Make a difference to Jewish communities
worldwide and join our growing database of
highly-skilled consultants now!
What and who is The Mentor Network looking for?
We are looking for knowledge and expertise. Anyone who is Jewish,
experienced and successful in his/her chosen field, will be welcomed
as a Mentor Network volunteer.
What does Shema ORTJET USA want from you?
We want your commitment to a Jewish American business community that
is self-sufficient and sustainable well into the future. This
commitment will translate into a few hours of your time, when the
need arises, to guide a Jewish business back to profitability.
How will The Mentor Network use your services?
We will match you to a business that requires your specific skills .
You wll be trained by the Mentor Netowrk consultants manager on
how to best mentor your business. We will always consider your time
capacity before allocating a business to you .
There is ongoing management , interaction and support from The
Mentor Network team . So don't delay - become a mentor and make a
difference today !!!
What is your first step?
Please fill in the form and hit the
"SUBMIT" button at the end, your details will be added to our
database. Once we've analyzed your data, we'll contact you.
Remember, the more detail you give us, the more effectively we can
use your skills.
Your information will be treated confidentially.