Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Zevachim 14
ZEVACHIM 11-15 - Sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor.
Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and
prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.
(a) Suggestion: The following Tana'im argue whether or not
dipping the finger is like Holachah.
1. (Beraisa #1): In Chatas, dipping the finger is
2. (Beraisa #2): It does not make Pigul (if he dipped
his finger with intention of Chutz li'Zmano), it is
not the object of Pigul (if he slaughtered with
intent to dip his finger Chutz li'Zmano).
(b) Rejection #1: No, all agree that dipping the finger is
like Holachah;
1. Beraisa #1 is Chachamim (who say that Holachah is
Mefagel), Beraisa #2 is R. Shimon (who says that
Holachah is not Mefagel).
(c) Objection: If it is R. Shimon, why does it mention
dipping the finger - he says that Pigul only applies to
Korbanos of the outer Mizbeach!
(d) Rejection #2: Rather, both Beraisos are Chachamim;
Beraisa #1 refers to inner Chata'os, Beraisa #2 refers to
outer Chata'os.
(e) Question: Obviously, dipping the finger does not make
Pigul in outer Chata'os, the Torah does not say to dip
the finger!
(f) Answer: Since it does say "V'Lakach", and the Kohen must
dip his finger (even if a monkey put the blood on the
Kohen's finger), one might have thought that it is as if
it says 'v'Taval';
1. The Torah did not write 'v'Taval' to teach that this
is not an important Avodah, it does not make Pigul.
(a) (Mishnah - R. Shimon): (Improper intention in) Holachah
does not Posel.
(b) (Reish Lakish): R. Shimon agrees that Holachah is Posel
in inner Chata'os, because it is indispensable (the
Korban cannot be slaughtered in the Heichal, the blood
must be brought inside).
(c) Question: But R. Shimon says that Pigul only applies to
Korbanos of the outer Mizbeach!
(d) Answer (R. Yosi b'Rebbi Chanina): He says that Pigul
(with Kares) only applies to Korbanos of the outer
Mizbeach, but a Kal va'Chomer teaches that even inner
Chata'os can become Pasul:
1. Lo Lishmah does not Posel Shelamim, it is Posel
Chatas - Chutz li'Zmano is Posel Shelamim, all the
more so it is Posel Chatas!
(e) Question: This teaches Chutz li'Zmano - what is the
source for Chutz li'Mkomo?
1. We cannot learn from Chutz li'Zmano, that causes (in
other Korbanos Pigul, with) liability for Kares!
2. We cannot learn from Lo Lishmah, for that applies
even to a Bamah (private Mizbeach) (but Chutz
li'Mkomo does not)!
(f) Answer #1: We can learn from Lo Lishmah - this is Posel
only in Chatas and Pesach, which are not brought on
(g) Answer #2: The Torah equates Chutz li'Zmano and Chutz
1. "Shelishi" this is Chutz li'Zmano; "Pigul" - this is
Chutz li'Mkomo.
(h) (Rava): If you will say that R. Shimon agrees with R.
Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon (who says that between the Ulam and
the Mizbeach is considered the north half of the Azarah,
i.e. Kodshei Kodoshim may be slaughtered there), he will
say that (improper intention during) Holachah is Posel
inner Chata'os only from the opening of the Ulam and
inside (because they could have been slaughtered right by
the opening of the Ulam, it was not necessary to
(slaughter them further away and) take the blood to the
1. If he holds like R. Yehudah (who says that the floor
of the Azarah is fitting to burn Eimurim, just like
the Mizbeach) he will say that Holachah of
frankincense (that accompanies the Lechem ha'Panim
on the Shulchan, and is burned on the Mizbeach) is
Posel only from the opening of the Heichal until the
opening of the Ulam (because the Shulchan could have
been placed right by the opening of the Heichal, and
the frankincense could have been burned right
outside the Ulam);
2. If he also holds that the Ulam has the Kedushah of
the Heichal (so the Shulchan could be placed
anywhere in the interior of the Ulam) he will say
that Holachah is Posel the frankincense only in the
opening of the Ulam (the area corresponding to the
thickness of the walls);
3. If he holds that even that area has the Kedushah of
the Heichal, Holachah is Posel only for the distance
to stretch one's hand from the (end of the) opening
of the Ulam to the floor of the Azarah;
4. If he also holds that Holachah is Posel only when
walking (not when just moving his hand), Holachah
cannot Posel the frankincense at all.
(a) Question (Abaye): If a Zar did Holachah, what is the law?
(b) Answer (Rav Chisda): It is Kosher - "Va'Yishchatu
ha'Pasach va'Yizreku ha'Kohanim mi'Yadam" (the Yisraelim
did Holachah)!
(c) Question (Rav Sheshes - Beraisa): If Kabalah, Holachah or
Zerikah was done by a Zar, an Onen (one who lost a
relative that day), an intoxicated or blemished Kohen,
the Korban is Pasul; the same applies if the Avodah was
done sitting or with the left hand.
1. This refutes Rav Chisda.
(d) Question: But a verse supports Rav Chisda!
(e) Version #1 (Rashi) Answer: The Yisrael merely held the
bucket of blood, the Kohen who would do Zerikah took it
from him.
(f) Version #2 (Aruch) Answer: The Kohanim passed the buckets
in a line, the Yisraelim did not take it.
(g) (Rabah and Rav Yosef): R. Shimon and Chachamim argue
whether or not Holachah by a Zar is Posel.
1. R. Shimon says that a dispensable Avodah is not
considered Avodah, therefore, a Zar may do it;
2. Version #1 (Rashi): Chachamim say that because it is
indispensable, if a Zar does it the Korban is Pasul.
3. Version #2 (Tosfos): Chachamim say that even though
it is dispensable, if a Zar does it the Korban is
(h) Question (Abaye): But a Zar may do slaughter, even though
it is indispensable! (Rashi - according to Rabah and Rav
Yosef, both Tana'im should require a Kohen; Tosfos - this
challenges their explanation of R. Shimon).
(i) Answer (Rabah and Rav Yosef): Slaughter is not considered
Avodah (Rashi - because anyone may do it; Tosfos -
because it is required even for Chulin; alternatively -
because the slaughterer may be anywhere (whereas one
doing Avodah must be in the Azarah, for Kodshei Kodoshim,
he must be in the north half of the Azarah).
(j) Question: But R. Zeira taught that if a Zar slaughtered
the red heifer, it is Pasul!
1. (Rav): We learn that a Kohen must slaughter from
"Elazar"; we learn that this is Me'akev from
(k) Answer #1: (That is not because it is considered Avodah,
rather,) the red heifer is different, it is Kodshim of
Bedek ha'Bayis.
(l) Question: But regular Kodshim (i.e. that go on the
Mizbeach) are more Kodesh, all the more so a Kohen is
(m) Answer #2 (Rav Shisha brei d'Rav Idi): Sometimes the
Torah requires a Kohen for matters that are not Avodah,
such as ruling on Tzara'as.
(n) Question: But bringing limbs (of an Olah) up the ramp (of
the Mizbeach, to burn them) is an dispensable Avodah, yet
a Zar may not do it!
1. But it was taught, "V'Hikriv ha'Kohen (Es ha'Kol
v'Hiktir ha'Mizbechah)" refers to bringing the limbs
up the ramp!
(o) Answer: The Torah taught here that a Kohen is needed, we
do not learn to other places.
(p) Question: Bringing limbs up the ramp (even burning them)
is not Me'akev atonement, yet a Kohen must do it - all
the more so slaughter, which is Me'akev atonement!
(q) (Ula): If a Zar did Holachah, it is Pasul, even according
to R. Shimon.
(a) Question: Is Holachah without walking (i.e. extending
with the hand) considered Holachah (that it is Posel a
Korban if done by someone unfit to serve, or with
improper intention; Rashi - also, according to Chachamim,
it fulfills the requirement for Holachah)?
(b) Answer #1 (Beraisa): ...If Holachah (or Kabalah or
Zerikah) was done sitting or with the left hand (it is
1. Inference: If it was done standing still, it is
Kosher (i.e. it is considered Holachah)!
(c) Rejection: Perhaps the Beraisa is Posel shuffling along a
bit while sitting, but if he was standing and moved his
feet a bit, it is Kosher.
(d) Answer #2 (Mishnah): The Yisrael would slaughter (his
Pesach), a Kohen received the blood, Kohanim passed it
one to another until the Mizbeach...
(e) Rejection: There also, perhaps each Kohen moved his feet
a bit.
1. Question: If so, what is the Chidush?
2. Answer: It is better to involve many Kohanim -
"B'Rav Am Hadras Melech".
(f) Answer #3 (Mishnah): If a Kosher Kohen did Kabalah and
gave it to a Pasul (Kohen, or a Zar) he returns it to the
Kosher Kohen (i.e. the partial Holachah of giving it to
the Pasul without walking is invalid, it must be repeated
by foot)!
(g) Rejection: No, the Mishnah means, the Kosher Kohen takes
it back (from where the Pasul is, and continues the
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