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Yevamos 96

YEVAMOS 96, 97 - These Dafim have been sponsored through the generous donation of Reb Uri Wolfson of Yerushalayim, a true Ohev Torah.

1) [line 11] CHADA MI'CHELAL D'CHAVERTA ITMAR - one [of the teachings] was inferred from the other one

2) [line 22] HU POSEL AL YEDEI ACHIN - he makes the Yevamah forbidden to his brothers

3) [line 26] GET (GET YEVAMIN)
(a) Just as Chazal enacted Kidushei Ma'amar for a Yevamah, so, too, they enacted a Get Yevamim.
(b) If one of the surviving brothers performed Kidushei Ma'amar with the Yevamah and then he decides to release her from the Zikas Yevamim through Chalitzah, he must give her a Get Yevamim besides the Chalitzah.
(c) If the Yavam gives a Get to the Yevamah without first having performed Ma'amar, it becomes prohibited for him mid'Rabanan to perform Yibum with her, and he must perform Chalitzah.

4) [line 43] PESIKA LEI - can be stated in an unqualified manner

(a) A male less than nine years of age is not considered to be capable of having marital relations. When he reaches the age of nine, he is considered able to have relations for all Halachic considerations. At that stage, the Mishnah (Nidah 45a) tells us that when the child performs Yibum it helps to be "Koneh" the Yevamah to a certain extent, and it is as if he has performed Ma'amar (see Background to Yevamos 95:3).
(b) The Rishonim argue as to why the Yibum of a nine year old is only comparable to Ma'amar. According to some, mid'Oraisa the nine year old minor acquires a Yevamah through Yibum just like a fully mature man (except that the death sentence is not applied if his wife practices adultery -- Kidushin 19a). The Rabanan decreed, though, that Yibum should be performed again when he becomes of age, and the Yibum he performs as a minor is only given the status of Ma'amar (Rashi to Kidushin 19a). According to others (Tosfos ibid.), a nine year old cannot acquire his Yevamah at all, mid'Oraisa. The Rabanan nevertheless decreed that his Yibum should be given the status of Ma'amar. (See Insights to Yevamos 39:2.)

6) [line 48] IS LEI V'ZUTAR - he can give a Get but it is weaker than the Get of an adult

7) [line 48] EIN GET ACHAR GET - A Get given by one Yavam has no effect once another Yavam has previously given a Get


8a) [line 32] NAGAR - (O.F. chevile - a peg) a bolt, peg [that is placed into a hole in the doorstep to lock the door] (RASHI Eruvin 101b)
b) [line 41] SHE'YESH B'ROSHO GELOSTERA - the head of the peg has a thick, rounded end that makes it possible to use it as a pestle for grinding garlic and other food

9) [line 33] CHAMASAN - their wrath
10) [line 36] CHAVRUSA NAMI?! - (a) Are you calling my student (Rebbi Elazar) my colleague?! (RASHI, RAV AVRAHAM MIN HA'HAR); (b) Have you also become my colleagues?! (i.e. I am angry with you (Rebbi Ami and Rebbi Asi) because it is disrespectful to reproach me since you are my students and not my colleagues) (RASHI, according to the Girsa of the Bach, IYUN YAKOV)

11) [line 36] UL L'GABEI REBBI YA'AKOV BAR IDI - Rebbi Ya'akov Bar Idi went up to him
12) [line 41] L'FAYEIS - to appease
13) [line 43] "AGURAH V'OHALCHA OLAMIM; [ECHESEH V'SESER KENAFECHA SELAH." - "May I live in Your tent forever, may I take refuge in the shelter of Your wings, Selah." (Tehilim 61:5)

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