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Berachos 13

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 13a [line 8,9]:
The words "u'Faga Bo *Ze'ev* ... Paga Bo *Ari*"
should be "u'Faga Bo *Ari* ... Paga Bo *Dov*"
as can be found in Dikdukei Sofrim #100, Tosfos Avodah Zarah 2b and Tosfos
R"I he'Chasid in our Sugya. This sequence is based on the verse in Amos
5:19, "Ari ... Dov ... Nachash."

[2] Tosfos 13a DH b'Lashon ha'Kodesh:
The words "*Iy Nami* Mikra Bikurim ... *Af Al Pi Chen* b'Chol Lashon Ne'emrah"
should be "Mikra Bikurim ... *Iy Nami* b'Chol Lashon Ne'emrah"
(unlike the Maharsha's Girsa - NIMUKEI HA'GRIV)

[3] Gemara 13b [line 34]:
The words "ul'Arba Ruchos *ha'Shamayim*"
should be "ul'Arba Ruchos *ha'Olam*"
as the Girsa appears in Dikdukei Sofrim #90, the Rif and the Rosh. This
also appears to be the Girsa of Rashi DH d'Amlichtei. (In fact, we do not
often find reference to the four corners of the *heavens*, but rather the
four corners of the *earth*)

Magog is first mentioned among the sons of Yefes, son of No'ach, in Bereishis 10:2. The prophet Yechezkel (chapters 38-39) describes a cataclysmic war lead by Gog of the land of Magog, where many nations combine forces to wage war against the land of Yisrael. The prophecy assures Gog that Hash-m Himself will ruin the war effort and will destroy all of his multitudes. It is traditionally assumed that this war will take place at the end of days, preceding the revelation of Hash-m as master of His world.

2a) [line 34] BA'PERAKIM - between the different blessings and the Parshiyos of Keri'as Shema
b) [line 35] BA'EMTZA - in the middle of a blessing or a Parsha of Keri'as Shema

Whenever a person performs a Mitzvah, he must be aware of the fact that he is doing a Mitzvah. He cannot do it without thinking about it.

4) [line 45] B'KOREI L'HAGI'AH - when he is reading it in order to make corrections
5) [line 46] B'HAVAYASAN YEHU - they shall be the way the are

RASHI, cited by Tosfos DH b'Lashon, explains this to mean that when one is reading the Torah, he may read it in any language. See Insights.


7) [line 20] SIMAH K'NEGED HA'LEV - the Tefilin Shel Yad have to be put opposite the heart, on the muscle of the upper arm

8) [line 29] AGMIRU BENAICHU TORAH - teach your sons Torah
9) [line 29] D'LIGRESU BEHU - to the extent that they will be able to say it over and learn it on their own

10) [line 34] D'AMLICHTEI - you proclaimed Him king
11) [line 35] "AL LEVAVECHA" B'AMIDA - The first Perek of Keri'as Shema, until the words "Al Levavecha," has to be said while standing in one place (if the person was walking)

12) [line 40] BAR PACHSEI - the son of great people
13) [line 45] DARU AVDEI - his servant Daru

14) [line 45] B'PESUKA KAMA TZA'ARAN - if I am drowsy during the first Pasuk, cause me discomfort so that I will say it with full concentration

15) [line 47] PERAKDAN - a person laying on his back (RASHI, TOSFOS Nidah 14a DH a'Parkid); [a person laying face down (ARUCH)]

16) [line 48] MIGNA - to sleep
17) [line 48] LAYIT - cursed
18) [line 48] MATZLI - leans to one side

*19*) [line 49] SHA'ANI REBBI YOCHANAN, D'VA'AL BASAR HU - Rebbi Yochanan was heavy and found it difficult to turn on his side. Therefore, it was permitted for him to recite Shema while leaning only partially towards one side.

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