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Pesachim 117

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Rashbam 117a DH Yehoshua v'Chol Yisrael Amruhu:
The words "*v'Asi* l'Meimar d'Chol Hani d'Amran"
should be "*Ha Matzi* l'Meimar d'Chol Hani d'Amran"

[2] Tosfos 117a DH Hachi Garsinan she'Omdim:
The words "Anu Tzrichin Lomar Bo *Haleluy-h* Halelu"
should be "Anu Tzrichin Lomar Bo *Ki Haleluy-h* Halelu" (RASHASH)

[3] Rashbam 117b DH v'Neima Ad Haleluy-h:
The words "Ad *v'Lo Ad* bi'Chlal"
should be "Ad *v'Ad* bi'Chlal *ka'Parich*"
This is the Girsa of the Rashbam manuscript, which contains an additional
Dibur, in which "Ad v'Lo Ad bi'Chlal" is the Dibur ha'Maschil (see Dikdukei Sofrim #300)

[4] Rashbam 117b DH d'Aftarta:
The words "v'Rabeinu *Shelomo* Haya Omer"
should be "v'Rabeinu *ZTZ"L* Haya Omer"
This is the Girsa in the Rashbam manuscript (Dkdukei Sofrim #3)

1a) [line 1] KEISY-H - "va'Yomer, Ki Yad Al *Kes Y-h*, Milchamah la'Sh-m ba'Amalek, mi'Dor Dor" - "And he said, 'For the hand is on *the throne of HaSh-m*: HaSh-m maintains a war against Amalek, from generation to generation.'" (Shemos 17:16)
b) [line 1] YEDIDY-H - "va'Yishlach b'Yad Nasan ha'Navi, va'Yikra Es Shemo *Yedidyah*, Ba'avur HaSh-m" - "He sent word through Nasan ha'Navi and called his name *Yedidyah*, because of HaSh-m." (Shmuel II 12:25) - Nasan ha'Navi called Shelomo, "Yedidyah," which literally means "beloved of HaSh-m."
c) [line 2] MERCHAVY-H - "Min ha'Meitzar Karasi Y-h, Anani va'*Merchav Y-h* - "From the straits did I call upon HaSh-m; *HaSh-m* answered me *with expansiveness*, (or He answered me with *the expansiveness of HaSh-m*)." (Tehilim 118:5)

2) [line 7] TILEI - the Tehilim
3) [line 8] CHAVIVA - (lit. loved one) Rebbi Chiya, Rav's uncle
4a) [line 12] NITZU'ACH - (a) glory; (b) using a conductor (as in la'Menatze'ach - e.g. Tehilim 4:1)
b) [line 12] NIGUN - a method of playing on a musical instrument (as in "la'Menatze'ach bi'Neginos" - ibid.)

5) [line 13] MASKIL - using an announcer
6) [line 16] SHIR SHEBA'TORAH - the Shirah of Az Yashir in Parsas Beshalach
7) [line 19] AL KOL PEREK V'PEREK - at every significant event
8) [line 25] B'VECHI - (a) in Baalbek (En Bechi, later Heilopoplis) an ancient city of Syria, renowned for its temples and bazaars; (b) in sorrow, crying (Rashbam explains that this is a euphemism. The Idol was actually happy [i.e. its worshippers rejoiced in its service])

9) [line 27] KENEGED ATZMO AMARAN - he said them for himself, i.e. for his own salvation

10) [line 30] TURGEMAN - a speaker, announcer
11) [line 33] KALUS ROSH - lightheadedness, flippancy
12) [line 34] "V'ATAH KECHU LI MENAGEN ..." - "And now bring for me a musician, and it came to pass, when the musician played, that the Hand of HaSh-m was upon him" (Melachim II 3:15)

13) [line 35] V'CHEN L'DAVAR HALACHAH - and similarly if one begins to delve into the subject of a certain Halachah, he should not start with laxity, sadness etc., rather with lightheartedness stemming from the happiness of doing a Mitvah

14) [line 36] NOTFOS MAR - drip bitterness
15) [line 36] TICHVENAH - [his lips] shall be burnt
16) [line 37] "SIFSOSAV SHOSHANIM, NOTFOS MOR OVER" - lit., "his lips are like roses dripping flowing myrrh"; allegorically, "his lips that are learning, drip bitterness that goes away (instead of burning his lips)" - YA'AVETZ (Shir ha'Shirim 5:13)

17) [line 39] MILSA DI'VDICHUSA - something humorous
18) [line 39] BADCHU RABANAN - the students were cheerful
19) [line 40] EIMSA - awe
20) [line 41] HALEL ZEH, MI AMARO? - who was the first one to say Halel
21) [line 54] KARA'EI MOSIFIN - the prominent Chachamim who were specialists in Tanach


22) [line 16] TZELOSA - Shemoneh Esrei
23) [line 17] RACHAMEI NINHU - the blessings of Shemoneh Esrei are petitions for the future (and there "*Go'el* Yisrael" is said, which refers to the future redemption)

24) [line 23] AFTARTA - [the blessings of] the Haftarah
25) [line 32] KEVI'A V'KAIMA - is always fixed, every seventh day
26) [line 33] V'KAV'EI LI'SHANEI - and fix the number of days and months in the years

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