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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 30


(a) Rava rules after Pesach like Rebbi Yochanan and Shmuel 9who hold like Rebbi Shimon).
Does Rebbi Shimon permit Chametz after Pesach be'Hana'ah?

(b) Does he also forbid a mixture of Chametz?

(c) And how about a mixture that contains Chametz which a Jew had retained whole during Pesach and which fell into the mixture only after Pesach?

(d) According to Rava, who rules on Pesach, like Rav and Rebbi Yochanan, what is the difference between Chametz and other Isurim?

(a) Rav declared that all Chametz pots must be destroyed before Pesach. Why can they not be kept until after Pesach and used with different kinds of foods than those with which they were used before?

(b) For which two reasons is the Halachah not like Rav?

(c) Shmuel permits pots after Pesach, in keeping with his earlier ruling. What warning did he issue the potters of Sura?

(d) Seeing as he rules like Rebbi Shimon anyway, why did he word the warning the way he did?

(a) What did Rava bar Ahila'i rule with regard to that oven which they had smeared with fat, and why was he so strict?

(b) The Beraisa forbids bread that was kneaded with milk.
What does the Tana say about an oven that was smeared with fat, and what does Rava bar Ahila'i say to that?

Answers to questions



(a) In spite of the fact that Rava bar Ahila'i is disproved, Rav rules that pots are permanently forbidden, because the Beraisa that permits ovens speaks about *metal* ovens, whereas his ruling concerns pots that are made of *earthenware*.
Why should their Halachos differ?

(b) Alternatively, the Beraisa might even be speaking about an earthenware oven, and still it will be permitted after heating.
Why would that be?

(c) Then why can one not heat the pots too, by heating them from the inside?

(d) What is a Buchya? Is there any way that it can be Kashered?

(a) Rav Ashi used to buy new knives for Pesach.
Does this mean that knives cannot be Kashered for Pesach?

(b) How did Rav Ashi instruct the Kashering to be done (without burning the handle)?

(c) What is the Halachah?

(a) How did Rav Huna Brei de'Rav Yehoshua instruct them to Kasher a wooden ladle?

(b) What major principle do we learn from his ruling?

(c) How would one therefore Kasher a spoon that was used exclusively in a K'li Sheni?

(a) Why can green-clay, lead-plated vessels not be Kashered?

(b) How about black-clay or white-clay ones?

(c) At first, the Gemara was not sure about the latter.
In what circumstances was the initial Sha'aleh not applicable?

(d) By which kinds of vessels then, does the Torah prescribe Kashering in fire or water?

(a) Mereimar permitted all kinds of clay vessels which were used for Yayin Nesech (i.e. S'tam Yeinam) to be Kashered? Is this because Yayin Nesech is only mi'de'Rabbanan?

(b) If not, then why *did* he permit them to be Kashered?

(a) Shmuel permitted (even withouot Kashering) all Chametz-vessels which were only used for cold, with the exception of a yeast-dish.
Why is a yeast-dish more stringent than other vessels?

(b) Which vessel does Rav Ashi compare to a yeast-dish?

(c) Rava also compares a kneading-trough to a yeast-dish
Why might we have thought otherwise?

(a) If a non-Jew lent a Jew money against a security of Chametz, the Chametz is permitted after Pesach.
Under which conditions is this the case?

(b) If a Jew lent a non-Jew against his Chametz, the Chametz is forbidden after Pesach.
Under which conditions is this so?

(a) Abaye says that a creditor claims retroactively;
What does this mean?

(b) What does Rava say?

(c) Does it mean that if the borrower sells the mortgaged property or is Makdish it, then, according to Rava, the creditor cannot claim it?

(d) If not, then what *does* it mean?

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