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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Nidah 52


(a) Having said that a girl who has brought two hairs is obligated to keep all the Mitzvos in the Torah, why does the Mishnah need to add 'O Choletzes O Misyabemes'?

(b) Then why does the Tana need to mention this by a boy, where the Torah explicitly writes "Ish", and there is no room for misunderstanding?

(c) Until when can a girl (who has been married off by her mother or brother) make Miy'un - according to the Chachamim?

(a) When does Rebbi Yehudah agree with the Rabbanan, that a girl can no longer make Miy'un after she has brought two hairs - even *before* there there is a lot of black.

(b) What does Rebbi Yishmael learn from "ve'Hi Lo Nispasah"?

(c) What happened to Rebbi Yishmael's daughter, and why did the Chachamim weep?

(d) WHat is the basis of the Machlokes Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Yishmael, and is the Halachah like Rebbi Yehudah, Rebbi Yishmael or the Rabbanan?

(a) What does Rebbi Yehudah mean when he says 'Ad she'Yarbeh ha'Shachor'?
Rav Chelbo quotes Rav Huna as saying that, the two hairs have to have holes.
(b) What does Rav Malkiyo say about that?
Some say that the author of 'Shefod', 'Shefachos' and 'Gumos' (our case) is Rav Malkiyo; of 'Beluris', 'Eifer Makleh' and 'Gevinah', Rav Malkiya.
Others ascribe Meimros of the Gemara to Rav Malkiyo, and statements regarding a Mishnah or a Beraisa, to Rav Malkiyo.
(c) What is the meaning of the Si'man 'Masnita Malkesa'?

(d) Over what are they arguing?

(a) Why is there no Mishnah or Beraisa to teach us Rav Malkiyo's Din?

(b) What did Iyov ask Hashem, and what did Hashem answer him?

(c) What problem does that leave us with, regarding the previous answer?

(d) How do we resolve this problem?

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5) According to Rav Yehudah quoting Shmuel, the two hairs do not need to grow next to each other.

(a) Must they both grow on the location of the Ervah?

(b) What does Rav Ashi say about this?

6) Rebbi Chanina ben Chachinai told Rebbi Shimon that Ben Shelakos testified in front of all the Chachamim that a girl could make Miy'un until she has a lot of hair, and nobody (including Rebbi Akiva) protested.
(a) What did Rebbi Akiva have to say about this, when Rebbi Shimon told that to him?

(b) What are the other two opinions regarding up to when a girl can make Miy'un?

(a) What does the Mishnah mean when it speaks about the two hairs of ...
1. ... the Parah Adumah?
2. ... of Nega'im?
(b) What are the three opinions regarding the size of the those hairs, and what is the Halachah?
8) Rebbi Meir holds that a woman who sees a blood-stain 'Mekulkeles.
(a) What exactly does this mean?

(b) What do the Chachamim (alias Rebbi Chanina ben Antignos) say about this?

(c) In which cases does Rebbi Chanina ben Antignos agree that a bloodstain results in Zivus?

(d) Why does Rebbi Chanina need to add the second case (of two sightings from her body and one on the cloth), since it is a Kal va'Chomer from the first case?

9) Rava acclaims Rebbi Chanina's opinion, because 'What is the difference whether a woman finds *less than* three Gerisin in one place (when even the Rabbanan agree that she is not a Zavah, because we say that she saw them on two different days), or three Gerisin in one place - when we can also say that the third sighting was that of a louse?
(a) What will the Rabbanan answer to that?

(b) Having said that we only contend with Zivus if she finds stains on three separate cloths, how can Rebbi Chanina say to the Rabbanan that he does not contend with stains which are in *one place* on one cloth, from which we can infer that if they were in *three places* on the one cloth, then he *would* contend with them?

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