prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Berachos 37
According to Rav and Shmuel, rice and millet do not require the Berachah of
'Mezonos', as we just explained.
(a) What is the problem with that from the Beraisa 'Heivi'u Lefanav Pas
Orez u'Pas Dochen, Mevarech Alav Techilah ve'Sof, ke'Ma'aseh Kedeirah'?
(b) What is the Gemara's initial answer to this question?
The Beraisa writes 'Eilu Hein Ma'aseh Kedeirah Chilka, Targis, Zariz and
(c) What are these?
(d) In light of what we learnt above, how does the Gemara initially explain
the fact that the Beraisa includes rice in the list?
(a) What Berachah does one recite over bread that is subsequently cooked?
(b) What Berachah does the same Beraisa require over rice-bread that is
subsequently cooked?
(c) Why can the author of the Beraisa not be Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri?
(d) How do we therefore refute Rav and Shmuel from this Beraisa?
(a) According to whom does one recite 'Borei Minei Zera'im' over wheat
(b) What is the Machlokes between Rabban Gamliel and the Rabbanan regarding
the Berachah Acharonah over any of the seven species?
(c) What is the Machlokes between Rabban Gamliel and the Rabbanan regarding
the Berachah Acharonah over rice and millet?
Answers to questions
The Beraisa quoted above on 37a, after differentiating between large pieces
of bread that are cooked and small ones, then rules that the Berachah
Acharonah over rice is 'Al ha'Michyah'.
(a) Why can the author of this Beraisa not be Rabban Gamliel?
(b) Then who *is* the author, and how are we forced to amend the text?
Rav Yosef learns that the pieces referred to in the Beraisa above comprise
a Kezayis.
(a) From where does he learn this?
(b) Which other Berachah does one recite over a Minchah, who recites it and
(c) How does Rav Yosef explain the Beraisa, which includes a Kezayis of
crumbs, in the Dinim of Chameitz and Matzah?
(d) Why can he not establish the Beraisa (which is Mechayev someone who
eats a Kezayis of crumbs of Chameitz, Kareis), when he kneaded the crumbs
into a dough and re-baked them?
Rav Sheishes concludes that, over Chavitza (small pices of bread which
stick together when one pours soup over them), one recites ha'Motzi'- even
if the pieces are less than a Kezayis.
(a) What condition does Rava add to this?
Teruknin is Chayav Chalah.
(b) What is Teruknin?
Terisa is Patur from Chalah.
The Gemara gives three interpretations of Terisa:
1. 'Gevil Martach'; 2. 'Nahama de'Hindeka'; 3. 'Lechem he'Asuy
(c) What are these?
(a) When is 'Lechem he'Asuy le'Kutach' Patur from Chalah, and when is it
(b) What Berachah does recite over Kuva de'Ar'a, and why?
(c) Under which circumstances, does one recite ha'Motzi over it?
(d) Can one fulfill one's obligation of eating Matzah on Seider night with
Kuv'a de'Ar'a, and why?