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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 35


(a) Which is the only fruit of a tree over which one does not recite 'Borei Pri ha'Eitz, and which Berachah *does* one recite over it?

(b) Which is the only fruit of the ground over which one does not recite 'Borei Pri ha'Adamah', and which Berachah *does* one recite over it?

(c) What is the reason for the two above exceptions?

(d) Which Berachah does Rebbi Yehudah require over greens, and what is his reason?

(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Shoftim "va'Tomer Lahem ha'Gefen, 'he'Chadalti es Tiroshi ha'Mesamei'ach Elokim ve'Adam'"?

(b) Which Shirah are we talking about here?

(a) Based on the above Derashah, which two Derashos do we make from the Pasuk in Vayikra: "Kodesh *Hilulim* la'Hashem"?

(b) What bearing will the above Derashah have on the question of 'Neta Revai' or 'Kerem Revai'?

(c) Do we have another alternative source for 'Kerem Revai'?

(d) Assuming that we do, or according to those who hold 'Neta Revai', which second Derashah does the Gemara want to learn from "Hilulim"?

(a) From where does the Gemara want to learn the obligation to recite a Berachah before eating?
The Gemara refutes the above Derashah from Kerem on the grounds that a Kerem is Chayav 'Olelos', and from Kamah (the kinds of grain - whose source is "ve'Achalta ve'Sava'ata") on the grounds that it is Chayav Chalah.
(b) On what grounds does the Gemara reject the idea of learning from a 'Mah ha'Tzad' from both Kerem and Kamah?
The Mah ha'Tzad would anyway include olives, which also go on the Mizbei'ach (in the form of oil).
(c) Why are olives not included in 'Kerem', which is specifically mentioned in the Pasuk?

(d) Why can we not learn the obligation to recite a Berachah from the seven species, which are all written in the Parshah of "ve'Achalta, ve'Seva'ata u'Veirachta"?

(a) What problem does the Gemara have with Hilulim - according to those who hold Neta Revai?

(b) What is the ultimate source for both a Berachah Rishonah and a Berachah Acharonah?

(c)Why is someone who eats without a Berachah considered as if he had been Mo'eil in Hekdesh?

(a) What does the Beraisa mean when it says that his Takanah is to go to a Chacham and learn the Berachos?

(b) How do we reconcile the two Pesukim (both from Tehilim) "la'Hashem ha'Aretz u'Melo'ah" and "ve'ha'Aretz Nasan li'V'nei Adam"?

(c) To what do Chazal compare someone who eats without reciting a Berachah, and why do they draw an analogy between him and Yerav'am ben Nevat?

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(a) How do we reconcile the Pasuk in Hoshei'a: "ve'Lakachti *Degani* be'Ito", with the Pasuk in Devarim "ve'Asafta *Deganecha*"?

(b) What did Rebbi Yishmael mean when he said 'Hanheg Bahen Minhag Derech Eretz', and how does this tie up with the two Pesukim "Lo Yamush Seifer ha'Torah ha'Zeh mi'Picha" (Yehoshua)?

(c) What does Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai say about this?

(d) What comment did Abaye make regarding the two opinions?

(e) What advice did Rava offer his disciples in this regard?

8) The Gemara strikes two contrasts between the earlier generations and the latter ones, one regarding their approach towards blending Torah with work, the other regarding their keenness towards fulfilling the Mitzvah of giving Terumos and Ma'asros.
(a) What are they?
Olives too, have changed for the better, just like wine.
(b) What Berachah might Chazal have instituted to make over olive oil?

(c) What is called Mazon, what is included in the Neder 'Kol ha'Zan Alai', and what advantage does wine have over oil in this regard?

(d) If wine satisfies, how could Rava drink wine throughout Erev Pesach in order to develop an appetite?

(e) How does Rava explain the Pasuk in Tehilim "ve'Yayin Yesamach Levav Enosh, ve'Lechem Levav Enosh Yis'ad", which seems to imply that wine does not satisfy?

(a) Then why does one not Bensch over wine?

(b) If someone fixes a meal over wine, will he have to Bensch?

10) The Gemara objects to Shmuel, who rules that one needs to recite 'ha'Eitz' over oil, on the grounds that olive oil is harmful.
(a) From where does the Gemara know that this so?
Why can we not answer that it speaks when he drinks the oil ...
(b) ... together with bread?

(c) ... together with 'Anigron'?

(d) Then in which case *is* Shmuel speaking, and what is the Chidush?

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