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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Yevamos 62

YEVAMOS 46-65 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim for the benefit of Klal Yisrael.


(a) On what grounds did Moshe separate from his wife after Matan Torah (in spite of the fact that he had not yet fulfilled the Mitzvah of Piryah ve'Rivya, according to Beis Hillel)?

(b) How do we know that Hashem agreed with him?

(c) On what grounds did he ...

  1. ... break the Luchos?
  2. ... add a day to Matan Torah?
(d) And how do we know that Hashem agreed with him regarding ...
  1. ... his breaking of the Luchos?
  2. ... adding a day to Matan Torah?
2) On which day of the week did Yisrael ...
  1. ... separate from their wives?
  2. ... receive the Torah?
(a) What does Rebbi Nasan learn from a combination of the Pesukim in Bereishis "va'Tosef la'Ledes es Achiv es Hevel" and "Ki Shas Li Elokim Zera Acher Tachas Hevel Ki Harago Kayin"?

(b) How do the Rabbanan of Rebbi Nasan explain the Pasuk "Ki Shas Li Elokim ... "?

(c) In another Beraisa, Rebbi Nasan explains the opinion of Beis Shamai like we explained Beis Hillel until now (one boy and one girl).
What do Beis Hillel learn from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Lo Tohu Bera'ah, Lasheves Yetzarah" according to Rebbi Nasan?

(a) According to Rebbi Yochanan, a Ger who had children before he converted, has fulfilled the Mitzvah of "P'ru u'Revu", and is not obligated to have more children.
On what basis does Resh Lakish disagree with him?

(b) They also argue about whether his first son has the Din of a Bechor or not, and for similar reasons.
Why did they need to argue this Halachah twice? What might we have thought had they confined their Machlokes to ...

  1. ... "P'ru u'Revu" and not to Nachalah?
  2. ... Nachalah and not to "P'ru u'Revu"?
(c) How will Resh Lakish explain the Pasuk in Melachim 2 which specifically refers to "Morach B'ladan ben B'ladan", indicating that the son of a Nochri is considered his son?
(a) What does Rav derive from the Pasuk in Vayeira "Sh'vu Lachem Po im ha'Chamor"?

(b) Rav Acha bar Ya'akov reconciles Rav's statement with the Pasuk in Shmuel 2 "u'le'Tziva (the slave of Mefivoshes, Yonasan's son) Chamishah-Asar Banim ve'Esrim Avadim", by comparing this to a 'Par ben Bakar'.
In that case, why can we not say the same by the son of a Nochri, which we learned from "Morach B'ladan ben B'ladan"?

(c) Alternatively, we answer this Kashya with the Pasuk "va'Yeshal'chem ha'Melech Asa el ben-Hadad ben Tavrimon ben Chezyon Melech Aram ... ".
How does that answer the Kashya?

(a) According to Rav Huna, if someone's children died, he has nevertheless fulfilled the Mitzvah of "P'ru u'Revu".
On what grounds does Rebbi Yochanan say that he has not?

(b) Rav Huna's reason is based on a statement by Rav Asi.
What did Rav Asi say? How did he learn from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Ki Ru'ach mi'Lefanai Ya'atof"?

(c) The Beraisa 'B'nei Banim Harei Hein ke'Banim' suggests that if the child who died did not have a son, he would not fulfil the Mitzvah, even though he had a child who died.
How does Rav Huna explain the Beraisa?

(d) What does the Tana of another Beraisa say that finally refutes Rav Huna?

Answers to questions



(a) Rava learns from "Lasheves Yetzarah" that 'B'nei Banim, Harei Hein ke'Banim' incorporates any combination of child and grandchild (e.g. a son to a son and a daughter to a daughter).
Which combination did Abaye initially think is not acceptable?

(b) In which case do Abaye and Rava both agree that even though he has two grandchildren, he will not have fulfilled his obligation?

(c) How will they then explain Rav Sheishes, who told the Rabbanan (who suggested that he gets married and has children) that he had fulfilled the Mitzvah with his daughter's children?

(d) How did Rav Sheishes become sterile?

(a) How did Rava suggest that we might learn from the Pasuk in Vayeitzei "ha'Banos Benosai ve'ha'Banim Banai" that 'B'nei Banim Harei Hein ke'Banim'?

(b) On what grounds did he nevertheless decline to learn it from there? So what does the Pasuk really mean?

(c) How does Rava finally learn 'B'nei Banim ... ' from the two Pesukim "Mini Machir Yardu Mechokekim" (Shoftim) and "Yehudah Mechokeki" ( Tehilim)? Who, according to the Pasuk in Divrei ha'Yamim, initially married whom?

(a) The author of our Mishnah, which permits a person to refrain from having children once he has fulfilled the basic Mitzvah, cannot be Rebbi Yehoshua. What does Rebbi Yehoshua learn from the Pasuk in Koheles "ba'Boker Z'ra es Zar'acha, ve'la'Erev al Tanach Yadecha"? Like whom is the Halachah?

(b) What is the reason for this?

(c) How many Talmidim did Rebbi Akiva have 'from Geives till Antipras'? Why and how did they all die (see Agados Maharsha)?

(d) What were the names of the five Talmidim whom he later raised in the south who reinstated Torah?

(a) What does Rebbi Tanchum bar Chanila'i learn from the Pasuk ...
  1. ... "ve'Samachta Atah u'Veisecha" (Re'ei)?
  2. ... "Lehani'ach B'rachah el Beisecha" (Yechezkel)?
  3. ... "Lo Tov Heyos ha'Adam Levado" (Bereishis)?
(b) In Eretz Yisrael, they added to the list, Torah and protection (a wall). What did Rava bar Ula add from the Pasuk "ve'Yada'at ki Sh'lom Ohalech u'Fakad't Navech ve'Lo Secheta" (Iyov)?
(a) What does Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi learn from the Pasuk in Bereishis "ve'El Ishech Teshukasech"?

(b) And what does he then add to that from the Pasuk in Iyov "ve'Yada'at ki Sh'lom Ohalech? What does "ki Sh'lom Ohalech" imply?

(c) Why will this not apply to someone who is about to leave for a D'var Mitzvah?

(d) What is the Din of Samuch le'Veses regarding a man who is not setting out on a journey? What is the Shiur of Samuch le'Veses?

(a) Based on yet another Derashah from the Pasuk in Iyov, the Tana in the Beraisa advises a man how to treat his wife and his children.
What does he say about loving one's wife and honoring her?

(b) Why should he honor her more than himself?

(c) What does he say about ...

  1. ... educating his children?
  2. ... marrying them off?
(d) Based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Az Tikra va'Hashem Ya'aneh Teshava, ve'Yomar Hineini", what does the Tana add with regard to ...
  1. ... one's neighbors?
  2. ... one's relatives?
  3. ... one's sister's daughter?
  4. ... a poor man who is hard-pressed?
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