prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Bava Basra 22
BAVA BASRA 20-25 - sponsored by Harav Ari Bergmann of Lawrence,
N.Y., out of love for the Torah and for those who study it.
(a) Ezra instituted that peddlers should travel from town to town selling
women's trinkets ... . as we just explained. How did he restrict this
(b) Why did Rava nevertheless permit Rebbi Yashiyah and Rav Ovadyah even to
open a store in Mechuza (even though it did not conform with Halachah)?
(c) And on what grounds did Ravina authorize those basket-sellers (or
pot-sellers) to sell their wares in Bavel, in spite of the locals'
(d) He only permitted this however, on market-day. What restriction did he
place on them even on market-day?
(a) What did those wool-merchants reply when Rav Kahana, following
complaints from the local residents, forbade them to sell their wool in
(b) So what ruling did he issue?
(a) What did the Resh Galusa instruct Rava to do when he heard that Rav Dimi
from Neherda'a was coming to sell his died figs?
(b) Rava sent Rav Ada bar Aba to test him. What does 'Tehi Bei
be'Kankaneih' mean literally?
(c) Rav Ada was unable however, to answer the She'eilah that Rav Ada asked
him. What did he ask him?
(a) What did Rav Ada reply, when Rav Dimi asked him whether he was Rava?
What did he do to demonstrate that he did not consider him significant?
(b) Why did Rav Dimi come before Rav Yosef?
(c) Rav Yosef reacted to Rav Dimi's complaint by quoting a Pasuk in Amos.
What does the Pasuk say there about Mo'av and the King of Edom?
(d) What did that have to do with Rav Dimi from Neherda'a?
(a) When Rav Ada bar Aba died, many Amora'im claimed that he had died
because of them (see Tosfos DH 'Ana'). We can easily understand why Rav
Yosef and Rav Dimi from Neherda'a attributed his death to themselves. But
what made Rava claim responsibility for Rav Ada's death?
(b) Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak too, claimed that he was responsible for Rav
Ada's death. What was their relationship?
(c) Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak was once late for the D'rashah because he was
waiting for Rav Ada in order to revise it with him first. What delayed Rav
(d) What did Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak reply when the Talmidim asked him why
he was late for the D'rashah?
(e) On whom do we finally pin the responsibility for Rav Ada bar Aba's
(a) What distance does the Tana of our Mishnah demand between two walls
(what exactly the Tana means will be explains shortly)?
(b) The Tana also requires Reuven's wall to be at least four Amos away from
Shimon's window. What three ramifications does this ruling have?
(c) For how long must Shimon's windows have been in existence for this
requirement to take effect?
Answers to questions
(a) The Tana's statement 'Mi she'Hayah Koslo Samuch le'Kosel shel Chavero,
Lo Yismoch Lo Kosel Acher Ela-im-Kein Hirchik Mimenu Arba Amos' is obviously
erroneous. Why?
(b) Why is Rav Yehudah's suggestion that the Tana is really coming to
prohibit Reuven from building a wall within four Amos of Shimon's existing
one, unacceptable?
(c) So how does Rava then interpret his words?
(d) What is the reason for this?
(a) Rav restricts the four-Amah gap between the walls to walls of
vegetable-gardens; walls of Chatzeros, he maintains, do not need it. Why
is that?
(b) What does Rebbi Hoshaya say?
(c) In fact they do not argue, says Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina. How is
that possible? In which case would Rav concede that even walls of Chatzeros
need the four-Amah gap?
(a) We learned in our Mishnah that Reuven's wall must be at least four Amos
higher than all Shimon's windows, to prevent the owner of the wall from
leaning on his wall and peeping into Shimon's window, or four Amos lower,
to prevent him from standing on the wall and doing the same, as the Beraisa
explains. What reason does the Beraisa give for the Mishnah's obligating
Reuven to distance his wall from Shimon's?
(b) What can we infer from this that poses a Kashya on what we just learned?
(c) How do we resolve this apparent discrepancy?
(d) How far away does Rav Yeiva the father-in-law of Ashi'an quoting Rav,
require the edge of Reuven's wall to be from Shimon's window?
(a) If the wall is as close to the window as that, we are faced with the
problem of Hezek Re'iyah (caused by Reuven's ability to use the top of his
wall to peep into Shimon's window). How does Rav Z'vid dispense with this
(b) How do we reconcile Rav Yeiva's Shiur of 'the width of the window' with
our Mishnah, which actually gives the distance as four Amos (see Tosfos DH
've'Ha Anan T'nan')?
(a) We are about to learn the Mishnah which requires Reuven to build his
wall four Amos from Shimon's gutter. Why is that?
(b) Why does this pose a Kashya on Rava (who attributes the Shiur of four
Amos to 'Davsha' (walking in that area and hardening the ground)?
(c) How do we establish the Mishnah to accommodate Rava?
(d) Our Mishnah (the same one that we just quoted) requires Reuven to place
his ladder (next to the wall of the Chatzer) not less than four Amos away
from Shimon's dovecote. Why is that?
(a) What do we mean when we suggest that the author of our Mishnah cannot be
Rebbi Yossi? What does Rebbi Yossi say?
(b) To answer this Kashya, Rav Ashi in the name of Rav Kahana, explains that
Rebbi Yossi agrees with the Chachamim by 'Girei Dilei'. What does he mean
by that?
(c) Why is the case of the ladder considered 'Girei Dilei'?
(d) Considering that Reuven did not actually throw the marten, this is
surely no more than G'rama be'Nizakin. What does Rav Tuvi bar Masni
therefore extrapolate from our Mishnah?
Answers to questions
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