Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) According to Rav Yehudah, over flour made from wheat, one recites 'Borei Pri ha'Adamah'. (a) What does Rav Nachman hold in this case, and why should this Din be any different than olive-oil, which retains its original Berachah in spite of the fact that it has changed its format?2) Young palm-branches are edible, which is why, according to Rav Yehudah, one recites 'Adamah' over them. (a) Why does Shmuel hold hat one recites only 'Shehakol'?3) (a) According to which Tana does Rav permit one to eat the outer peel of a caper-fruit of Orlah, and why?When Ravina found Mar bar Rav Ashi eating the peel of the caper-fruit and throwing away the fruit, he asked him why he did not rely on Beis Shamai (in Chutz la'Aretz), who is lenient in Eretz Yisrael. (d) What did he mean?
4) (a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Vayikra "va'Araltem Orlaso *es* Piryo"?On the one hand, the hair in the crown of the pomegranate peel is Chayav Orlah; on the other, it does not combine with the pomegranate, to make up a Shiur Ochel regarding Tum'as Ochlin. (b) Why the difference?5) (a) In light of what we just concluded, how do we initially explain Rav Nachman quoting Rabah bar Avuha, who says that the outer shell of the date (which, like the outer peel of the caper-fruit, tends to fall off before the fruit is ripe) is forbidden because of Orlah, since it is a Shomer to the fruit? What does Rebbi Yossi say?According to Beis Hillel, grapes are Asur because of Shmitah when they reach the stage of Giru'a. (b) What is that the equivalent of, and how do now know that the author of this Mishnah (in Shevi'is) is the Rabbanan of Rebbi Yossi?6) (a) What does Rava hold regarding chewing peppers or ginger on Yom Kipur?7) (a) Why, according to Rav Yehudah, is the Berachah over Chavitz Kedeira (a mixture of flour, honey and oil which, after being allowed to congeal, is then cooked), 'Shehakol'?The Halachah is like Rav Kahana. (b) What does Rav Kahana say, and why is the Halachah like him?Rav and Shmuel actually issue two rulings: 1. Anything which contains the five types of grain ... 2. Anything that is from the types of grain ... ... requires the Berachah of 'Mezonos'. (c) Why are both rulings necessary? |