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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Yevamos 34

YEVAMOS 33 & 34 - sponsored by Hagaon Rav Yosef Pearlman of London, a living demonstration of love for and adoration of the Torah.


(a) Initially, we explain that our Mishnah speaks of an Eishes Ish who was also Eishes Achiv, who then became Achos Ishto, and finally had a period of Nidus.
Eishes Ish and Eishes Ach came into effect simultaneously. But how are the remaining two Kolel and Mosif respectively?

(b) We establish Rebbi Meir (of the Beraisa) as the author of our Mishnah. How many Chata'os does the Tana Kama of Rebbi Meir obligate a Tamei person who ate Cheilev of Hekdesh that was also Nosar on Yom Kipur, to bring?

(c) In addition, he also obligates him to bring an Asham.
Which Asham?

(d) What does Rebbi Meir say?

(a) Why does the Tana of the Beraisa not add carrying on Yom Kipur to the list?

(b) Which of the above Isurim comes into effect first?

(c) How are Hekdesh and Nosar, which take effect next one after the other, both an Isur Mosif?

(d) What makes it ...

  1. ... Kolel, even according to the Tana Kama?
  2. ... Bas Achas, according to Rebbi Meir?
(a) We just established Rebbi Meir as the author of our Mishnah, which obligates someone who erred whilst performing a Mitzvah, to bring a Chatas. We initially establish this like Rebbi Eliezer, and not like Rebbi Yehoshua. What principle governs their Machlokes?

(b) What does Rebbi Yehoshua hold regarding someone who mistakenly circumcised a baby who was due to be circumcised only on Sunday, on Shabbos, instead of the baby who was actually due then?

(c) How do we nevertheless establish Rebbi Meir even like Rebbi Yehoshua, by differentiating between the two cases?

(a) In a Mishnah in Terumos, the Tana Kama says that a Kohen who was eating Terumah when he discovered that he is a ben Gerushah or ben Chalutzah, is obligated to pay the principle plus a fifth to a Kohen.
What does Rebbi Yehoshua say?

(b) How do we reconcile this with what we just learned, that Rebbi Yehoshua only exempts from a Chatas when there is a time limit (such as in the case of Bris Milah)? How does Rav Bibi bar abaye establish the case?

(a) Alternatively, we establish our Mishnah, not just like Rebbi Meir (who is strict regarding Isur Kolel and Isur Mosif), but even like Rebbi Shimon. How do we now establish our Mishnah? What did Rebbi Shimon say?

(b) How can Eishes Ish, Eishes Ach and Achos Ishto all fall simultaneously?

(c) And how is it possible to add the Isur of Nidah to this list?

(a) Considering that a woman does not become pregnant after the first Bi'ah, why do the women in our Mishnah need to separate for three months before returning to their husbands?

(b) Then why does the Tana of Rebbi Chiya's Beraisa count only sixteen Chata'os, and not thirty-two?

(c) How might there be even more than thirty-two Chata'os in those four Bi'os?

(d) Rava asked Rav Nachman how Tamar became pregnant, considering that Yehudah performed only one Bi'ah with her.
What was Rav Nachman's reply?

Answers to questions



(a) Which women, in Beis Rebbi, earned the nickname 'Tamar'?

(b) Why did Tamar need to do that, considering that she had already been married to Er and Onan?

(a) For the first twenty-four months after a woman has given birth, Rebbi Eliezer permits her husband to begin Bi'ah naturally, but to withdraw before reaching an orgasm.
Why is that?

(b) What do the Chachamim say? To what do they compare it?

(c) How will Rav Nachman (who learned that Er and Onan practiced sodomy with Tamar) reconcile his statement with the Chachamim?

(a) By Onan, the Torah in Vayeishev explicitly writes "ve'Shiches Artzah". How do we know that Er did likewise?

(b) Why did ...

  1. ... Onan do what he did?
  2. ... Er do it?
(a) What does Rebbi Yehudah mean when he says "Osah", 'P'rat le'Kalah'?

(b) Hon asked his father, Rav Nachman, whether Rebbi Yehudah's reason was because the Torah had pity on the ornaments of a Kalah.
What did he mean by that?

(c) What was his father's reply?

(d) What do the Chachamim learn from "Osah"?

(a) What do the Chachamim (and Rebbi Yehudah) learn from "Shichvas Zera"?

(b) From which Pasuk does Rebbi Yehudah preclude someone who performs sodomy from Tevilah?

(a) Ravin Amar Rebbi Yochanan says that a woman who does not remarry within ten years of her husband's death will not have children.
How does Rav Nachman qualify this statement?

(b) Who was Rava's wife's ...

  1. ... father?
  2. ... first husband?
(c) What did Rava's wife reply when he told her that people were speaking about her, because she had waited more than ten years after Rami bar Chama's death before marrying *him*?

(d) Shmuel admonished a certain woman for slandering Chazal by claiming that, although she had waited ten years after her husband's death before remarrying, she had children from her second husband.
How was he proved right?

(a) Shmuel said that all women must wait three months before marrying, with the exception of a Giyores or a Shifchah Meshuchreres who is still a Ketanah.
What can we deduce from this statement?

(b) Why can Shmuel not be referring to a woman who left her husband by means of ...

  1. ... Miy'un?
  2. ... a Get?
(c) Then to whom *is* Shmuel referring?

(d) Seeing as we decree a Ketanah on account of a Gedolah, why did Chazal not decree in the case of a Giyores or a Shifchah Meshuchreres (a set-free slave) who is still a Ketanah?

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