Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Zevachim 31
ZEVACHIM 31-33 - Sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor.
Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and
prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.
(a) (Rava): If one intended to eat half a k'Zayis tomorrow,
half a k'Zayis b'Chutz, and half a k'Zayis tomorrow, the
first intention Chutz li'Zmano (which initially was
joining Chutz li'Mkomo to Posel without Kares) is aroused
to join the latter Chutz li'Zmano to make Pigul with
(b) (Rav Hamnuna): These are mixed intentions.
(c) Support (Rava, for himself - Mishnah): If k'Beitzah (an
egg's worth) of a food that is a Rishon (first-degree
Tum'ah) was mixed with k'Beitzah of a food that is a
Sheni (second-degree Tum'ah), the mixture is (Metamei
like) a Rishon (it makes a Sheni); if the mixture was
split into two parts, each a k'Beitzah, each is a Sheni
(makes a Shelishi) (each part has only half a k'Beitzah
of a Rishon, only a k'Beitzah is Metamei);
1. Inference: If the parts were reunited, the mixture
is a Rishon.
2. Question: What is the source to say this?
3. Answer (end of the Mishnah): If each part fell by
itself on a Terumah loaf, it was Posel it (made it a
Shelishi); if they fell together (touched it at the
same time), they make it a Sheni.
(d) Version #1 - Rashi - Rejection (Rav Hamnuna): There is
different, for there was a complete quantity (from the
beginning, therefore it is aroused again - in Rava's case
of Pigul, initially there was not k'Zayis Chutz
(e) Version #2 - R. Tam - Rejection (Rav Hamnuna): There is
different, for there is a complete quantity for the Sheni
to join with - in Rava's case, since there is not a full
k'Zayis Chutz li'Mkomo, it remains combined with Chutz
li'Zmano to Posel, the half k'Zeisim of Chutz li'Zmano do
not combine with each other.
(f) Support (Rav Hamnuna, for himself - Mishnah): A Rishon
and a Sheni or Shelishi (each less than k'Beitzah) join
together to Metamei like the less Tamei one.
1. Inference: Even if it joined with more of a Rishon
(completing the quantity of a k'Beitzah), it is not
a Rishon.
(g) Rejection: Perhaps the Mishnah is only if the quantity
was not completed.
(h) (Rav Dimi citing Bar Kapara): Half a k'Zayis Chutz
li'Mkomo, half a k'Zayis Chutz li'Zmano, half a k'Zayis
Chutz li'Zmano - the half k'Zayis Chutz li'Mkomo does not
take effect, the k'Zayis of Chutz li'Zmano makes Pigul.
(i) (Ravin citing Bar Kapara): Half a k'Zayis Chutz li'Zmano,
half a k'Zayis Chutz li'Zmano, half a k'Zayis Chutz
li'Mkomo - the half k'Zayis Chutz li'Mkomo does not take
effect, the k'Zayis of Chutz li'Zmano makes Pigul.
(j) (Rav Ashi citing Bar Kapara): Half a k'Zayis Chutz
li'Zmano, and a k'Zayis, half is Chutz li'Mkomo, half is
Chutz li'Zmano - the half k'Zayis Chutz li'Mkomo does not
take effect, the k'Zayis of Chutz li'Zmano makes Pigul.
(a) (R. Yanai): If one intended to feed a k'Zayis to a dog
tomorrow, it is Pigul - "V'Es Izevel Yochlu ha'Kelavim".
(b) Objection (R. Ami): If so, if one intended to burn a
k'Zayis, it should be Pigul - "Te'achlehu Esh"!
1. Suggestion: Perhaps that is true!
2. Rejection (Mishnah): (If he intended) to eat half a
k'Zayis (Chutz li'Mkomo or Chutz li'Zmano) and
Lehaktir half a k'Zayis, it is Kosher, because
eating and burning do not join.
(c) Answer: If he said that the fire will 'Ochel' (a language
of eating), it joins with human eating!
1. The Mishnah is when he said 'Lehaktir' (to burn).
(d) Question (Rav Asi): If he intended to feed a k'Zayis to
two people (Chutz), what is the law?
1. If intention for a k'Zayis is the criterion, he did
2. If he must intend for a person to eat a k'Zayis, he
did not.
(e) Answer (Abaye - Mishnah): To eat half a k'Zayis and
Lehaktir half a k'Zayis, it is Kosher, because eating and
burning do not join.
1. Inference: In a similar case of eating and eating,
i.e. two different people, they would join!
(f) Question (Rava): If one intended to eat a k'Zayis (Chutz)
over a period of time more than is needed to eat a half
loaf, what is the law?
1. Do we learn from consumption of the Mizbe'ach (which
is also slow), or of people (this is not considered
eating regarding other Mitzvos)?
(g) Answer (Abaye - Mishnah): To eat half a k'Zayis and
Lehaktir half a k'Zayis, it is Kosher, because eating and
burning do not join.
1. Inference: In a similar case of eating and eating,
they would join;
2. Haktarah of a k'Zayis takes more than the time to
eat a half loaf - a similar case of eating joins to
make Pigul!
(h) Rejection: Perhaps the Mishnah refers to a big fire on
the Mizbe'ach (a k'Zayis burns in less than the time to
eat a half loaf).
(i) Inference: The Mishnah says that eating and burning do
not join - if the same things burned would be eaten
instead, they would join, even though what is fit for the
Mizbe'ach is not fit for people!
(j) Contradiction (beginning of the Mishnah): To eat
something normally eaten.
1. Inference: Things not normally eaten do not join for
(k) Answer #1 (R. Yirmeyah): The end of the Mishnah is R.
Eliezer, who says that intent for a person (or the
Mizbe'ach) to 'eat' something fit for the Mizbe'ach (or
people) is intention.
1. (Mishnah): If one slaughtered a Korban with intent
to eat (or burn) (Chutz li'Zmano or Chutz li'Mkomo)
something which is not normally eaten (or burned),
it is Kosher;
2. R. Eliezer says, it is Pasul.
(l) Answer #2 (Abaye): The end of the Mishnah can be
1. Do not infer that eating something not normally
eaten joins for Pigul, rather, eating something
normally eaten joins.
(m) Question: What is the Chidush?
1. It cannot teach that half a k'Zayis Chutz li'Mkomo
and half a k'Zayis Chutz li'Zmano join to Posel - a
previous clause of Mishnah teaches this explicitly!
2. It cannot teach that intention to eat half a k'Zayis
and Lehaktir half a k'Zayis join - we infer
otherwise from the beginning of the Mishnah!
i. (Beginning of the Mishnah): To eat something
normally eaten;
ii. Inference: Something not normally eaten does
not join for Pigul.
3. If intention to eat half a k'Zayis (of meat) and to
eat half a k'Zayis of Eimurim (which are not
normally eaten) do not join, all the more so
intentions to eat and burn them do not join!
(n) Answer: No - intentions to eat both do not join because
the latter is abnormal, but intention to eat half a
k'Zayis of meat could join intent to burn half a k'Zayis
of Eimurim, since both of these are normal;
1. Therefore, the Mishnah must teach that they do not
(a) (Mishnah): If any of the following Pesulim (i.e. for
other Avodos) slaughtered, it is Kosher, even Kodshei
Kodoshim - a Zar, a woman, a slave, or a Tamei (person).
1. The Tamei must be careful not to touch the meat.
(b) Because the slaughter is valid, if a Pasul slaughtered
with improper intention (Chutz li'Zmano or Chutz
li'Mkomo), this disqualifies the Korban.
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