Life Quotes
Only Now
Focus, do your best; smile and enjoy your life. See your dreams coming
true and be the person you want to be. Be in love with your world,
amazed by its beauty. For, now -- and only now -- your are alive.
Living a Dream
We need to have a dream and believe its truth. We need to see our dream
as real, and -- more importantly -- as affecting the type of person we
become. Thus, we live our dream right now.
A Garden
Life is like a garden. The more effort we put into it, the more
beautifully it grows. But when we leave it, weeds and thorns overrun
Where do we get the seeds -- ideas and inspiration to make our
garden flourish? We need to look to the One who is the landscaping
artist of it all.
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Life Quotes
from "Be Happy and Succeed"
gives you all that you need, all that you deserve.
one thing counts: what you say, do and think - now.
depends on you - on you and only you.
In every
situation, you have a choice - one greater, one lesser.
you like it or not, you're a pleasure-seeker.
choices determine your wellbeing, your success and happiness.
outer circumstances are a mirror of our inner selves.
the requirements, and the prize is yours - just as you want it.
can be another way.
Don’t be too
righteous; don’t be too clever. Don’t overstep the
boundaries; not quite yet.
Good living comes from
being good people - kind, gracious, considerate, even loving.
more to life than just surviving.
The harder you
work, the more pleasure you gain.
Work invisibly,
and you work better.
Whatever you need, is already
at your feet
Remind yourself again that Life is a
More than the blame lies with others, it lies
with you.
The only things you really own are your
good deeds.
Every problem has a solution.
great as others are, as busy, as dynamic and successful as they are,
they hope for a kind word from you.
Silence is often
the finest response.
All you give comes back to you.
fear you entertain in your mind grows.
foundation of happiness is good character.
View an
upsetting experience as being a bar of soap, something that has the
power to cleanse you.
An ideal that asks you to establish, build, perpetuate something
greater than yourself, is a life force.
More than you give to the moment, you gain from the moment.
To love
life is to live as Hashem wishes you to live.