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Yevamos 119

YEVAMOS 116-119 - have been sponsored through the generous contribution of Mr. Uri Wolfson and family

*****PEREK #16 HA'ISHAH BASRA*****

1) [line 4] HAYESAH LAH CHAMOS - that is, she has a mother-in-law who is overseas
2) [line 5] YATZESAH MELE'AH - she (the mother-in-law) was pregnant when she went overseas

3) [line 6] MAI "HI TZARASAH?" - Why did the Mishnah use the wording, "*Hi* Tzarasah" ("*that* Tzarah")?

4) [line 11] ROV NASHIM MIS'ABROS V'YOLDOS - that is, most young women become pregnant and give birth (we can assume that the Tzarah became pregnant overseas and gave birth there)

5) [line 12] D'CHAYISH L'MI'UTA
Rebbi Meir is of the opinion that we do not follow the majority if there is a Safek (a doubt), but rather we consider the matter to be still in doubt. (According to one opinion in TOSFOS, Rebbi Meir only considers it a Safek mid'Rabanan, for according to the Torah we *can* rely on a Rov - Tosfos Chulin 12a DH Pesach, 86b DH Semoch. Tosfos to Bechoros 19b DH b'Ruba implies that Rebbi Meir's law is mid'Oraisa, but it pertains only to a Ruba d'Leisa Kaman - see Background to Bechoros 19:11b.)

6a) [line 14] RUBA D'ISEI KAMAN
A Ruba d'Isei Kaman is a majority that is present and countable, such as a majority of the judges of a court. The Torah instructs us to follow such a majority, as it states "Acharei Rabim le'Hatos" (Shemos 23:2).

b) [line 15] RUBA D'LEISEI KAMAN
A Ruba de'Leisa Kaman is a majority that is not present and countable, but rather a predictable consequence of natural events (statistics) -- for instance, the majority of animals give birth within a year of their birth.

7) [line 22] SARIS - an impotent man
8) [line 26] MECHAVARTA - it is clearly correct (as we originally answered)


9a) [line 13] ATAH MATZRICHAH KERUZ L'KEHUNAH - you will necessitate a proclamation for her that she is permitted to marry Kohanim (since the Chalitzah that was performed with her may have been unnecessary should her Tzarah be found to have a viable child)

*10*) [line 36] D'KASAVAR TZARAH ME'IDAH L'CHAVERTAH - that is, the testimony of a Tzarah is accepted to permit her co-wife to remarry, *if* the testimony was not specifically intended to affect her co-wife (TOSFOS)

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