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Pesachim 96

PESACHIM 96 - dedicated by Uri Wolfson in honor of his Chavrusa, Rav Mordechai Rabin of Har Nof.

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Rashi 96b DH u'Shelamim ha'Ba'im Machmas Pesach:
The words "Kach Shamati" should be removed since they do not appear in the
manuscripts (Dikdukei Sofrim #30, 40).
This is evident because Rashi states with regard to the Lashon Acher in the
following Dibur ha'Maschil, "v'Zu Shamati."

1) [line 10] HEICHA AKTERINHU? - where did they offer them?
2) [line 11] D'LO SHEVISKI AVUD - that they did not roast them (and eat them)?
3) [line 15] MIKECHO MIBE'ASOR - the lamb for the Korban Pesach was designated on the tenth of Nisan

4) [line 15] HAZA'AH B'AGUDAS EZOV - sprinkling of the blood with a bundle of hyssop (as mentioned in Shemos 12:22)


(a) The Torah states, "Do not try to transfer or exchange [an animal that has been designated as a Korban for another animal], neither a good animal for a bad one, nor a bad one for a good one. If you do exchange an animal of Kodesh for one that is not, both the original animal and the one given in exchange for it, will be Kodesh." (Vayikra 27:10,11)
(b) The second animal (= the Temurah) is *usually* a valid Korban, and must also be offered on the Mizbe'ach.

*6*) [line 14] KAMASHMA LAN D'IKA TEMURAS HA'PESACH D'LO KARVAH - that is, one might have thought that the Temurah of a Pesach is not considered to be "Nidcheh b'Yadayim" if it present at the time of the Hakravas ha'Pesach, since it was not really fit to be a Pesach in either case. The Mishnah reveals that it *is* Nidcheh, and therefore must graze until it becomes a Ba'al Mum. (RASHI)

7) [line 34] ALYAH - the (fatty) tail

Only kid goats or sheep during their first year may be offered as a Korban Pesach. If an animal was designated as a Pesach but was not offered on the first Pesach after its birth, it becomes a Korban Shelamim (since it may no longer be offered as a Korban Pesach).

Rashi offers two explanations: Mosar ha'Pesach or Chagigas Arba'ah Asar.

Examples of Mosar ha'Pesach include a Temurah of a Korban Pesach (see above, entry #5) and an animal dedicated as a Korban Pesach that was not brought because its owner sacrificed another animal as his Korban Pesach.

(a) The Torah requires that each Korban Pesach be eaten by a designated group of people. When many people share a Korban Pesach such that there is not enough meat to provide a full meal for each of them, a Korban Chagigah is brought along with it. The members of the group eat the Korban Chagigah before the Korban Pesach to ensure that they eat the Korban Pesach Al ha'Sova (when they are satiated) (see Insights to Pesachim 70:1).
(b) This Korban Chagigah is not to be confused with the Korban Chagigah that a person must bring during all festivals. Every Jewish male is obligated to come to the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash on Pesach, Shavuos and Sukos, and bring an animal as a Korban Chagigah, as the Torah states, "Shalosh Regalim Tachog Li ba'Shanah" (Shemos 23:14).

10) [line 35] SEMICHAH
Semichah refers to the Mitzvah for a person to press his hands with all his might on the head of his sacrifice before it is slaughtered, as described in Vayikra (1:4).

11) [line 35] NESACHIM
This refers to the Korban Minchah (meal-offering) and wine libation which are brought together with a Korban Shelamim (or Olah) as described in Bamidbar (15:3-16).

The chest and the hind leg of the Korban Shelamim were waved in a prescribed manner and were then given as a gift to the Kohanim, as described in Vayikra (7:28-36).

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