prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
Previous daf
Berachos 57
(a) What do the following signify - when seen in a dream.
1. ... Huna?
2. ... Chanina, Chananya or Yochanan?
3. ... Hesped?
In all of the above, does it speak when he saw the people or a eulogy in
progress, or that he saw the letters which spell the word?
(b) What does it mean if someone dreams that he is saying ... 'Yehei
Shemei Raba ' etc.?
(c) ... the Shema?
(d) Why does laying Tefilin in a dream signify a rise to greatness (from
which Pasuk do we learn this connection)?
(a) When is Davening in a dream a good sign?
(b) What should one hope for after dreaming that one had relations with
one's mother?
(c) In the same connection, what do we learn ...
1. ... from the Pasuk in Devarim "Torah Tzivah Lanu Moshe, Morashah Kehilas
2. ... from the Pasuk in Mishlei "Emor la'Chochmah, Achosi At"?
(a) When can someone who dreamt that he had relations with a married woman
know that he is a Ben Olam ha'Ba?
(b) Wheat and barley are both good signs in a dream.
What do we learn with regard to them, from the following Pesukim:
1. "ha'Sam Gevulech Shalom, Cheilev Chitim Yasbi'ech"?
2. "ve'*Sar* Avonecha, ve'Chatascha Techupar"?
(c) What did Rebbi Zeira comment on this?
Answers to questions
(a) What might someone expect if he sees - in a dream: David; Shlomoh;
(b) Sefer Melachim; Yechezkel; Yirmiyah?
(c) Sefer Tehilim; Mishlei; Iyov?
(d) Sefer Shir ha'Shirim; Koheles; Kinos; Megilas Esther?
(a) What would someone expect if he saw one of the following three
Chachamim: Rebbi; Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon; Rebbi Yishmael ben Elisha?
(b) or one of the following three Talmidei-Chachamim: Ben Azai; Ben Zoma;
(a) The following are all good when they are seen in dreams. What are the
exceptions in each case?
1. wild animals ...
2. metal ...
3. fruit ...
4. vegetables ...
5. dyes ...
6. birds.
(b) What do the following all have in common:
1. cherries, Kafniyos (a kind of bad fig) and unripe dates?
2. washing, anointing oneself and Tashmish?
(c) Why can Tashmish (in this context) not mean Tashmish ha'Mitah?
(d) What then, *does* it mean?
(a) Which three things put a person's mind at ease?
(b) What do a nice house, a nice wife and nice vessels, achieve?
(c) What are the following five things one sixtieth of:
fire; honey; Shabbos; sleep; dream?
(d) What are the following six things good for:
sneezing; perspiring; diarrhea; an emission; sleep; a dream?
(a) What do the following six things achieve:
cabbage, beets, dry Sisin (pennyroyal), the stomach or the womb of an
animal and the lobe of its liver
(Others add small fish to the list).
(b) What is the effect on a sick person, if he eats ox-meat, juicy meat,
roasted meat, bird's meat or a roasted egg; or if he has a haircut, eats
cress, milk or cheese, or takes a bath?
(c) Considering that some include nuts in the above list and others,
pumpkin, why did Rebbi and Antoninus have radishes, lettuce and *pumpkin*
on their table all the year round?
(a) What do the following signify when seen in a dream:
1. A corpse?
2. A corpse that ate in the house?
(b) What are the only two exceptions to the rule that ...
1. ... whatever a dead person takes is good?
2. ... whatever he gives is good?
(a) When does one recite the following Berachos: 'Baruch ... she'Nasan
Erech Apayim le'Ovrei Retzono'?
(b) 'Baruch ... she'Akar Akum mei'Artzeinu (in Chutz la'Aretz, one replaces
this with 'mi'Makom ha'Zeh'), u'Keshem she'Ne'ekrah mi'Makom Zeh, Kein
Tei'akar mi'Kol Mekomos Yisrael (in Chutz la'Aretz, one says 'mi'Kol
ha'Mekomos'), *ve'Hasheiv Lev Ovdeihem le'Avdecha*'?
(c) The Rabbanan maintain that the final phrase applies only to Eretz
Yisrael, because most of the inhabitants of Chutz la'Aretz are idolaters.
To whom then, does the phrase refer?
(d) Why does Rebbi Shimon ben Elazar disagree with the Rabbanan?
Someone who visits Bavel can be obligated to recite as many as five
Berachos. Four of them have already been cited above, the fifth one is
'Baruch Omer ve'Oseh, Gozer u'Mekayem'. When does one recite this Berachah?
(a) What did Rava used to do to the donkeys that carried away some of the
earth of Bavel?
(b) What did Mar bar Ravina himself used to do when he arrived in Bavel?