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Shabbos 49

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Rashi 49b DH Mishum di'Chtiv:
The words "uv'Hanei Terei *d'Ika* l'Meimar"
should be "uv'Hanei Terei *Ika* l'Meimar"

1) [line 10] MI'MERATA D'VEINI ATMEI - wool plucked from between the flanks (of a living animal, which contains moisture)

2) [line 16] NESORES SHEL CHARASHIM - sawdust of the carpenters
3) [line 16] NE'ORES SHEL PISHTAN DAKAH - (O.F. areste) tow; the broken fibers of flax that are separated after having been thoroughly beaten

4) [line 19] GUF NAKI - a "clean" body, explained below
5) [line 20] SHE'LO YAFI'ACH BAHEN- that he should not expel gas when wearing them
6) [line 23] YENAKRU ES MOCHO - they will pierce his skull (at the place where the Tefilin Shel Rosh are placed)

7) [line 24] KASDOR - (O.F. menestrel) officer. The English word quaestor or questor (a state official, originally a prosecutor or judge in certain criminal cases,) stems from this word

8) [line 30] D'AMSIL - that they are compared
9) [line 38] SHELACHIN - hides
10) [line 39] GIZEI TZEMER - shearings of wool

*11*) [line 41] MATAH AL TZIDAH V'NOTEL - "He should turn it over on its side and remove it." It is not entirely clear what the Mishnah means by this -- why will this prevent the wool stuffing on the sides of the pot from caving in? The TIFERES YISRAEL understands the Mishnah to mean that the person should only remove the food, but not the pot, so that the stuffing around it (which is Muktzah) should not cave in. However, this does not seem to be the simple meaning of the Mishnah; nor is it clear why the pot must be tipped over in order to accomplish this. From the RAMBAM's Perush ha'Mishnah it is evident that the pot, which is inside a large box, either does not have stuffing around its sides, or has sturdy stuffing around it which will not cave in. The stuffing that is problematic is over the cover of the pot, at the opening of the box. If the pot is removed, the stuffing above it will fall into the hole in which the pot used to sit. In order to avoid that, the box and pot are turned on their side, and then the cover of the pot is removed. The stuffing then falls on the floor, outside of the box, as the cover is removed. (Thank you to Reb Mordechai Rabin/Rabinowitz of Har Nof for pointing this out.) This, apparently, is the way that Rashi and the other Rishonim understood it as well.


12) [line 1] ABA, SHALACHA HAVAH - my father (Rebbi Yosi) was a tanner
13) [line 2] NESARIN - boards
14) [line 6] AVUDIN - worked, prepared
15) [line 17] HADUR YASVEI - another time they (the scholars mentioned at the bottom of Daf 49a) were sitting

16) [line 29] LA'ASOS TZERACHAV - to have relations with her
17) [line 32] D'SHALIM LEI AVIDTA - the work (for the construction of the Mishkan) was completed

18) [line 47] BAR YOMEI - (a) a student who had come that day for first time to the Beis ha'Midrash (RASHI); (b) Rav Idi, who was called "Bar Bei Rav d'Chad Yoma," since it took him so much time to travel to his teacher that he was only able to spend *one day* in the Beis ha'Midrash before he needed to start back (Chagigah 5b) (ARUCH)

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