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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Bava Basra 20

BAVA BASRA 20-25 - sponsored by Harav Ari Bergmann of Lawrence, N.Y., out of love for the Torah and for those who study it.


(a) What does the Tana of the Beraisa say about detached grass, grass that is still growing, or pieces of cloth that are less than three by three fingerbreadths that stop up part of a window which divides between two rooms, one of which contains a corpse (if the gap that remains is less than a Tefach)?

(b) What is the significance of ...

  1. ... the Shiur of a piece of cloth which the Tana mentions that is less than three by three finger-breadths?
  2. ... the loose limb of an animal or a beast that stops up the window? Why is it not subject to Tum'ah?
(c) The Tana also adds a bird, a Nochri and a still-born baby.
But are these not subject to Tum'ah?

(d) The last three in the list are salt, an earthenware vessel and a Sefer-Torah.
Why is ...

  1. ... salt not considered a food (in which case it would be subject to Tum'ah)?
  2. ... an earthenware vessel not subject to Tum'ah? How must the Beraisa be speaking?
(a) Why are snow, hail, ice, frost and water precluded from the above list?

(b) Why is the detached grass mentioned in the list not fit to use as animal fodder?

(c) To answer the Kashya why the grass that is still growing does not stand to be picked (seeing as it damages the wall), we establish the Beraisa by the window of a ruin. Rav Papa establishes it even by a wall still in use.
Then why is the owner not worried that it will damage his wall?

(d) And why are the pieces of cloth not fit to use ...

  1. ... as patches in a torn garment?
  2. ... for bloodletting?
(a) With regard to the case of a loose limb or flesh of an animal ... , why are we not afraid that the animal will walk away?

(b) Why are we not then afraid that the owner will ...

  1. ... Shecht the animal?
  2. ... sell it to a Nochri?
  3. ... cut off the loose limb and feed it to his dog?
(c) And with regard to the case of the bird, why are we not afraid that the owner will ...
  1. ... Shecht it?
  2. ... sell it to a Nochri?
  3. ... give it to a child to play with?
(d) But surely a Kalnisa does not scratch?
(a) The Tana also includes in his list a Nochri and a stillborn baby who stop up the window.
What stops ...
  1. ... the Nochri from getting up and walking away?
  2. ... his friend from untying him and setting him free?
  3. ... his co-Metzora from doing so?
(b) Concerning a stillborn (eighth-month) baby (who is still ostensibly alive), why do we not contend with the possibility that his mother will come and carry him away?

(c) The same Beraisa which forbids his mother to pick him up, permits her to feed him (even though, other than to feed her baby, this constitutes an Isur de'Rabbanan).
Why is that?

(a) And the Tana also includes salt.
Why does he not contend with the possibility that the owner might take it away ...
  1. ... to salt his food?
  2. ... to salt skins?
  3. ... to save his wall from becoming damaged (as we learned in the previous Mishnah)?
(b) The piece of clay itself does not prevent the Tum'ah from passing into the next room, because it doesn't have the Shiur to render it significant. What Shiur would that be?

(c) He also includes an earthenware vessel.
Why are we not afraid that the owner will ...

  1. ... come and take it away to use?
  2. ... use it for bloodletting?
(d) And finally, he inserts a Sefer-Torah in his list.
Why might they not take it away ...
  1. ... to Lein from it?
  2. ... to place it in Genizah (Sheimos)?
Answers to questions



(a) Rav validates a Mechitzah made of anything except for two commodities. One of them is salt.
What is the other? What is the reason for this?

(b) What area of Halachah is Rav referring to?

(c) Shmuel validates even a Mechitzah of salt, yet they do not argue, says Rav Papa.
What does he mean by that (See Gilyon ha'Shas)?

(a) What area of Halachah is Rabah referring to, when he permits placing two poles of salt with a beam on top?

(b) Is he referring to Melach Sedomis or other salt?

(c) How might we now re-learn the 'Machlokes' between Rav and Shmuel?

(a) We learned in our Mishnah that Reuven must place his lower mill-stone three Tefachim away from Shimon's wall, and his upper mill-stone four. If he is working a small, donkey drawn mill, how close may he place ...
  1. ... the base of the mill (Istrubel)?
  2. ... the top of the funnel through which the grain is channeled (the Keles)?
(b) Why can the stringency in this instance not be due to the vibrations?

(c) Then what is the reason?

(d) We learned in our Mishnah that the base of a Tanur is one Tefach wider at the bottom than it is at the top.
What is the significance of this information in the realm of Dinei Mamonos?

(a) When building a Tanur into the ground of his ground-floor apartment, how much space was Reuven obligated to leave between its top and the ceiling?

(b) And how thick did the cement that served as the base of Shimon (the owner of the upstairs apartment)'s oven have to be if he was building ...

  1. ... a Tanur (a single rhombus-shaped oven)?
  2. ... a Kirayim (a double oven, rectangular shaped)?
(c) The Tana Kama holds that even someone who adhered to these specifications, is liable, would the oven cause damage.
What does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel say?

(d) What will be the Din if, according to the Tana Kama, Reuven wants to build an oven according to the above specifications and Shimon objects?

(a) The Tana also forbids Reuven to open a bakery, a dyeing shop or a stable underneath Shimon's storehouse (of wheat [as we have already discussed]). What is the reason for this?

(b) A bakery and a dyeing-shop are permitted underneath a winery, but not a stable.
Why is that?

(c) How do we reconcile our Mishnah with the Beraisa, which gives the Shiur of cement for a Tanur in an attic as three Tefachim with the Beraisa 'be'Tanur Arba'ah, u've'Kirah, Sheloshah'?

(a) What does the Beraisa rule in a case where the stable was there first?

(b) And what will be the Din if Shimon has already swept the roof and cleared it of dust in preparation for turning it into a storehouse? May Reuven open a bakery ... ?

(c) We ask the same She'eilah if Shimon added windows for that purpose (where the indication of his intentions is even more marked than in the previous case).
What third She'eilah do we ask along these lines, assuming that in the previous two cases, the answer is positive?

(d) What does Rav Huna B'rei de'Rav Yehoshua mean to ask when he says 'Tamri ve'Rimoni Mahu'?

(e) What is the outcome of these She'eilos?

(a) Our Mishnah permitted opening a bakery and a dyeing shop underneath a winery, because smoke and heat enhance the wine.
What does Rav Yosef comment about the wine 'nowadays'?

(b) And what does Rav Sheishes say about Aspasta (stubble of produce)?

(a) On what grounds does our Mishnah permit a resident of a Chatzer to protest if someone wants to open a store in the Chatzer?

(b) Can he also protest if someone makes vessels in the Chatzer to sell in the market? Will his claim that he cannot sleep because of the noise of the worker's hammer or the mill or the voice of the children be upheld?

(c) Assuming that the noise of the children refers to children who come to buy in the man's store, how does Abaye resolve the discrepancy between this ruling and the Reisha, where the Tana upheld his complaint?

(d) Rava disagrees, on the grounds that the Tana should then have said 'Chatzer Acheres Mutar'.
So how does Rava explain 'the voice of children' in the Seifa? Why can the residents of the Chatzer not complain?

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