prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Berachos 57
1. 'Huna' signifies a miracle (because of the 'Nun', which stands for
2. Chanina, Chananya and Yochanan (which contain two 'Nunin') signify many
3. 'Hesped' signifies that Hashem had pity on him and spared him from
All of these speak when he saw, not the person or the object, but the
letters spelled out.
(b) Someone who says 'Yehei Shemei Raba' etc., is assured that he is a Ben
Olam ha'Ba.
(c) And if he recites the Shema, it means that he is worthy that the
Shechinah rest on him, and tha, if it does not, it is only because the
generation is not worthy.
(d) The Torah writes "ve'Ra'u Kol Amei ha'Aretz Ki Shem Hashem Nikra
Alecha, ve'Yar'u Mimeka". It therefore follows that someone who dreams that
he is wearing Tefilin, will rise to greatness.
(a) Davening in a dream is a good sign, only if he did not conclude his
(b) Someone who has relations with his mother in a dream, can hope for an
increase in understanding.
(c) We see ...
1. ... from the Pasuk "Torah Tzivah Lanu Moshe" etc., that Torah is called
our betrothed. Consequently, someone who dreams that he is having relations
with a betrothed girl can hope for Torah.
2. ... from the Pasuk in Mishlei, which compares Chochmah to one's sister,
someone who dreams that he is having relations with his sister, can expect
(a) Someone who dreamt that he had relations with a married woman is a Ben
Olam ha'Ba, only if he does not know the woman and did not think about her
during the day.
1.If one dreams about wheat, he can expect peace, because of the Pasuk
"ha'Sam Gevulech Shalom, Cheilev Chitim Yasbi'ech".
2. If one dreams about barley, it means that his sins have been forgiven,
because of the Pasuk "ve'Sar (which is similar to 'Se'orim') Avonecha" etc.
(c) Rebbi Zeira commented that he moved to Eretz Yisrael only after he had
seen barley in a dream.
(a) David signifies piety; Shlomoh, wisdom and Achav, punishment.
(b) Sefer Melachim signifies greatness; Yechezkel, wisdom and Yirmiyah,
(c) Sefer Tehilim signifies piety; Mishlei, wisdom and Iyov, punishment.
(d) Shir ha'Shirim signifies piety; Koheles, wisdom; Kin'os, punishment and
Megilas Esther, a miracle.
If someone sees Rebbi in a dream, he can expect wisdom; Rebbi Elazar
b'Rebbi Shimon, riches; Rebbi Yishmael ben Elisha, punishment; Ben Azai,
piety; Ben Zoma, wisdom and Acher, punishment.
1.An elephant (unsaddled), a monkey, and a marten seen in a dream, are all
not good signs.
2. All metal seen in a dream are a good sign, with the exception of a hoe,
an ax or a spade.
3. The only fruit that is not a good sign is unripe dates.
4 And the only vegetable is the head of a (detached) turnip.
5. All colors are a good sign, except for Techeiles (dark-blue).
6. And all birds are a good sign except for various kinds of owls and bats.
1. Cherries, Kafniyos and unripe dates all enter the body but are of no
benefit to it.
2. Washing, anointing oneself and Tashmish (relieving oneself) do not enter
the body, yet they are a taste of Olam ha'Ba.
(c) Tashmish, in this context, cannot mean 'Tashmish ha'Mitah', because it
weakens a man. So how can it be described as a taste of Olam ha'Ba, which
is not subject to harmful side-effects?
(d) Tashmish must therefore mean relieving oneself, as we explained.
(a) Music, a nice view etc. and a nice smell, put a person's mind at ease.
(b) A nice house, a nice wife and nice vessels give a person a sense of
(c) Fire is a sixtieth of Gehinom; honey, of the Manna; Shabbos, of Olam
ha'Ba; sleep, of death; a dream, of prophesy.
(d) Sneezing, perspiring, diarrhea, an emission, sleep and a dream are a
good sign for a sick person.
(a) Cabbage, beets, dry pennyroyal, an animal's stomach or womb, and the
lobe of its liver are all good for the recovery of a sick person.
(b) On the other hand, if a sick person eats ox-meat, juicy or roasted
meat, bird's meat or a roasted egg, or if he has a haircut, eats cress,
milk or cheese, or takes a bath, he is heading for a relapse.
(c) It is large pumpkins which are perhaps *not* healthy. Small ones *are*!
1. A corpse seen in a dream is a sign of peace.
2. If the corpse ate in the house, it is a good sign for the house.
1. A dead person taking shoes or sandals in a dream is a bad sign, because
they symbolize going out, and it is therefore a sign that he intends to
take somebody from the house.
2. Whatever he gives is good except for earth, which a symbol of the grave.
(a) Someone who sees Markulis, recites 'Baruch ... she'Nasan Erech Apayim
le'Ovrei Retzono'. (Why specifically Markulis, see Tosfos d.h. 'ha'Ro'eh).
(b) If one sees a place where idols were destroyed, one recites the
Berachah 'Baruch ... she'Akar Akum' etc.
(c) According to the Rabbanan, the phrase 've'Hashev Lev Ovdeihem
le'Avdecha', refers to Jews who have gone astray, but not to gentiles.
(d) Rebbi Shimon ben Elazar claims that, since it is clear from a Pasuk in
Tzefanya that eventually, the gentiles will also relinquish their idolatry
and convert, the phrase is indeed appropriate.
One recites the Berachah 'Baruch Omer ve'Oseh, Gozer u'Mekayem', when one
sees the place from which one takes earth to place on the animals (there is
a certain location in Bavel where, if one does not load earth on to the
back of the animal, it cannot leave there - it is symbolical of the
disintegration of the cursed Bavel).
(a) When Rava would see the donkeys carrying away the earth of Bavel, he
would slap them on their backs and say 'Run Tzadikim, to perform the will
of your Master.
(b) Mar bar Ravina, quoting the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ve'Tatesiha bi'Metate
Hashmed", would take some earth in his head-cloth and throw it outside.
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