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VOLUME I - ISSUE II MAY 97 - IYAR 5757 Welcome back to Bais Kaila! Although only a few short months have passed since our last update on the Bais Kaila news front, lots has been happening. DINNER UPDATE On Sunday, June 8th, 1997, Bais Kaila Torah Preparatory High School was gratified to show pride, pay tribute and display appreciation to unique individuals of the Lakewood Torah community. It was on this date that our 20th Anniversary Dinner was held at Doolan’s Manor, Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey. We were proud to honor four unique women, esteemed representatives of Bais Kaila’s first graduating class, who together with their Bnei Torah husbands are forging a new generation of Torah involved and dedicated families. Twenty years ago, Miriam (Epstein) Friedler, Rus (Freundlich) Zucker, Masha (Stitsky) Berkovits and Minna (Teicher) Shvarzblat were pioneers as members of the first class of Bais Kaila High School. Upon marrying young Bnei Torah a union of the Bais Yaakov movement and the Yeshiva world evolved. These young women today are mothers of a new generation, golden links in the glorious chain of our mesorah. Together with their husbands, they have made their families and communities a priority in their lives. These couples have earned our admiration for their work in their respective fields. Through their successes in both the educational and business worlds, they have enhanced the lives of others with many acts of chessed. Asher Zelig and Masha Berkovits, Aharon and Miriam Friedler, Moshe and Minna Shvarzblat, and Raphael and Rus Zucker received the Founding Students Award. Bais Kaila presented the four families with sterling silver wine decanters to enhance their Shabbos tables. The pioneering families, in turn, wished to show their hakaras hatov to the institution that gave them the basis for modeling their wholesome family life and presented Bais Kaila with an awesome calligraphy plaque depicting the Bais Kaila emblem and encompassing the names of all the students who have passed through the portals of Bais Kaila in the last twenty years. Bais Kaila also be paid tribute to an exceptional couple who are models for all Torah families. Rabbi Pinchos and Chaya Bodner personify the Crown of Torah in all its glory. Reb Pinchos’ diligent learning accompanied by his sterling character is a model for every ben Torah. His close relationship with poskei hador, Hagaon Reb Moshe Feinstein zt”l and Hagaon Reb Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l has enabled him to be marbitz Torah through his popular seforim. The warm atmosphere emanating from his home is manifested through the sensitivity of his akeres habayis, Chaya. As a loving mother and a caring nurse, she nobly displays the modesty and chessed exhibited by our emohos. During their tenure as parents in our school, they have always been extremely supportive of our derech in chinuch habanos. Their royal demeanor in building their home on the foundation of our Mesorah makes us proud to present them with this well deserved award. Rabbi and Mrs. Bodner received the latest edition leather bound mishne b’rurah. It is with a great sense of appreciation that we bequeathed the Public Service Award to an individual whose dedication to the Lakewood community in particular and to Ocean County at large is well-known. Ocean County Sheriff William L. Polhemus is a person whose sensitivity to the public good and steadfast compassion in safeguarding the residents of his county is unequaled. It was with gratitude to Hashem that we were able to greet all our guests and friends at our 20th Annual Anniversary Dinner on Sunday, June 8th, 1997, 3 Sivan, 5757.
STUDENT COUNCIL Chinuch habanos is a constant job. The education of our remarkable teenagers cannot stop in the classroom. It is for this reason that Bais Kaila has cultivated a comprehensive extra-curricular program. Leadership qualities need to be nurtured and developed so that the individual learns to be sensitive to the feelings of others. There are some girls that have to acquire the skill of overcoming shyness and insecurity so that their talents can shine. The functions also afford an opportunity for the teachers to develop a rapport with their students in an informal atmosphere. The girls incorporated the theme of shira and depicted, through glimmering decorations, a harmonious cantata and musical memorabilia at the Chanukah Chagiga, worthy of notation. This year’s Expo was a lesson within itself. The theme, ki haym chayeinu, was a concentrated and in depth study of the vital role Torah plays in our lives. The week of intensity began with an opening address from Rabbi Shmuel Dishon, Rosh Yeshiva of the Stoliner Yeshiva, and was followed by creative applications of the concept and inspiring lessons. The theme of the expo became an integral part of the Bais Kaila student as she learned to channel her intellectual pursuits in a Torahdicke way. The Yom Tov of Purim is synonymous with happiness and a good time. Can there be a more joyful time than that of a chassunah? Dressing up as members of the wedding party or as guests to the simchah is an enjoyable way to celebrate Purim. ERETZ YISROEL REUNION It was in the middle of the bitter winter season, and although the icy winds permeated the air, there was warmth amongst the Bais Kaila alumnae in Eretz Yisroel. Rabbi Schenkolewski visited the Bais Kaila graduates attending prestigious seminaries and was greeted with great enthusiasm and excitement. He spoke with the hanhallah of the leading seminaries, and predictably, was extremely pleased with the favorable reports he heard about our Bais Kaila graduates. The girls assembled at the home of Rabbi Schenkolewski’s son in Yerushalayim and were the recipients of one of his exclusive, acclaimed workshops. While visiting Seminar Yerushalayim, Rabbi Schenkolewski was also amicably coerced into speaking to their student body. ADVANCED CURRICULUM Bais Kaila has the deserved reputation of being in the forefront in expanding and augmenting the education of its students. Plans are being developed to update the educational procedures so that today’s graduate will be better prepared to meet and face the new challenges in the world, both spiritually and professionally. FLASH! NEW WING UPDATE Take a peek out of a Bais Kaila window and what do you see? The construction crews are hard at work, removing the trees, clearing the land, leveling the ground, and setting in pipes for the next phase in the physical extension of Bais Kaila’s building. The Senior Class took advantage of the excavation by providing a sumptuous impromptu picnic breakfast in the new clearing in honor of Rosh Chodesh Adar. EXPANDING PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical education is integral in the healthy and balanced maturation of the teenager. A strong and sound body is a prerequisite to emotional stability and the creative, intelligent development of the mind. It is with great excitement that Bais Kaila is able to introduce the newest addition to our physical education department, our Olympic size pool. Initial plans have been completed and so has the construction. There is a concrete wall surrounding the heated pool. The pool will also be enclosed with a removable roof. Anyone interested in subsidizing this enclosure should please contact the Bais Kaila office or send email to pool@baiskaila.com A CHANCE ENCOUNTER A baby is kidnaped at birth! Is it plausible? Could it really have happened in Eretz Yisroel? Is it possible for one Jew to have deliberately conceived so much unhappiness for another? And what can we learn from the misdeeds of a generation ago? These are the questions seeking clarification in this year’s Bais Kaila musical production. “A Chance Encounter” is based upon the true story of an infant Yemenite boy kidnaped and raised in a non-religious home. The sensitive acting of the girls, with their heart-rending songs, helped portray the message that the Will of Hashem supersedes any human plans. Working together during play practice also helps develop the sense of responsibility, dedication, love, and sensitivity to others which is distinctively Bais Kaila’s. ACP....ADVANCED CHINUCH PROGRAM It is Parshas Mishpatim and the Advanced Chinuch Program focused on the many midos lessons taught in that Parsha. Steadfastly working, the girls developed a superior booklet of essays and poems depicting and clarifying the numerous midos themes gleaned from Parshas Mishpatim. In addition, the Advanced Chinuch Program committee members developed intensive and complex reports. They then concluded the unit of study with a related edible treat. MAZEL TOV! MAZEL TOV! MAZEL TOV! Rumors are abounding. If you wish to become a kallah, become a Bais Kaila teacher. It is with great pride and nachas we share in the simcha of our four recent kallahs, Mrs. Chevy Thumim Frankel, Mrs. Blimi Tomor Friedman , Mrs. Baila Shapiro Lenchitz, and Miss Dina Wainbrand. Mrs. Frankel teaches English to the tenth and twelfth grade students and is the advisor to the popular ACP, Advanced Chinuch Program. Mrs. Friedman is the tenth grade Word Processing teacher and assists Mrs. Reinman in the eleventh grade computer course. Mrs. Lenchitz assists in both Word Processing and computers. Miss Wainbrand teaches historiya in our limudei kodesh department. We wish all four of our teachers, all Bais Kaila alumnae, brochos of mazel tov. HAMAKOM YENACHEM It is with great sadness that we must acknowledge the loss of Mr. Shaul Yadoo, the father of Mrs. Iny. Mrs. Joyce Iny, together with her husband Joe, are dedicated supporters of Bais Kaila, who in their modest and unassuming manner encourage, contribute and help build the physical foundation of our school. We console Mrs. Iny on her recent loss. CHESSED UPDATE “Did you hear the announcement on the radio? Quadruplets were born in Lakewood! It’s a Yeshiva couple!” These are not words just spread around town as exciting news. This is an impetus for our chessed committee to continue their blessed and crucial work. When the chessed heads were notified that the babies would be able to come home from the hospital, they were prepared and sent a pair of girls to help ease the simchadike burden. The chessed committee continued happily with their duties during the weeks right before, during and after Pesach. They are still proceeding with their assistance during the summer months. DATELINE: YERUSHALAYIM Dear Friends: We had talked about it, dreamed about it, talked about it, and talked about it some more. Ever since the Bais Kaila post-graduate alumnae taking up residence on Holy Soil numbered a minyan, at least once a year somebody said to somebody, “You know, we really should make a get-together.” Bezek operators no doubt had their own private joke about it, since a few weeks before every Chanukah, Israeli phone lines crackled and buzzed with these very words. Yet, although there had been smaller get-togethers on an individual class level, and even a few solicitous attempts at organizing a “big” one, it wasn’t meant to be...until this past Chanukah. Now, B”H, a good few minyanim later, the time had finally come. Shaindy (Thumim) Babad took the initiative and placed the first round of phone calls, thereby changing history for us “Lakewood - Yerushalayim”ers. Together with Chaike (Krohn) Oppenheim, the two began recruiting members of their respective classes to track down former classmates, spread out as they are all over Yerushalayim, Kiryat Sefer, and even as far as Bnei Brak. Word circulated quickly, and enthusiastic calls came in from all over, suggesting, commending and volunteering. Project Get-Together was well underway. The date was set at 27 Kislev, the third night of Chanukah. The place was 14 Rechov Sorotzkin, at the home of Sara Fraidy (Goldblatt) Schorr. The atmosphere was tangible with excitement as we greeted each other animatedly. The tables were beautifully set with a sumptuous Milchige spread, which we all enjoyed as we shmoozed and caught up on lost time. Most impressive of all was the turnout. There was quite a nice representation from every class, B”H. The program began with a guest speaker from the “Hometown”, familiar to us all...our beloved Mechaneches, Mrs. Kreiswirth. The message to us was one of chizzuk, to continue doing what we’re doing, and (what we’ve heard many a time from her in the past)...”Remember where you come from!” As always, each word left us glowing and inspired. Next, we were treated to a stimulating dvar Torah, comparing the Chanukas habayis of the Bais Hamikdash at the time of Chanukah to that of the mishkan on 1 Nissan. Soshie (Stein) Kitevitz spoke beautifully, pointing out to us the significance of our Chanukah celebration. Chaike (Krohn) Oppenheim led a rousing game of Lakewood Trivia, which had us laughing and crying over the memories...”How many locations can you name for the co-op? What store is where Esterdale’s used to be? Who was the favorite bus driver?” The evening was concluded with amusing Chanukah grammen, laughing at that which we learned to laugh about here. We all left with a copy of the “Lakewood - East Directory” listing all of our names and phone numbers by class, a token remembrance of a most enjoyable evening, but more important - a way to keep in touch...and stay in touch. Shalom M’Yerushalayim, Shaindy (Miller) Butromovitz THE ENTHUSIASM TO DO MITZVOS An intensive and absorbing weekend, concentrating on the enthusiasm of doing mitzvos, was the focus of this year’s school Shabbos. Bringing the classroom atmosphere to the beautiful mountain air, helps the girls focus on the spirit of the mitzvos. Many in depth discussions on the excitement of doing mitzvos prevailed, as the classes were sometimes divided into large grade level groups and occasionally into smaller workshop divisions. There was an active and full program, strongly developing the theme, with fun-filled moments, a formal melave malkah, role-playing games, and intermingling with the many faculty members who attended. Many different practical methods were suggested to help the students daven with greater intensity, honor Shabbos with more love and conviction and develop more sensitivity to the mitzvah of kibbud av v’eiym. The enthusiastic discussions, inspiring divrei Torah and warmth and unity of this Shabbos, will be preserved for a very long time. SIX TICKET WINNER A special mazel tov to Shoshana Miriam Herskowitz, the grand prize raffle ticket winner of the BMG six ticket trip to Israel. Shoshana Miriam is a graduate of Bais Kaila. MAZEL TOV To Rabbi and Mrs. Mayer on the engagement of their son, Moshe, to Sara Miriam Kalatsky. On your engagement... Shifra Amoyelle Raizy Diamond Miriam Glatzer Yehudis Gruss Leah Chana Nissin Fraidy Nojovitz Estie Phillip Miriam Devorah Reich Chani Rosenbaum Miriam Rosenbaum Zeldy Roszansky Dina Wainbrand On your wedding... Perl (Klein) Baum Chaya Estie (Pirutinsky) Berliner Rivky (Hertz) Birnbaum Dini (Blech) Brecher Sora Rochel (Ort) Broderick Ayelet (Grazi) Cohen Esther T. (Cohen) Dayan Mazal (Nahem) Douek Yocheved (Thumim) Frankel Blimi (Tomor) Friedman Aidel (Shain) Fruchthandler Baila Shifra (Epstein) Golombeck Chanie (Biala) Gross Rochel (Brown) Kalish Sora (Bursztyn) Kaplowitz Leah (Solomon) Kasirer Malkie (Katz) Katzenstein Leah (Greenberger) Kessner Miriam (Goldberg) King Elyse (Jackson) Klayman Baila (Shapiro) Lenchitz Chana (Feiner) Nachenberg Sora (Krohn) Neuman Fraida Rochel (Neuman) Newman Chaya Zelda (Rosenbaum) Padawer Brocha (Bursztyn) Pohrille Sima (Rosenberg) Posen Esther Raizel (Tillim) Reichman Suri (Mandel) Rosenberg Shoshana (Goodman) Segal Chaya (Lubowsky) Shapiro Shainy (Aboud) Sutton Chana Kaila (Adams) Toder Chaya (Kuessous) Wadiche Rassi (Bursztyn) Waldman Sorah Necha (Friedman) Zucker On the birth of your son... Chana Miriam (Jacobovitch) Blumenkranz Gitty (Gelbwachs) Eisgrau Devorah (Schwartz) Elkoubi Sorala (Englard) Glieberman Chaya Rochel (Lesser) Hess Chevi (Levenberg) Kotler Batsheva (Lutz) Kreiswirth Leah (Safdieh) Levy Sora Esther (Rosenberg) Maizes Chaiky (Krohn) Oppenheim Batsheva (Stefansky) Retkinsky Rochie (Silberberg) Schorr Esther (Kesserman) Schreiber Hadassah (Bursztyn) Trenk Gittel (Halpern) Yoffe Rus (Freundlich) Zucker On the birth of your daughter... Chaya Rochel (Raber) Birnhack Brocha (Lazewnik) Brog Chaya (Shanik) Bromberg Tzippy (Cywiack) Chapler Estie (Rothenberg) Eidelman Ducy (Nojowitz) Gordon Dina (Diamond) Harari-Raful Baila (Neumann) Hershfeld Shaindy (Phillip) Klein Rivky (Nojowitz) Kramer Bunny (Kuessous) Nahem Michal (Abisror) Ouzer Hinda Breindy (Bornfreund) Rosenberg Leah Raizel (Chase) Saltz Sora Fraidy (Goldblatt) Schorr Chanie (Haber) Shelby Shani (Gartenhaus) Singer Kayla (Mueller) Stern Shifra (Mueller) Teichman On the birth of your twin daughters... Faigy (Parnes) Landynski COMING ATTRACTIONS updates from Seminary girls news from our alumni We welcome “Letters to the Editor” from all alumnae, here and abroad. Please tell us what’s doing. |
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