1) [line 4] V'I MI'CHLALA, MAI? - if it was only inferred that they said "Yotzer Or", what difference does it make? What could possibly be said to counter the inference?
2) [line 11] TAR'OMES HA'MININ - the seditious talk of the
heretics/Nazarenes *7*) [line 46] KOL SHE'LO AMAR "EMES V'YATZIV" SHACHARIS - That is, if a person reversed the order and said the evening Berachah in the morning or vice versa (RASHI) 8) [line 50] "[U']MIPNEI SHEMI NICHAS HU" (Malachi 2:5) - he is lowly (humbled) because of my name 9) [line 51] BAR ORI'AN - Torah scholar
10a) [line 1] CHIZRA - rod 13) [line 32] D'KATLEI L'NOV IR HA'KOHANIM - When David was running away from King Shaul, Achimelech the Kohen Gadol, aided him by providing him with bread and a sword, as recorded in Shmuel 1:21:2-9. As a result, King Shaul charged Achimelech and all the Kohanim of the city Nov with treason and had them killed (ibid. 1:22:9-19).
14) [line 34] BI'MCHITZASI - in my section of Gan Eden *16*) [line 36] BIKSHU LIKVO'A PARSHAS BALAK - The Gemara is discussing this here because we mentioned earlier other Parshiyos which the Rabanan considered adding to the daily prayers along with Shema (e.g. the Aseres ha'Dibros)
17) [line 40] GEMIRI - we have a tradition