Yizkor (Remember)
The age-old custom of remembering
the souls of the departed and contributing to charity in their memory is
embedded in the fundamental Jewish belief in the everlastingness of the
soul. The Yizkor service is said on Yom Kippur. The custom is also to recite
it on the three Jewish holidays, Passover, Shavuot, and Succot. When a person
passes on to the next world, the soul
can no longer do good deeds to attain merit. But despite the apparent finality
of the closing of their book of deeds, when we give
charity, do good deeds, or say a prayer this indeed can achieve spiritual
elevations, and open the ledger for a rectification of merits for the deceased.
Similarly, the Yizkor service can reopen the book of deeds and bring merit
and elevation to your loved ones. God treats our prayer and our charity
as if the deceased gave it. For if not for them the noble
act would not have taken place.
To have Yizkor said