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Sukah 32

1) [line 1] KAVUTZ - (a) a Lulav with prickly points along its spine (RASHI); (b) a Lulav that is shriveled to the extent that it is wrinkled ("Kavutz" spelled with a Kaf instead of a Kuf) (ARUCH)

2) [line 1] AKUM DOMEH L'MAGAL - a Lulav that is bent in the shape of a sickle
3a) [line 1] CHARUS - a Lulav that has hardened into wood
b) [line] DOMEH L'CHARUS - a Lulav that has begun to harden but has not yet turned into wood
4) [line 3] D'AVID K'HEMNEK - its top leaf resembles an iron tool (O.F. pointer) that has a split in one end, with the two halves bent outward

5) [line 5] BERIYASEI HU - this is its normal way of growth
6) [line 7] D'SALIK B'CHAD HUTZA - (a) the foliage of which grows on one side only (RASHI); (b) each leaf of which consists of one leaf only (and not a composite of two leaves) (RAMBAM); (c) the top (middle) leaf of which consists of one leaf only (and not a composite of two leaves (KOL BO, cited by the REMA OC 645:3)

7) [line 9] D'AVID KI CHUFYA - it is formed like a broom made of palm leaves (O.F. escove - brooms, brushes); i.e. (a) the leaves of the Lulav are detached from its spine (RASHI); (b) most of the leaves of the Lulav are split in half (each leaf is actually a composite of two leaves) (TOSFOS, ROSH)

8) [line 9] D'IFRUD IFRUDEI - the leaves of the Lulav have spread out (opened up), and are no longer adjoining the spine [even though they are attached to the spine at their base]

9) [line 20] CHARUSA - a hardened palm branch, that consists of the hardened, unbendable spines of many Lulavim spreading from a central spine

10) [line 20] UFTA - (O.F. estele - a piece of wood) a piece of the bark from the bottom of the palm tree

11) [line 22] KUFRA - a palm branch that has begun to spread out and harden, but that can be bound and bent back into that shape of a Lulav

12) [line 24] RAVA TOSFA'AH - Rava, the Reciter of Tosefta'os; alt. Rava, the one who fully pronounces the words of Pesukim (see Rashi Avodah Zarah 9a, in the middle and at the end of the page)


13) [line 7] GEI BEN HINOM - the name of the valley to the southwest of the Old City of Jerusalem

14) [line 21] SHARA LEI MAREI L'REBBI TARFON - Rebbi Tarfon's Master should forgive him [for saying such a thing]

15) [line 22] AVOS - network, plaiting; i.e. three leaves grow at the same height surrounding the branch, along most of the length of the branch, with the tops of the lower leaves covering the bottoms of the upper leaves

16) [line 39] NIFRETZU ALAV - (a) the leaves of which are detached from its branch, but are tied in place (RASHI); (b) the leaves of which are cracked and split (BA'AL HA'ITUR, cited by the ROSH)

17) [line 40] ANAVAV - its berries

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