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Pesachim 50

1) [line 3] "V'HAYAH BA'YOM HA'HU LO YIHEYEH OR YEKAROS V'KIPA'ON ..." - "And it shall come to pass on that day that there shall neither be bright light nor thick darkness ..." (Zecharya 14:6)

2a) [line 5] SHE'YAKAR BA'OLAM HA'ZEH - that is important (and bright) in this world
b) [line 5] V'KAFUY LA'OLAM HA'BA - [will be] unsubstantial in the world to come

3) [line 10] CHALASH V'ISNEGID - he fell sick and underwent clinical death
4) [line 17] "BA'YOM HA'HU YIHEYEH AL METZILOS HA'SUS KODESH LA'SH-M V'HAYAH HA'SIROS B'VEIS HASH-M KA'MIZRAKIM LIFNEI HA'MIZBE'ACH" - "On that day shall there be inscribed on the ornaments of the horses, Kodesh la'Ha'Sh-m; and the pots in the house of HaSh-m shall be like the basins before the Mizbe'ach (Zecharya 14:20)

5) [line 18] AD SHEHA'SUS RATZ U'MATZIL - the distance that a horse can run from morning until noon (lit. while a running horse still casts a shadow)

6) [line 19] METZILOS SHE'TOLIN L'SUS - the bells or ornaments that are hung on the forehead of a horse

7) [line 21] "V'HAYAH KOL SIR B'YERUSHALAYIM UV'YEHUDAH KODESH LA'SH-M TZEVAKOS, U'VA'U KOL HA'ZOVCHIM V'LAKECHU MEHEM U'VISHLU VAHEM, V'LO YIHEYEH KENA'ANI OD B'VEIS HASH-M TZEVAKOS BA'YOM HA'HU" - "And every pot in Yerushalayim and Yehudah shall be sacred to HaSh-m; and all of those people who sacrifice Korbanos shall come and use them to cook in them. And on that day there shall be no more merchants in the house of the Lord of Hosts (Zecharya 14:21)

8) [line 23] D'DMIS'ATREI - they will become rich
9) [line 37] L'MIDRESHAH B'FIRKA - to teach the pronunciation and interpretation of the Holy Name in a public class



10) [line 2] PEROS SHEVI'IS
The Torah requires that farmers desist from working the land every seventh year, as described in Vayikra 25:1-7. The fruits that grow during the seventh (Shevi'is) year are holy to the extent that (1) they must be considered ownerless. Anyone may come into any field and pick the fruit that he intends to eat. (2) The fruits may not be bought and sold in a normal fashion. (3) The Torah also requires that they be eaten in the normal way for each fruit.
The Shemitah year is meant to teach the Jewish people to rely on HaSh-m for their sustenance, a fact that is not always clear to them during the six years in which they work their own fields.

11) [line 2] MI'MAKOM SHE'KALU - from a place where a certain fruit is unavailable [to the beasts of the field]

12) [line 4] CHAYAV L'VA'ER (SHEVI'IS: BI'UR)
(a) The fruits that grow in a Shemitah year must be treated as ownerless and anyone may pick them. (This does not exclude the owner of the field).
(b) One who harvests a crop of Shemitah fruit may only store it as long as that fruit is available to wild animals. This is learned from Vayikra 25:7. At the time that it is unavailable in the wild, he must perform Bi'ur. This includes removing all of that fruit from storage, placing it in a public domain and declaring it Hefker (Halachically ownerless) in front of three Jewish men. These men may even be the owner's friends, such that he is in the position to reclaim the fruit from Hefker.

13) [line 12] SHEMUTEI LO MESHAMTINAN LEI - he is not excommunicated
14) [line 17] NIDNUD AVEIRAH - even a slight hint of a sin
15) [line 18] ZARIZ V'NISKAR - diligent and rewarded
16) [line 19] SHAFEL - lazy, indolent
17) [line 27] MEFANKUSA - daintiness
18) [line 36] SECHAR ISHTO - the wages of his wife
19) [line 36] RECHAYIM - a flour mill
20) [line 37] MASKULTA - (a) a balance scale that his wife rents out (RASHI); (b) spun thread that is sold by its weight. It is immodest to spin thread in public because his wife's forearms become uncovered during the process (TOSFOS, RABEINU CHANANEL)

21) [line 37] AGARTA - rent money [for the mill]
22) [line 37] AVDAH U'MEZABNAH - (a) if he buys and sells millstones (RASHI); (b) if his wife does her handiwork at home, and the products are sold by others, so that she need not enter the marketplace

23) [line 38] KANIM - sticks
24) [line 38] KANKANIM - jugs
25) [line 39] APACHZAIHU - their volume
26) [line 39] SHALTA BEHU EINA - they become effected by the evil eye of others
27) [line 40] TAGAREI SIMTA - merchants who sell their wares in public
28) [line 42] D'TAHU BEI INSHEI - people wonder about it
29) [line 43] METURGEMANIN - those who recite the Targum after each Pasuk of the Torah
30) [line 48] TAGAREIHEN - their middle men
31) [line 50] BENEI BAISHAN - the people of Baishan
32) [line 50] TZOR - Tyre
33) [line 50] TZIDON - Sidon
34) [line 51] AVHASIN - our fathers
35) [line 53] BENEI CHOZA'EI - the people of Mechusa
36) [line 53] ME'AROZA - from rice or millet
37) [last line] NICHLEH ZAR B'APAIHU - a person, not from the family, should eat it in front of them

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