prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Bava Basra 21
BAVA BASRA 20-25 - sponsored by Harav Ari Bergmann of Lawrence,
N.Y., out of love for the Torah and for those who study it.
(a) To whom was Rav Yehudah Amar Rav referring when he used the term 'Zachur
Oso ha'Ish Zachur la'Tov'?
(b) If Torah would have been largely forgotten, it is on account of the
Pasuk "ve'Limadtem Osam es Beneichem". What was the problem?
(c) How did Yehoshua ben Gamla tackle the problem, based on the Pasuk "Ki
mi'Tziyon Teitzei Torah ... "?
(d) At what age did they then send the children to learn?
(a) What was the snag in Yehoshua ben Gamla's original Takanah?
(b) So how did he amend it to repair the snag?
(c) At what age did they now send the children to learn?
(a) What did Rav instruct Rav Shmuel bar Shilas to do ...
- ... once he would accept a child in his Cheder at the age of six?
- ... with a child who wasn't quite up to standard?
(b) What does the Beraisa say about someone in the Chatzer who wants to
become a doctor (a Mohel), a bloodletter, a weaver or a Melamed Tinokos?
(c) How do we reconcile this with the Tana of our Mishnah, who disallows
such a claim with regard to Tinokos shel Beis Raban?
(d) Another Beraisa forbids a partner in a Chatzer to set up various
practices, among them a 'Sofer Yehudi'. What is a Sofer Yehudi?
(e) How do we reconcile this Beraisa with our Mishnah?
(a) Rava says that from the times of Yehoshua ben Gamla and onwards, one is
not permitted to move a child from a Cheder in one town to a Cheder in
another. Why not?
(b) Under which circumstances may one move him to another Cheder?
(c) When is even this prohibited?
(d) It remains permitted however, when there is a Titura, but not when there
is a Gamla. What is ...
- ... a Titura?
- ... a Gamla?
(a) According to Rava, what is the maximum number of pupils per class
(b) What does one do if there are ...
- ... fifty children?
- ... forty children?
(c) Who pays for the assistant?
(a) Rava also rules that one does not replace a knowledgeable Rebbe with one
who knows more than him. Why not?
(b) On what basis does Rav Dimi from Neherda'a disagree with him?
(c) Rava also rules that a Rebbe who possesses more knowledge takes
precedence over one who is more meticulous. Why is that?
(d) And on what basis does Rav Dimi from Neherda'a disagree with Rava on
this issue too?
(a) Rav Dimi substantiates his point with an incident that occurred in the
time of David Hamelech. What terrible mistake did Yo'av (his
commander-in-chief) make during the six months that he fought with Edom
(b) To what did Yo'av attribute that mistake?
(c) What did Yo'av's Rebbe reply when David ...
- ... asked him what he had taught him?
- ... cited the Pasuk in Yirmiyah "Arur Oseh Meleches Hashem Remi'ah"?
(d) David then quoted the end of the Pasuk "Arur Mone'a Charbo mi'Dam".
What happened next?
Answers to questions
(a) What does Rava say about a children's Rebbe, a vine-planter, a Shochet,
a blood-letter and a Sofer (or a barber)? What do all of these have in
(b) On what principle is this based?
(a) What does Rav Huna say about Shimon, who wants to set up a mill next to
Reuven, a miller, who lives in the same Mavoy?
(b) The Beraisa forbids a fisherman to cast his nets within 'the space that
a fish darts, from the fish'. What does 'from the fish' mean?
(c) What distance is that, according to Rabah bar Rav Huna?
(a) What do we try and prove from the above Beraisa?
(b) We reject this proof however, on the grounds that fish are different.
What do we mean by that?
(c) In a Mishnah in Bava Kama, Rebbi Yehudah forbids a store-keeper to
distribute pop-corn and nuts to his customers. What do the Chachamim say?
(d) Ravina asked Rava whether Rav Huna holds like Rebbi Yehudah, who forbids
encroaching on a fellow-workers rights. What did Rava reply? Why might even
the Rabbanan agree with Rav Huna?
(a) How do we reconcile Rav Huna with the Beraisa which specifically permits
Shimon to open a store or a bathhouse next door to Reuven's, seeing as each
one is operating in his own domain?
(b) What does the Tana of the Beraisa say about the residents of a Mavoy
stopping someone from opening a tailor-shop, a tanner or a Melamed-Tinokos
in their Mavoy, if he is from ...
- ... another Mavoy?
- ... their own Mavoy?
(c) What does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel say?
(d) Like whom will Rav Huna then hold?
(a) Rav Huna B'rei de'Rav Yehoshua permits any resident of a town to stop a
resident of another town from starting competition with him in his town.
What does he say about stopping another resident from the same Mavoy (or
from the same town) from doing so?
(b) In which case ...
- ... will he treat someone from a different town as if he was from the same town?
- ... is he uncertain as to whether the would-be professional has a right to open-up in competition against someone who preceded him or not?
(c) What is the outcome of this She'eilah?
(d) How do we reconcile Rav Huna B'rei de'Rav Yehoshua (who is lenient
regarding competition in the same Mavoy) with Rav Huna (who is strict)?
(a) What is the reasoning behind Rav Yosef's statement, that Rav Huna's
stringent ruling does not extend to a Melamed Tinokos who wishes to open up
a Cheder next to an existing Cheder in the same Mavoy?
(b) And according to Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak, in which case will Rav Huna
B'rei de'Rav Yehoshua concede that the prohibition of encroaching does not
apply even to people from another town?
(c) What is the basis for this leniency?
Answers to questions
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