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Sotah 9

1) [line 1] MORIKOS - (a) her face would pale; (b) her face would turn yellowish-green (based on TOSFOS to Yevamos 60b DH Siman and to Bechoros 44b DH li'Ydei)

2) [line 1] KACHALAH LO EINEHA - painted her eyelids with a blue or tinted powder
3) [line 2] KAL'AH ES SA'ARAH - braided her hair
4) [line 4] NOSHROS - fall out
5) [line 7] YEREICHAH NOFELES - her thigh collapses
6) [line 8] BITNAH TZAVAH - her belly swells
7) [line 11] MEKEIDAH SHEL CHERES - a type of earthenware vessel
8) [line 12] "YOSHEV B'SESER ELYON" SAM BAH PANIM - HaSh-m (who is "Yoshev b'Seser Elyon" - the Most High, Who sits hidden -- Tehilim 91:1) interrupts his activities and takes out the time to see to her punishment

9) [line 13] "V'EIN NO'EF SHAMRAH NESHEF LEIMOR LO SESHURENI AYIN; [V'SESER PANIM YASIM.]" - "The eye of the adulterer waits for the twilight, saying, 'No eye shall see me;' [and he disguises his face.]" (Iyov 24:15)

10) [line 16] "TIKASEH SIN'AH B'MASHA'ON, TIGALEH RA'ASO V'KAHAL." - "Though his hatred (i.e. evil deeds, hateful to HaSh-m) is covered by darkness, his wickedness will be exposed before the whole congregation." (Mishlei 26:26)

11) [line 22] NIFRA - exact payment, punish
12) [line 22] SHE'AS SHILUCHAH - the time that it is sent away (destroyed) from the world
13) [line 24] SHELOSHAH KOSOS HA'AMUROS B'MITZRAYIM - the three times that the word "cup" is mentioned in the dream of the Sar ha'Mashkim (Pharoh's steward who brought him his drinks) (Bereishis 40:11)

14) [line 26] PAR'OH NECHOH - (lit. Pharaoh the Lame) King of Egypt at the time of Yoshiyahu ha' Melech (who reigned ~ 3285 - 3316), who wanted to pass through Eretz Yisrael on his way to war against Ashur (Melachim II 23:29-35, Divrei ha'Yamim II 35:20-36:4). His archers killed Yoshiyahu, who did not want to let his army pass through the land. He is called "the Lame" because he tried to sit on the miraculous throne of Shlomo ha'Melech and was hit by one of the mechanical golden lions, which crippled him (Vayikra Raba 20:1, Targum Sheni, beginning of Megilas Esther).

15) [line 27] HANACH AZDU - the original Egyptian people who lived at the time of the Exodus have all left or died out

16) [line 28] MINYAMIN, GER HA'MITZRI (Minyamin, the Egyptian convert)
(a) Only the grandchild of an Egyptian or Edomite convert may marry into the Jewish people as stated in Devarim 23:8-9 (Yevamos 76b). One who marries a first or second-generation Egyptian or Edomite convert transgresses a Lav ha'Ba mi'Klal Aseh. This prohibition applies to both male and female converts. If an Egyptian woman married to an Egyptian man, converts while she is pregnant, the child who is born is a Mitzri Sheni (second-generation Egyptian).
(b) According to most opinions this prohibition does not apply today because the Egyptians and Edomim about whom the Torah speaks have become lost among the nations (SEFER HA'CHINUCH # 563, 564).

17) [line 37] "KI ANI HASH-M, LO SHANISI; V'ATEM BENEI YAKOV LO CHELISEM." - "For I am HaSh-m, I do not change; therefore you sons of Yakov are not consumed." (Mal'achi 3:6)

18) [line 39] V'SHINEISI LAH - and I did it smite them a second time; i.e. they were totally destroyed the first time (the word "Shanisi" also has the connotation of "I did it a second time")

19) [line 40] "[ASPEH ALEIMO RA'OS;] CHITZAI ACHALEH BAM." - "[I will heap evils upon them;] I will use up My arrows against them." (Devarim 32:23)

20) [line 42] AD SH'TISMALEI SE'ASO - until his measure (of sins) has been filled
21) [line 40] "BI'MLOS SIFKO YETZER LO; [KOL YAD AMEL TEVOENU.]" - "In the fullness of his satiety misfortune will strike him; all the force of misery shall come upon him." (Iyov 20:22) - the Gemara renders the beginning of this verse as, "When the amount that suffices will be filled, misfortune will strike him;"

22) [line 45] "LA'YSHARIM NAVAH SEHILAH" - "for praise [of HaSh-m] befits the upright." (Tehilim 33:1)

23) [line 46] NAVEH TEHILAH - they will utter praise to HaSh-m for matters of "Naveh," the buildings that they erected

24a) [line 49] KERASHAV - its boards (which enclosed it on three sides)
b) [line 49] KERASAV - its clasps (which held together the two halves of the two lower coverings)
c) [line 49] BERICHAV - its supporting rods
d) [line 50] AMUDAV - its [four] pillars which stood in the entrance and supported the Masach ha'Pesach -- the entrance curtain]
e) [line 50] ADANAV - its sockets (into which the boards were placed) (All of the abovementioned parts of the Mishkan are listed in Shemos 39:33)

25) [line 51] MECHILOS SHEL HEICHAL - the tunnels under the Heichal (where the Menorah, Shulchan, and Golden Altar were hidden)


26) [line 1] NACHASH HA'KADMONI - the original snake [in the Garden of Eden]
27) [line 4] YEHALECH B'KOMAH ZEKUFAH - it should walk upright
28) [line 4] AL GECHONO YELECH - it will crawl on its stomach
29) [line 11] V'HADAR BETEN LAYIT - and afterwards he curses the belly (Bamidbar 5:21)

30) [line 11] KI ORCHAYHU BADKI - [the Mei Sotah] only poison [the unfaithful wife] in the normal path [of their entrance into her body]

31) [line 12] D'MODA LAH KOHEN - [In that verse,] the Kohen lets her know [the order of the impending punishment]

32) [line 13] L'HOTZI LA'AZ - to cause bad rumors to be spoken [about the Mei Sotah]

33) [line 14] NIKRU - gouged out
34) [line 16] LUNVIYOS - spears
35) [line 16] "VA'YASOBU ASARAH (ANASHIM) [NE'ARIM]..." - "And ten young men who carried Yo'av's armor surrounded him and struck Avshalom, and slew him." (Shmuel II 18:15)

36) [line 20] "VA'TESATZAV ACHOSO ME'RACHOK [L'DE'AH MAH YE'ASEH LO.]" - "And his sister stood at a distance [to see what would happen to him.]" (Shemos 2:4)

37) [line 23] PARASHIM - horsemen
38) [line 25] BA'GAI - in the valley
39) [line 29] KI AZAL MIHA BASAR (YASHRUSEI) [YASHRUS EINAV] AZAL - however, he followed his inclination

40) [line 30] AZAH - a city of Eretz Yisrael located on the Mediterranean coast, one of the chief cities of the Pelishtim

41) [line 33] NACHAL SOREK - a valley near Beis Shemesh in the central foothills of Eretz Yisrael

42) [line 35] DILDELAH - uprooted, confounded
43) [line 40] KUSHTA - the truth
44) [line 43] V'SU, AD HASHTA DEVARIM TEME'IM KA'ACHLAH? - And furthermore, had she eaten non-Kosher items up until then?

If a person makes a vow to become a Nazir without stipulating a time period, his or her Nezirus lasts for a period of thirty days. If the person stipulates a time period, his or her Nezirus lasts for whatever amount of time he stipulated. During this period, the Nazir is not allowed to 1. cut his hair; 2. become Tamei by touching or being in the same room as a corpse; or 3. consume any products of the grapevine. (Bamidbar 6:1-21, SEFER HA'CHINUCH #377)

46) [line 45] "VA'YIVKA ELOKIM ES HA'MACHTESH ASHER BA'LECHI..." - "But HaSh-m split a hollow place that was in the jawbone, [and water came out; and when he drank, his spirit was restored and he revived; therefore he called its name Ein ha'Kore Asher ba'Lechi ("The Spring of the Supplicant [who was answered] through the Jawbone") to this day.]" (Shoftim 15:19)

47) [line 45] IVAH - desired
48) [line 48] MEKASHKESHES LEFANAV K'ZOG - [the Divine Presence] rang before him like a bell

49) [last line] "...V'HU YACHEL L'HOSHI'A ES YISRAEL..." - "[For, behold, you shall conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head; for the child shall be a Nazirite to HaSh-m from the womb; and he shall begin to save Yisrael from the hand of the Pelishtim." (Shoftim 13:5)

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