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Berachos 11
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Gemara 11a [line 23]:
"u'Veis Shamai, ha'Hu Miba'i Lehu Perat li'Sheluchei Mitzvah"
(a) The Dikdukei Sofrim and Beis Nasan were not Gores these words.
The Maharsha also says that he found a Girsa in an old Shas without these
words. It is apparent that the texts of Rashi and the Rishonim also lacked
these words.
(b) If we *are* Gores these words, the intention of the Gemara is only to
review the point that was proven from the Beraisa. This was necessary since
the Gemara's proof was rather lengthy (RASHASH, YEFEH EINAYIM)
(c) In Yalkut Shimoni #845, as quoted by the Maharsha, these words appear
at the end of the Sugya, after "u'Veis Hillel ... Nami Kari." This appears
to be a misprint.
[2] Hagahos Rebbi Yeshaya Berlin 11a [in the left margin near the top of
Tosfos DH Tani]:
The words "Ayein *Rashi v'Tosfos*"
should be "Ayein *Tosfos*"
[3] Gemara 11b [line 29]:
"v'Rebbi Yochanan *Mesayem Bah Hachi*, Ha'arev Na ..."
This was the Girsa of Rashi.
The Girsa of Dikdukei Sofrim and of the other Rishonim is:
"v'Rebbi Yochanan *Amar*, Ha'arev Na ..."
1) [line 7] OSEK B'MITZVAH
The Gemara (Sukah 26a, Sotah 44b) states that a person who is involved in
performing one Mitzvah is exempt from performing other Mitzvos at that
time. Our Sugya includes the worry of a Chasan in the category of Osek
b'Mitzvah, even though he is not actually doing a physical act of a
Mitzvah. See Insights for further elaboration on this concept.
2) [line 12] LI'KRI - to read Keri'as Shema
3) [line 16] TARID - worried; distracted
4) [line 21] PE'ER - ornament, crown
*5*) [line 22] HACHAH TARID TIRDA DI'RSHUS - The Tirdah of the mourner is
not called a Tirdah of a Mitzvah. Although there is a Mitzvah to mourn, he
is not required to grieve to the extent that he is distraught (RASHI Sukah
*6*) [line 34] AMAR LEHEM, "YIHEYEH KENEGED HA'MASHCHISIM - (a) "Since you
praised my beard *I will now shave it off*" (RASHI) (b) "I am growing my
beard *to counter all those who shave off their beards*" (RASHBA)
The Torah (Vayikra 23:42) requires that all Jewish males above the age of
thirteen sit in a Sukah during the holiday of Sukos. Beis Shamai and Beis
Hillel disagree as to whether a person's table must also be in the Sukah
while he is eating. The Halachah is like Beis Shamai, that he must bring
his table into the Sukah, since we are worried that he will be drawn out of
his Sukah while eating. (RAMBAM Hilchos Sukah 6:8)
8) [line 54] ACHAS ARUKAH, V'ACHAS KETZARAH - (a) one long Berachah (Emes
v'Emunah) and one short Berachah (Hashkivenu) (RASHI); (b) whether it
("Emes v'Emunah") is said in a lengthy version or a short version (TOSFOS
DH Achas); (c) one blessing that begins *and* ends with "Baruch Atah"
("Yotzer Or" in the morning and "ha'Ma'ariv Aravim" in the evening) and one
that does not ("Ahavah Raba"/"Ahavas Olam" which only concludes with
"Baruch Atah") (RAMBAM, Peirush ha'Mishnayos)
9) [line 2] NOGAH - splendor; light
10) [line 25] LI'SNUYEI PIRKIN - to learn our lesson
11) [line 26] V'KA MASHI YADEI - he would wash his hands
12) [line 29] HA'AREV NA - please make pleasant
13) [line 36] ME'ULAH SHEBA'BERACHOS - the choicest of the blessings
14) [line 40] U'VARCHU ES HA'AM - they recited along with the non-Kohanim
15) [line 41] U'VIRKAS KOHANIM - See Insights to Maseches Tamid Daf 32 #1
16) [line 51] BERACHOS EIN ME'AKVOS ZU ES ZU - the Berachos of Keri'as
Shema do not hinder one another, i.e. a person does not have to say all of
the Berachos to perform the Mitzvah; rather, each one is a Mitzvah by
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