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Avodah Zarah 11

AVODAH ZARAH 11 - dedicated by Reb Gedalya Weinberger of Brooklyn, N.Y. in memory of his father, Reb Chaim Tzvi ben Reb Shlomo Weinberger. Reb Chaim Tzvi, who miraculously survived the holocaust, raised his children with an intense dedication to the Torah and Gedolei Torah.

1) [line 1] ONKELUS BAR KELONIMUS - Onkelus, the son of Kelonimus, was a member of the royal family of Rome. His uncle was Titus, the son of Vespasian (or, according to the Girsa of the Vilna Ga'on in Gitin 56b, his uncle was Hadrian). The account of his conversion to Judaism is related in Gitin 56b-57a. He was a disciple of Rebbi Eliezer, Rebbi Yehoshua and Rebbi Akiva and he is most noted for his translation of the Torah into Aramaic.

2) [line 2] GUNDA D'ROMA'EI - a squad of Romans
3) [line 3] MASHCHINHU BI'KERA'EI - he drew them [towards Torah] with verses
4) [line 4] LO SEIMRU LEI V'LO MIDI - do not discuss anything with him at all
5) [line 5] KI HAVU SHAKLU V'AZLU - while they were traveling

6a) [line 6] NIFYORA NAKAT NURA KAMEI PIFYORA - the torch-bearer carries the flame before the royal carriage
b) [line 6] NIFYORA - the torch-bearer
c) [line 7] PIFYORA - the royal carriage
d) [line 7] DUCHSA - the commander
e) [line 8] HEGMONA - the district commander
f) [line 8] KUMA - the supreme official (i.e. the king)

7) [line 12] LO SISHTA'U MIDI BA'HADEI - do not speak with him at all
8) [line 21] "VA'YOMER HASH-M LAH, 'SHNEI GOYIM B'VITNECH, [U'SHNEI LE'UMIM MI'ME'AYICH YIPAREDU; U'L'OM MI'LE'OM YE'EMATZ, V'RAV YA'AVOD TZA'IR.']" - "HaSh-m said to her, 'Two nations are in your womb, [and two peoples shall be separated from your insides; and one people shall be stronger than the other and the elder shall serve the younger.']" (Bereishis 25:23)

9a) [line 23] GOYIM - nations
b) [line 23] GEIYIM - exalted ones
10a) [line 24] CHAZERES - (O.F. laitugue) lettuce
b) [line 24] KISHUS - cucumber
c) [line 24] TZENON - (O.F. rafne) radish

11a) [line 26] MECHATECH (OCHEL) [MA'ACHAL] - it cuts the food (DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #8)
b) [line 26] MEHA'PECH MA'ACHEL - it turns over (thrashes) the food (aiding in digestion)

12) [line 26] MARCHIV ME'AYIM - it expands the intestines
13) [line 27] KISHU'IN - cucumbers
14) [line 28] CHARAVOS - swords
15a) [line 28] RAVREVEI - large ones
b) [line 28] ZUTREI - small ones
16) [line 30] CHUKAH - an ordinance [of idolatrous practice]
17) [line 31] SORFIN AL HA'MELACHIM - we may burn [the objects of kings] upon [the death of] the kings

18) [line 31] V'LO MI'DARCHEI HA'EMORI - and it is not [considered doing an act in] the manner of the Emorites (DARCHEI HA'EMORI)
(a) Darchei ha'Emori is the term that refers to those customs of the Nochrim that have no logical foundation, but are not idol worship.
(b) The prohibition of performing such acts is derived from the verse, "uve'Chukoseihem Lo Seileichu" (Vayikra 18:3; RASHI to Shabbos 67a), or from the verse, "Lo Sa'aseh k'Ma'aseihem" (Shemos 23:24; RASHI to Chulin 77a, RAMBAN to Shemos ibid.)

19) [line 32] "UVE'CHUKOSEIHEM LO SELECHU." - "[After the doings of the land of Egypt, where you dwelt, you shall not do; and after the doings of the land of Kena'an, where I am bringing you, you shall not do;] nor shall you walk in their ordinances." (Vayikra 18:3)

20) [line 37] "B'SHALOM TAMUS, UV'MISREFOS AVOSECHA HA'MELACHIM..." - "But you shall die in peace, and just as objects were burned (the beds and possessions) for your fathers, the previous kings [who were before you, so shall they burn for you; and they will eulogize you, saying, 'Ah master!' For I have pronounced the word, says HaSh-m." (Yirmeyahu 34:5)

21) [line 39] NESI'IM - the leaders of the generation (Exilarchs)
22) [line 40] SHIV'IM MANEH TZURI - 70 Maneh of Tzuri, the denominations of coins used in Tzor (Tyre; this denomination was worth eight times more than the provincial coinage, Kesef Medinah). A Maneh is equivalent to 25 Sela'im, or 100 Zuz.

23) [line 42] OKRIN AL HA'MELACHIM - (O.F. esjareter) we may dismember [the tendons of the legs of animals] upon [the death of] the kings [who owned them]

24) [line 43] IKUR SHE'YESH BAH TEREIFAH - dismemberment that causes the animal to become a Tereifah. (A Tereifah is an animal that has acquired or was born with a fatal defect that will result in its death within a year.)


25) [line 1] HA'MENASHER PARSOSEHA MIN HA'ARKUVAH UL'MATAH - cutting the tendons of the hoofs beneath the ankle

26) [line 2] EGLAH HA'MOSHECHES B'KARON - a calf that pulls a wagon [upon which the king rode in his lifetime]

27a) [line 4] HANACHAS BELORISO - [cutting the hair of the head while] leaving the Beloris (the long hair grown at the back of the head by idol-worshipping youths of the upper classes in honor of their gods, that was offered to their gods once a year)
b) [line 5] HA'AVARAS BELORISO - cutting off the Beloris (to offer it to the gods)

28a) [line 9] ADAM SHALEM - a healthy person (symbolizing Esav)
b) [line 10] ADAM CHIGER - a lame person (symbolizing Yakov -- see Bereishis 32:32)

29) [line 12] KARKEIFLO SHEL REBBI YISHMAEL - the tanned skin of the face of Rebbi Yishmael Kohen Gadol, who was one of the "Asarah Harugei Malchus," the ten martyrs who were killed by the Roman Empire. When Rebbi Yishmael was about to be killed, the daughter of the Roman Emperor requested that he be spared because of his rare beauty. When her father refused, she asked if his face could be skinned and preserved; this request was granted. The mask became a state artifact of the Roman Empire (MIDRASH ASARAH HARUGEI MALCHUS).

30) [line 13] MASKAL (200 ZUZA) [ARBA ZUZEI] D'FIZA - (a) a rare, precious gem that weighs four Zuzim (RASHI); (b) four Zuzim of fine gold (of which there is only a very limited amount in the world -- TOSFOS DH Maskal, citing Gitin 58a) (The Girsa is from DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #100)

31) [line 13] MECHAPIN ES (HA'SHEVAKIM) [HA'SHOKAYIM] B'INACH - and they cover the legs [of the healthy man] with onyx stones (The Girsa is from EIN YAKOV)

32) [line 14] SACH KIRI PELASTER - (a) the calculation of the officer is a fraud (i.e. the calculation of Yakov that at the end of days his sons will be redeemed is false -- see RASHI to Bereishis 49:1) (RASHI); (b) the words of the officer are false (i.e. the blessings that Yitzchak Avinu gave to Yakov will not come true) (TOSFOS DH Sach)

33) [line 15] ACHUHA D'MARANA ZAIFANA - the brother of our master is a forger

34a) [line 15] D'CHAMI CHAMI - whoever has seen [this event] have seen [it]
b) [line 16] UD'LO CHAMI LO CHAMI - and whoever has not seen [this event] will not see [it until seventy years pass]

35) [line 16] MAI AHANI L'RAMA'AH B'RAMA'USEI UL'ZAIFANA B'ZAIFANUSEI - What benefit did the trickster have from his trickery and the forger from his forgery?

36) [line 18] VAI L'DEIN KAD YAKUM DEIN - Woe to this one when that one gets up (According to the Roman performance, this means "Woe unto Yakov when Esav arises to punish him for his misdeeds." RASHI explains according to the continuation of the Gemara that states, "Pihem Hichshilam..." that this means "Woe unto Esav when Yakov arises at the end of days and he (Esav) will be punished for his misdeeds" -- MAHARSHA)

37) [line 20] KED'KA'AMREI - (lit. as they said) it would have been as they intended

38) [line 37] TEDIRA KULA SHATA PALCHEI LEHU - every day of the year the idolaters make festivals and sacrifice to these idols (as such, it is always prohibited to have business dealings with their followers)

39) [line 39] LI'ZEVUNEI CHAMRA - to sell wine
40) [line 40] CHAGTA D'TAYA'EI - the festival of the merchants
41) [line 44] ATLUZA SHEL AZAH - the meat market of Azah, that was outside of the city (Azah was a Pelishti city)

42) [last line] TZOR - the city of Tyre, located on the southern coast of Lebanon

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