by Rabbi Ephraim Becker Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Beitzah 12
BEITZAH 11-15 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi
publications for these Dafim, for the benefit of Klal Yisrael
(a) (Beis Shamai) One may not carry out to Reshus HaRabim
that which is not needed for Ochel Nefesh on YomTov
(e.g. a child, a Lulav, a Sefer Torah).
(b) (Beis Hillel) It is permitted.
(a) It was taught before R. Yitzhok b. Avdimi that one who
slaughters an Olas Nedavah on YomTov incurs Malkos.
(b) (R. Yitzhok b. Avdimi): The source of that teaching is
Beis Shamai (who do not apply Mitoch to permit Melachah
for non Ochel Nefesh purposes) and could not be Beis
Hillel (who do make that extension).
(c) Question (Rabah): Perhaps our Mishnah deals with the
issue of whether Eiruv and Hotza'ah are relevant to
YomTov (Beis Shamai) or not (Beis Hillel, inferring
from the Pasuk which speaks only of Shabbos), while
both would agree not to apply Mitoch!?
(d) Answer (R. Yosef): If Beis Hillel indeed hold that
there is no Hotza'ah on YomTov, then they should have
taught this regarding permitting stones (thus we may
demonstrate that the argument is not over Hotza'ah
itself, but over Hotza'ah Shelo l'Tzorech)!?
(e) We may demonstrate that R. Yochanan also holds that the
Machlokes is over Mitoch (and that all agree to the
existence of Isur Hotz'ah on YomTov).
1. It was taught before R. Yochanan that one who
cooks Gid HaNasheh in Milk and eats it on YomTov
incurs five sets of Malkos (as listed).
2. R. Yochanan rejected the inclusion of Hav'arah
(which Mitoch should permit) unless the Mishnah
were Beis Shamai (thus demonstrating his view that
Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel argue over Mitoch).
(a) (Beis Shamai) One may not (give or) transport Chalah
and Matanos (from an animal) to the Kohen on YomTov,
regardless of whether the Hafrashah took place on or
before YomTov.
(b) (Beis Hillel) It is permitted to give and transport the
Chalah and Matanos.
(c) Beis Shamai adduces support from a Gezeirah Shavah
(comparing Dinim d'Rabanan) linking Chalah and Matanos
to Terumah (which, while taken before YomTov, may not
be brought to the Kohen on YomTov).
(d) Beis Hillel differentiate between Chalah and Matanos
(which one is permitted to be Mafrish on YomTov and, by
extension, to give and transport) and Terumah (which
one is not permitted to be Mafrish on YomTov).
(a) We initially assume that the Machlokes holds regardless
of when the Hafrashos took place (before or on YomTov).
(b) Question: If so (that Beis Shamai forbids giving even
Matanos which were Mufrash on YomTov) then our Mishnah
follows the view of Acherim (and does not follow the
opinions of R. Yosi nor R. Yehudah)!?
1. (R. Yehudah) Even Beis Shamai agree that Hafrashos
from YomTov may be given.
2. (R. Yosi) Chalah and Matanos may be given
regardless of when the Hafrashah took place (and
the argument is only over Terumah).
3. (Acherim) All agree that Terumah may not be given
and the argument is only over the Matanos.
(c) Answer (Rava): The Mishnah could be R. Yehudah, and the
Mishnah speaks only of Matanos whose *Hafrashah* was on
YomTov (but which were slaughtered before YomTov)!
(d) Question: Under that assumption, then the Mishnah is
the view of R. Yehudah, and not Acherim!?
(e) Answer: It may be the view of Acherim and Beis Shamai
only prohibit giving the Matanos of animals slaughtered
before YomTov (but Matanos of animals slaughtered on
YomTov would be permitted to be brought to the Kohen).
(f) Question: Then the position of Acherim is identical
with that of R. Yehudah!?
(g) Answer: They would differ on whether it is permitted to
add Matanos from an animal slaughtered before YomTov to
the Matanos being brought from an animal slaughtered on
YomTov (R. Yehudah) or not (Acherim).
(h) (R. Yehudah citing Shmuel) The Halachah follows R. Yosi
(that even Terumah may be given on YomTov).
(i) When the question was brought before R. Yosef, he ruled
in accordance with R. Yehudah citing Shmuel, like R.
(a) Question (the landlord): Is it permitted to crack open
mustard seeds and eat them on YomTov?
(b) Answer (Rava b.R. Chanan): He did not know the answer.
(c) The question was brought to Rava, who ruled that one
may roll ears of wheat, and crack kernels on YomTov.
(d) Question: A Beraisa contradicts this!?
1. One who rolls ears of wheat on Erev Shabbos, on
Shabbos may blow them (to remove the chaff) from
hand to hand and eat the kernels, but not in a
Kinun nor in a Tamchuy.
2. One who rolls ears of wheat before YomTov, may
blow them on YomTov one by one and eat the
kernels, even in a Kinun and a Tamchuy, but not in
sifter or a sieve.
3. On Erev YomTov one may roll ears of wheat, but not
on YomTov itself!
(e) Answer: It is also permitted on YomTov (Erev YomTov is
mentioned only to parallel the Reisha of the Beraisa
which says Erev Shabbos).
(f) Question: According to Rava (who permits opening the
chaff on YomTov in order to eat the kernel inside), the
statement of our Mishnah is inaccurate.
1. Our Mishnah teaches that Terumah cannot be
separated on YomTov.
2. According to Rava, Terumah can be separated on
YomTov, for otherwise one would not be permitted
to eat the kernel from which he removes the chaff
(which Rava permits)!
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