Chapter 17        A Murderer's Suicide
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At about that time, I heard a very interesting story, which I expected to be of great use to me. However, it proved to be a disappointment. Here is a short account of it.

When the new evidence collected by the journalist Brushkovsky was being examined, the authorities arrested Tchebiriak’s thieving friends, Rudzinsky, Singayevsky and Latischeff. They were arrested upon altogether different charges.

One day, Latischeff, who was the principal murderer, was summoned by Fenenko, who was still the Sliedovatiel then. Fenenko commenced to ask his prisoners questions relating to my case. He mentioned that, according to some fresh evidence, Latischeff and the other members of the gang had been implicated in Andriusha’s murder. According to this new information, Tchebiriak was the primary culprit who had ordered her three accomplices to do it. Fenenko gave such specific and detailed information that Latischeff thought Fenenko surely knew the whole truth.

After the interrogation had lasted for about an hour, a confession was drawn up for Latischeff to sign. And he actually did so. Apparently, he was so flustered and confused by the questioning that he didn’t fully realize what he was doing. Later, however, he must have regretted that he had signed the confession so hastily and implicated himself. Apparently, he made a move for the desk in order to destroy both the confession and his signature, but his escort was on the alert and prevented him from snatching the document. This alone was sufficient proof that Latischeff was somehow involved in Andriusha’s murder.

Three days later, he was again summoned before the Sliedovatiel. Fenenko began to ask him more questions about the crime, and this time the questions were hitting so close to home that Latischeff found it impossible to keep his story straight without contradicting himself. The Sliedovatiel began to write down these additional confessions. Latischeff noticed a carafe of water standing on the window sill and asked for permission to take a drink. He leisurely approached the open window and had a drink. He then jumped out of the window, falling a full four stories to his death.

The reasons for his suicide were quite simple. He was the archmurderer and leader of the gang. When he saw that the truth was finally known, he realized he would have to spend the rest of his life in prison. He, therefore, decided to put an end to his life.

His suicide caused a considerable stir. However, as incredible as it may seem, it was not allowed to affect the course of my case. This was because the new Sliedovatiel understood better than Fenenko that the most important thing was not to catch the true murderer. He knew that his job was to please the Black Hundreds and the higher officials. The other two murderers, Rudzinsky and Singayevsky, were released shortly thereafter.

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