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1) [line 7] BEI AVEIDAN - the meeting places of early Christians where religious disputations were held (lit. the place of their ruin)
2) [line 8] TUR TELAG - (lit. the mountain is snowy) my hair is white 4) [line 8] KALBOHI LO NAVCHIN - (lit. my dogs do not bark) my voice is becoming inaudible
5) [line 9] TACHANOHI - (lit. my mills) my teeth 7) [line 11] TAVA TEREI MI'TELAS - two [legs] are better than three (i.e. two legs and a cane) 8) [line 11] VAI LAH L'CHADA D'AZLA V'LO ASYA - It is a pity that there is one thing that goes away and does not come back
9) [line 13] KELILA D'VARDA - a crown of roses
12) [line 17] SHINENA - well-learned person 16) [line 21] BARCHA KARCHA B'ARBA'AH - (a) a bald goat (or ram) sells for [the low price of] four Zuz! (goats are bald when compared to wooly sheep) (RASHI); (b) you are worth only as much as a bald goat (MAHARSHA) 17) [line 22] IKARA SHELIFA B'TEMANYA - (a) a castrated sheep sells for eight Zuz! (RASHI); (b) (sarcastically) you are surely of higher standing than I, since a castrated sheep is tastier than a goat (MAHARSHA) 18) [line 23] D'LO SAYIM MESA'ANEI - that he was not wearing shoes. It may have been Yom Kipur or Tisha b'Av, when wearing shoes is prohibited. The Tzeduki was lax in his observance of Mitzvos, and made fun of Rebbi Yehoshua ben Korcha for his meticulous observance. (MAHARSHA)
19) [line 25] HA D'CHAFIR V'KAVIR TAV MINEI - a dead man is better than him 21) [line 29] IKARA SHELIFA TOCHACHAH - (a) You eunuch, you started the argument by calling me names (RASHI); (b) The rebuke that I am giving you should not be confused with a fight (RABEINU CHANANEL); (c) Being castrated is a greater Mum, which is even listed in the Torah (Vayikra 21:20). Baldness, however, is not a Mum with regard to very old people. (MAHARSHA) 22) [line 33] KURKEVAN - usually the gizzard (the second stomach of a bird). In this context it appears to refer to the stomach and the intestines. 23) [line 35] SHUCHAH - (a) as if they were mere talk (Sichah), and not song or music; (b) as if they were coming from a pit (Shichah)
24) [line 35] DEI'OSAN - their reason and understanding 33) [line 49] RIMAH - the worm in a grave
34) [line 1] HAVAH DAVAR - he would take
36) [line 8] AD SHE'YIS'AKEL HA'BASAR - until the flesh decomposes
40) [line 29] YEKAL'ENAH - shall be shot [out of a slingshot]
44) [line 34] DUMAH - the Angel appointed over the spirits 48) [line 40] "... U'RKAV ATZAMOS KIN'AH" - "[A sound heart is the life of the flesh;] but envy is the rottenness of the bones." (Mishlei 14:30) - Rebbi Achai bar Yoshiyah learned from this verse that only envy causes the bones to rot.
49) [line 42] GESHASHEI - he (Rav Nachman) felt him (Rav Achai) 52) [line 47] NEGIDA - the Aramaic name for the witchcraft of Ov