prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Berachos 56
(a) Shmuel told the Emperor how he would dream about being captured by the
Romans, who would made him grind date-stones with a golden mill. Since this
was both frightening and striking, he knew that it would cause him to think
about it all day, and consequently, he would be sure to dream about it the
following night.
(b) Bar Hedya gave Abaye positive interpretations, and Rava, negative ones,
because Abaye paid him for his services, whereas Rava did not.
(a) Rava told the blind men to desist from the third stroke, since it was
not included in the dream.
(b) Bar Hedya changed his attitude towards Rava, the moment Rava started to
pay him.
(c) He then interpreted ...
1. ... Rava's wall caving in, to mean that he would purchase unlimited
2. ... Abaye's house caving in, and the dust falling on Rava, to mean that
Abaye would die and that he would take over the mantle of leadership;
3. ... his house falling down and everyone coming to take a brick, to mean
that everyone would come to take his Torah sayings;
4. ... his head splitting open and the brains spilling out, to mean that
his cushion would split and all the stuffing would spill out;
5. ... the reading of Hallel ha'Mitzri (the equivalent of what we call
Hallel), to mean that he was destined to experience a miracle.
(d) Bar Hedya was about to cross over the River in the same ferry-boat as
Rava, when it occurred to him that it was unwise to share a ferry with
someone with whom a miracle was destined to occur. So he got up to leave
the boat - when he dropped his hand-book on dream-interpreting, which Rava
picked up.
When Rava saw there that all dreams follow their interpretation (whereas he
had always believed that the interpretation was fixed in Heaven, not by the
interpreter), he was furious with Bar Hedya for all the misery he had
caused him.
Rava was willing to forgive Bar Hedya for all of his tremendous monetary
losses, for his loss of prestige, his children and his wives, but not for
having caused the death of his favorite wife, Rav Chisda's daughter.
(a) Bar Hedya ran away to Rome, because he thought that Galus would atone
for his sin and thereby cancel Rava's curse (that he should be delivered
into the hands of the ruling power).
(b) Even in Rome, Bar Hedya refused to divulge the danger to the King's
wardrobe, because the Master of the King's wardrobe failed to pay him.
(c) When the Master of the King's wardrobe was sentenced to death for
allowing the clothes to be eaten by worms, he pointed a finger at Bar
Hedya, who had known about it, but had failed to warn him.
(d) They tied Bar Hedya's two hands and feet to two young trees, which they
had bent over completely and tied down with ropes. They then cut the ropes,
and, when the trees sprang back, Bar Hedya was split into two.
Rebbi Yishmael interpreted Ben Dama's dreams like this:
1. His nose falling off, meant that Hashem's burning anger had been removed
from him.
2. His two hands being cut off, meant that he would become so wealthy that
he would no longer need to work.
3. And his two legs being cut off, meant that he would from now on ride a
4. He would die in Adar and not see Nisan, meant that he was destined to
die in great honor ('Adra' means honor), and would not encounter any
(a) The Tzedoki refused to admit that he had stripped the dead of their
(b) At that moment, a woman entered, who recognized the coat he was wearing
as belonging to someone who had been buried in it, so he must have taken it
from off the corpse's back.
(c) 'Kepudki', Rebbi Yishmael concluded, must be an acronym of 'Kapa' (beam
in Persian and Greek) 'Dika' (meaning tenth in Greek - 'Deca'). So he told
the Tzedoki that his father had left him money in the tenth beam, which he
subsequently found.
(a) 'Be'er Mayim *Chayim*' can refer either to Torah, which is called life
("Ki Motza'i Matza Chayim" - Mishlei), or life, like the literal meaning.
(b) Dreaming about a bird, a River and a pot signifies peace.
(c) By a pot, we mean an empty one, at least, one that does not contain
(d) The Pasuk "u'Farsa Ka'asher ba'Sir, u'che'Basar be'Soch Kalachas", has
negative connotations; which is the source of the statement that we just
made - that a pot containing meat is not a good sign in a dream.
(a) Someone who dreams about a dog, should, as soon as he wakes up, quote
the Pasuk "u'le'Chol Benei Yisrael" etc., before the other Pasuk
("ve'ha'Kelavim Azei Nefesh") inadvertently comes out of his mouth".
(b) This conforms with the principle that emerges clearly from this Sugya,
that whenever the object of a dream can be found in two Pesukim with
contrasting connotations, one should immediately give the dream a good
interpretation, by quoting the Pasuk with the positive connotation.
1. "Kenei Chochmah" - *one cane* in a dream signifies wisdom.
2. "u've'Chol Kinyanecha, Kenei Binah" - *canes* in a dream signifies
(a) Kera, Koreh, Kirah and Kanya seen a dream, all have positive
connotations .
(b) Kera signifies a lot of Yir'as Shamayim.
(a) Someone who is kicked by an ox in a dream will go on a long journey.
(b) Someone who rides on an ox will rise to greatness, whereas if the ox
rides on him, he will die.
(a) If one sees in a dream ...
1. ... a donkey, one can expect salvation.
2. ... a cat (in a place where a cat is called 'Shunra') he will have a
nice song (a pleasant era in his life is about to begin); or, (in a place
where it is called 'Shinra') it heralds a change for the worse.
3. ... Yishmael ben Avraham, his prayers will be answered.
4. ... a camel, it means that death was due to him, but he was spared.
5. ... Pinchas, it means that he will experience a wonder.
6. ... an elephant (with a saddle), he will experience many wonders.
(b) Elephants are not a good sign in a dream, if he sees them without a
(c) Monkeys, like elephants, are not a good sign, when seen in a dream.
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