b) ... 'Mevarech Al ha'Tovah Me'ein ha'Ra'ah'?
(a) "*ve'Achar* Yaldah Bas, va'Tikra es Shemah Dinah" (Bereishis). How does
the Gemara explain this Pasuk?
(b) How does this leave us with a Kashya on the Mishnah of 'ha'Tzo'ek
(c) Is there any way of answering this Kashya without saying that
miraculous episodes are different?
(d) There are various stages in a fetus' growth, each of which requires a
different Tefilah for success. For what would one Daven ...
1. ... during the first three days?
2. ... from the fourth day till thirty days?
3. ... from forty days till three months?
4. ... from three months till six months?
5. ... from six months till nine months?
(e) Since the sex of a baby is determined by who 'sows' first (a girl, if
it is the man, a boy, if it is the woman), how can Tefilah be effective,
even before the fortieth day?
(a) What did Hillel say, when he arrived in his home-town and heard a
(b) In which two ways, can we explain the Pasuk in Tehilim "mi'Shemu'ah
Ra'ah Lo Yi'ra, Nachon Libo Batu'ach ba'Hashem"?
(c) Then how do we explain the Pasuk in Mishlei "Ashrei Adam Mefached
(d) What did Rebbi Yishmael b'Rebbi Yossi say to the Talmid who was afraid?
(e) And what did Rav Hamnuna say to Yehudah bar Nasan, when he sighed out
of fear?
(a) Why should one not need to Daven when one enters or leaves a town where
they judge before sentencing to death?
(b) Why does the second Lashon hold that one *does*?
(a) Upon entering a bathhouse, one would say a Tefilah, which ended 've'Im
Ye'era Bi Devar Takalah, Tehei Misasi Kaparasi'. Why did Abaye object to
this text?
(b) How do we learn this lesson from two Pesukim in Yeshayah?
(c) Rav Acha teaches us the Tefilah 'Modeh Ani ... she'Hitzaltani min
ha'Or'? On which occasion does one say it?
(d) Why did Rav Avahu have good reason to say this Tefilah? What happened
to him?
(a) What should one say when one enters the blood-letter's rooms?
(b) Why did Abaye object to the conclusion 'she'Ein Darkan shel B'nei Adam
Leraf'os, Ela she'Nahagu'?
(c) What should he say when he gets up from the blood-letter's chair?
Answers to questions
(a) The Beraisa writes that, upon entering the bathroom, one says 'Hiskabdu
Mechubadim ... Harpu Mimeni' etc. To whom does one say this?
(a) Abaye objected to the original text. On what grounds did he object, and
what is the gist of the change that he made to the text?
(c) In the Berachah that we recite after leaving the bathroom, what is the
meaning of each of the words 'Echod', in the section: 'she'Im Yipase'ach
*Echad* Mehem, O Yisasem *Echad* Mehem'?
(d) To which wonder does 'u'Mafli La'asos refer?
(a) Why did Shmuel object to Rav's concluding the Berachah (of 'Asher
Yatzar') with the words 'Rofe Cholim'?
(b) How did *he* conclude the Berachah?
(c) According to Rav Sheishes, the Berachah terminates 'Mafli La'asos'.
What did Rav Papa comment on this?
(a) In the Berachah of 'ha'Mapil', what do the words 'u'Sehe Mitasi
Shelemah Lefanecha' mean?
(b) According to the procedure quoted in the Gemara (a procedure which we
do not follow nowadays), what is the first thing one says when one wakes
(c) When the cock crows, one recites 'Baruch Asher Nasan la'Sechvi' etc.
Still before getting out of bed, one then recites various other Berachos.
What does one say when one:
1. ... opens one's eyes?
2. ... sits up?
3. ... gets dressed?
4. ... straightens up?
(d) The rest of Birchos ha'Shachar are recited *after* one gets out of bed.
What does one recite when one ...
1. ... stands on the floor?
2. ... starts walking?
3. ... puts on one's shoes?
4. ... tightens one's belt?
5. ... dons one's hat?
(e) The procedure was then to put on one's Talis, one's Tefilin, and wash
one's hands (each one with its appropriate Berachah). Which Berachah does
one recite over the final act - washing one's face?
(a) What does the Mishnah mean when it writes 'Chayav Adam Levarech al
ha'Ra'ah, *ke'Shem* she'Mevarech al ha'Tovah'?
The Gemara brings three Pesukim from Tehilim to prove this.
(b) Which Pasuk does it quote from Hallel?
(c) Which Pasuk does the Gemara also quote from Iyov ("Hashem Nasan" etc.)?
(a) What should a Jew train himself to say constantly?
(b) How did this stand Rebbi Akiva in good stead no less than three times
in one night?