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Pesachim 51

1) [line 2] KUTA'EI - the Kusim (see Background to Eruvin 36:12)
2) [line 3] MESARCHEI MILASA - they confound one thing with another (if you permit them one thing, they will allow themselves another)

3) [line 13] KEVUL - Cabul, a place southeast of Akko
4) [line 15] LA'AZAH ALEIHEN - they (the people of Kevul) derided them (the sons of Raban Gamliel)
5) [line 17] BAYIS HA'CHITZON - the outer room of the bathhouse
6) [line 18] KORDEKISON - low and loose-fitting shoes not fastened by any ties; slippers
7) [line 19] B'VEIRI - a town in the Galilee
8) [line 33] MISHTALFIN - [lest] they be taken off
9) [line 33] V'ASI L'AISUYINHU - and their owners might carry them a distance of four Amos in Reshus ha'Rabim, thus violating the Melachah of Hotza'ah

10) [line 41] D'A'YATRA - [the Chelev] that is on the Yeser (the straight side of the stomach)
11) [line 42] KASYEI MINAIHU - he hid it from them
12) [line 44] SHAVINCHU K'KUTA'EI - he is treating you like Kusim (for whom Rav Chisda ruled that it is forbidden to permit [or eat in front of them] foods that they abstain from eating)

13) [line 46] KAIFINAN LEHU - we (the scholars of Bavel) are subordinate to them (the scholars of Eretz Yisrael), since they have Semichah and we do not

14) [line 47] AVDINAN KAVASAIHU - we must act according to their ruling


(a) The Torah requires that farmers desist from working the land every seventh year, as described in Vayikra 25:1-7. The fruits that grow during the seventh (Shevi'is) year are holy to the extent that (i) they must be considered ownerless. Anyone may come into any field and pick the fruit that he intends to eat. (ii) The fruits may not be bought and sold in a normal fashion. (iii) The Torah also requires that they be eaten in the normal way for each fruit.
(b) The word "Sefichim" means "aftergrowth," i.e. that they grew by themselves and were not planted for harvesting this year. According to the Torah, Sefichim may be eaten. The Rabanan decreed that it is forbidden to eat Sefichin of vegetables and grains, since people might plant their fields and claim that the produce grew by itself.

16) [last line] KEVI'A D'YARCHA - the fixed regulation of the lunar calendar

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